Last Person #5

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yes, yes it did...I figured it out....I forgot to have fruit. I only had oatmeal and a couple hard boiled eggs
Indeed! Fruit is essential.
now not only does he still have the man bun... but the man bun is blonde and black and the rest of the hair is a navy blue
Yeah, but certain people (particularly those in law enforcement) appear to frown at that. Besides, I am extremely sartorially selective, and prison orange looks HORRID on me... as do broad stripes.
Finicky... Do you want techs motivated to perform, or what? Anyways, you're the one who brought up the possibility of killing them, not me!
The coding system inbound backlog was finally fixed at 10:00 am EST today. The docs came flooding in - we now have over 2,000 to catch up on. The coders are not sure whether to be happy or run away screaming.

At the same time the coding system was fixed, the portion of the billing system crashed, and charge capture had to be postponed by 24 hours.

One of my two most capable coding managers handed in her resignation. I can't blame her, but I am devastated. Due to lack of resources and the burnout factor in this job, we'd once again lost a great specialist and a great person.

I didn't fall out of any of the balance poses in yoga. And I am still delighted by my month-old knowledge of the difference between Up Dog and Cobra (after three years of taking yoga).

There is the most lovely gentle rain falling outside. I can practically hear my plants sing. That is all.
Since we all agree the apples are ruined you can go ahead throw those in the trash ajd just eat the bacon. Problem solved.


Got it backwards Capin..... get rid of the vile bacon....and while your at it throw out the tainted apples too....

Just go with this

Forget the bacon

Got it backwards Capin..... get rid of the vile bacon....and while your at it throw out the tainted apples too....

Just go with this

Forget the bacon
Don't ye know it be a sin to throw away bacon? Aye it be true. The last poor scalawag to throw away bacon... He be swimmin with the fish in Davy Jones locker

Got it backwards Capin..... get rid of the vile bacon....and while your at it throw out the tainted apples too....

Just go with this

Forget the bacon
I am actually allergic to uncooked apples. Not a joke - it's a medically established fact. If I have a fresh apple, I start looking like the Elephant Man in about 15 minutes. It's hilarious (according to @gpseymour ) but highly unattractive and very inconvenient. I can have apple pie, apple butter, or, for that matter bacon-wrapped apples. But not fresh apples. That stuff can kill you!
I am actually allergic to uncooked apples. Not a joke - it's a medically established fact. If I have a fresh apple, I start looking like the Elephant Man in about 15 minutes. It's hilarious (according to @gpseymour ) but highly unattractive and very inconvenient. I can have apple pie, apple butter, or, for that matter bacon-wrapped apples. But not fresh apples. That stuff can kill you!
An apple allergy?! Wow... Then I'm guessing eating fresh apples while practicing yoga in the mud must be extremely fatal!
An apple allergy?! Wow... Then I'm guessing eating fresh apples while practicing yoga in the mud must be extremely fatal!
Did you confuse me with @Xue Sheng ? :)

Unlike Xue, I am not allergic to yoga or mud. Or to Zumba. I am allergic to apples, peanuts, grass, trees (you can start laughing now - we live in the woods), pet dander (we have five animals), dust, bee stings, spider bites, and synthetic scents.
I am actually allergic to uncooked apples. Not a joke - it's a medically established fact. If I have a fresh apple, I start looking like the Elephant Man in about 15 minutes. It's hilarious (according to @gpseymour ) but highly unattractive and very inconvenient. I can have apple pie, apple butter, or, for that matter bacon-wrapped apples. But not fresh apples. That stuff can kill you!

Then don't have fresh apples.... or bacon....bacon is bad.....and wrong....and evil
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