Last Person #5

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Um...I PAY my support. I am talking about when the ex probably wants to buy herself some fancy new electronic toy, but they tell the father, "Yeah I spent X amount of dollars on the kid, so you need to reimburse me half."

I say, "No problem...just give me the receipt for my records first."

And then no receipt is presented. IE...there never was anything bought for the child.

Scamming CAN go both ways. The mom isn't automatically the better parent and/or a saint simply because the child can grow inside her.
Never said scamming.
My dad was just a jerk that way, and mom never let on.
Don't get me wrong, I love my old man, but that was something I can't get behind.
He didn't pay a lot to begin with.

I also don't think that the other parent owes you for money YOU spend on the kid.
make a plan and hash it out before hand.
Or hope he fell off a turnip truck and does not notice that it's for the new fancy online boutique?

I am allergic to games like that.
I so wish it would stop raining. It's pretty much been raining for three months, with intermittent periods of heavy cloudy.
Celebrating 20 years together this weekend.

Seen some good times and some bad times.

Here is to hopefully 20 more.


It’s been a great hat.
Congratulations! That is very special. Did you go out to dinner to celebrate?;)
After a reasonable demonstration of my having a clue of the four kata parts I've already learned, I was allowed to dip my toes into the fifth and last part - the staff kata. @gpseymour says the "snaps" against upper arms and ribs are part of the conditioning. I agree with him. But it still hurts.

On another note... I wish people would stop trying to sell me dresses that zip up the back. I don't care the zipper is invisible. I only care that it's in the back. Have you seen my arms? They are dwarf arms. They don't go that way. The next dress that zips up the back had better come with a personal zipper assistant or not at all. I have ziperless dresses - casual, business, and formal - it can be done! Get on with it! That is all!
After a reasonable demonstration of my having a clue of the four kata parts I've already learned, I was allowed to dip my toes into the fifth and last part - the staff kata. @gpseymour says the "snaps" against upper arms and ribs are part of the conditioning. I agree with him. But it still hurts.

On another note... I wish people would stop trying to sell me dresses that zip up the back. I don't care the zipper is invisible. I only care that it's in the back. Have you seen my arms? They are dwarf arms. They don't go that way. The next dress that zips up the back had better come with a personal zipper assistant or not at all. I have ziperless dresses - casual, business, and formal - it can be done! Get on with it! That is all!
In the past, dresses came with a zipper on the left....still dumb, but doable.
As I pointed out before - if that's what it's like on the receiving end, imagine what it's like actually experiencing one of those. :)
I've been on the receiving end of punches, kicks, throws, etc. Always was much better to be on the other side...
I so wish it would stop raining. It's pretty much been raining for three months, with intermittent periods of heavy cloudy.
You're in Hawaii... it's supposed to rain pretty regular there, as I hear it... something about rain forests...
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