Last Person #5

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Day is half over, and suddenly the bottom just dropped out. Things were moving along at a good clip, and then it all just fizzled.
Took my phone to Staples last night because I heard they can replace phone screens. Turns out they could NOT replace mine. Why? Because the spill my phone took also bent the frame out of shape, and it is their policy to not do anything if that has happened. They could have still replaced the screen, but without bending it back, it would have done no good. Yippee.

Well, things could be worse. Luckily I had some emergency money set aside, and I was able to order a NEW phone for only slightly more than it would have cost to have the screen replaced!
Took my phone to Staples last night because I heard they can replace phone screens. Turns out they could NOT replace mine. Why? Because the spill my phone took also bent the frame out of shape, and it is their policy to not do anything if that has happened. They could have still replaced the screen, but without bending it back, it would have done no good. Yippee.

Well, things could be worse. Luckily I had some emergency money set aside, and I was able to order a NEW phone for only slightly more than it would have cost to have the screen replaced!

My son’s phone was stolen at school Wednesday. I had to pay off the stolen one and get another one yesterday.

So I feell your pain.
My son’s phone was stolen at school Wednesday. I had to pay off the stolen one and get another one yesterday.

So I feell your pain.

I am just trying to keep in mind that it could be worse. It made me out an extra $200 that I was not EXPECTING to be out.

So maybe the "worse" is in the future, when I need that $200 for something but don't have it. LOL
Good luck.

Thanks! It is a series called "Investigator Specialist." There are several kinds you can take. I signed up for Beverage Control, Motor Vehicles, and Law, but I avoided signing up for Narcotics Investigator. One thing I remember from SERPICO: when you work in Narcotics, it's very easy to get set up!
Thanks! It is a series called "Investigator Specialist." There are several kinds you can take. I signed up for Beverage Control, Motor Vehicles, and Law, but I avoided signing up for Narcotics Investigator. One thing I remember from SERPICO: when you work in Narcotics, it's very easy to get set up!

Forget Serpico.

Best job in L.E. is narcotic agent.
Not if he went through even half of what he claims! LOL

I’ve worked corrections, patrol, detectives, and narcotics...... and they will have to drag me out kicking and screaming before I would transfer out of the narcotics division. By far....enjoy the narcotics division the best.
I’ve worked corrections, patrol, detectives, and narcotics...... and they will have to drag me out kicking and screaming before I would transfer out of the narcotics division. By far....enjoy the narcotics division the best.

Soooooo you're a Narc...huh :D
I’ve worked corrections, patrol, detectives, and narcotics...... and they will have to drag me out kicking and screaming before I would transfer out of the narcotics division. By far....enjoy the narcotics division the best.

What is it about the job that makes you enjoy it so much?
What is it about the job that makes you enjoy it so much?

More freedom...Daily Attire, Schedule, Hair (head and face), etc..
Less Pressure Coming from Violent crime
Just more fun...Its more Proactive, in that you aren't just going from call to call working complaints and calls. Narcotics you gather intel and pick your targets you are going to hunt. Kinda like a game.
Way more exciting....Undercover, surveillance, Buy Busts, Jumpouts, Clearing houses, etc...
More tactical...We get the SWAT training and probably do more entries, takedowns, and building clearing than SWAT actually does.
More freedom...(Daily Attire, Schedule, Hair, etc...)
Less Pressure (Coming from Violent crimes)
Just more fun...Its more Proactive, in that you aren't just going from call to call working complaints and calls. Narcotics you gather intel and pick your targets you are going to hunt. Kinda like a game.
Way more exciting....Undercover, surveillance, Buy Busts, Jumpouts, Clearing houses, etc...
More tactical...We get the SWAT training and probably do more entries, takedowns, and building clearing than SWAT actually does.
And a whole LOT more narcotics!
Thanks! It is a series called "Investigator Specialist." There are several kinds you can take. I signed up for Beverage Control, Motor Vehicles, and Law, but I avoided signing up for Narcotics Investigator. One thing I remember from SERPICO: when you work in Narcotics, it's very easy to get set up!
Would beverage control be busting stores that sell soda in 20oz containers? Or is it more like selling booze to kids?
Thanks! It is a series called "Investigator Specialist." There are several kinds you can take. I signed up for Beverage Control, Motor Vehicles, and Law, but I avoided signing up for Narcotics Investigator. One thing I remember from SERPICO: when you work in Narcotics, it's very easy to get set up!

do you meet the qualifications for those tests?

Either 1. five years of qualifying experience;**

Or 2. an associate’s degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, police science, criminal justice administration, criminology, criminal investigation, police studies, public justice, forensic accounting, forensic psychology, forensic science, economic crime management, or homeland security AND three years of qualifying experience;**

Or 3. a bachelor’s or higher degree in criminal justice, law enforcement, police science, criminal justice administration, criminology, criminal investigation, police studies, public justice, forensic accounting, forensic psychology, forensic science, economic crime management, or homeland security AND one year of qualifying experience;**
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