Sr. Grandmaster
I work on a floor where we get everything, the equivalent of an ingrown toenail, to active TB, a gall bladder here, some MRSA there, now of course we are wall to wall Flu....I can't help myself. It's just the way it is. There are times when I have to look up old accounts, and the message pops up the patient had passed away, and then I find out he passed away in our ER, from a massive coronary, after the team fought for him for like 28 hours straight - and it just guts me.
And we never have a month without a few 'comfort care' patients, AKA hospice. They are not going home.
Most are just old, it's there time, but a little sad.
Some get to me.
Like that old dude with the big airborne tattoo on his shoulder. Once he was a a bada** mother...Vietnam vet...
Then again. the codes are rough...the ones that are not supposed to go yet...