Last Person #5

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Saw an interesting quote about Yoga...

"Yoga, because punching people is frowned upon"

And with that...goodnight MT, wherever you are
Both. "Yoga, because punching people is frowned upon. Punching people, because downward facing dog is not going to scare anyone away." :-)
Well...... I'm off to shovel/snow blow the driveway......
when you're done, do my drive.

Boss called to make sure I wasn't in the ditch somewhere.
"No, I am smarter than that"
it's only about 1 inch, but nothing has moved on my hill yet.
I am not about to find out if I can stop at the bottom of the hill - or not.
I can come in on an off day to make up for lost time....

I never thought that living further south of your job would get you more snow....
aside form New Zealand or so....
we have maybe one inch of snow, 18 degrees, and NOBODY in the neighborhood is moving.....
Such a strange experience.
Last snow day, a few weeks ago, we had 6 inches and everybody was up and about....ATVs on the road and all.

I am - so far - not going in to work.
I live on a steep hill, and I am still not driving my own car.
Besides, to make 50 bucks I risk hundreds of repair bills? Or a trip to the hospital?

I can make it up going in this weekend, I am sure.

But for once people listen to the weatherman, telling them to stay off the road, and not make conditions worse?
we have maybe one inch of snow, 18 degrees, and NOBODY in the neighborhood is moving.....
Such a strange experience.
Last snow day, a few weeks ago, we had 6 inches and everybody was up and about....ATVs on the road and all.

I am - so far - not going in to work.
I live on a steep hill, and I am still not driving my own car.
Besides, to make 50 bucks I risk hundreds of repair bills? Or a trip to the hospital?

I can make it up going in this weekend, I am sure.

But for once people listen to the weatherman, telling them to stay off the road, and not make conditions worse?
I am very fortunate to have remote connection capability. We were supposed to have a big user acceptance testing and training session today for this system I oversee. Because of the snow, all our facilities, including the one where we were supposed to be, are on delay until noon. But everyone was still able to join via WebEx. Not quite as effective as in the classroom, but still - time not entirely wasted. And people are listening and asking questions, which is always good.
when you're done, do my drive.

Boss called to make sure I wasn't in the ditch somewhere.
"No, I am smarter than that"
it's only about 1 inch, but nothing has moved on my hill yet.
I am not about to find out if I can stop at the bottom of the hill - or not.
I can come in on an off day to make up for lost time....

I never thought that living further south of your job would get you more snow....
aside form New Zealand or so....

We have about 4 inches and it is still snowing, when it is done we could have 2 to 4 more inches, and although I do not recommend this, to give you ah idea of how this is dealt with in the Northeast..... just saw a jogger go running past my house while I was looking out the window
That's why I don't punch people I prefer to let them punch so I can go straight for the hyperextension. :D

just as long as you say 'Om' when you do're good

Good point. Let them do the work and come to me. Seriously, I haven't started a single fight in my life. I'm a protector - not an aggressor. :-D
I prefer to use the term mutual resolution. You are showing them the error of their way and persuading them not to do it again.
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We have about 4 inches and it is still snowing, when it is done we could have 2 to 4 more inches, and although I do not recommend this, to give you ah idea of how this is dealt with in the Northeast..... just saw a jogger go running past my house while I was looking out the window
We have 2-3 inches, and it looks like it's about done. No joggers, though the folks who walk their dogs will come out in this as much as they normally would in the cold (about 20F). The cold stops them more than the snow.
We have 2-3 inches, and it looks like it's about done. No joggers, though the folks who walk their dogs will come out in this as much as they normally would in the cold (about 20F). The cold stops them more than the snow.

Its in the 20s here...which is very warm by last weeks standards...and possibly next weeks standards too
Folks here were walking there dogs when we had single digit temps...I actually felt bad for the dogs, the people where all bundled up. However we had a neighbor, who moved a couple years ago, who had 2 Samoyeds that loved being out when it was below zero...... but then..they were Samoyeds.... that is to be expected.
My dogs gave me a resounding NO when I suggested they step out.
they act like I try to murder them anyhow when I clip the leash to the collar...
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