Tournament went pretty well! I took silver in forms..
I tied for first in points and then it went to split decision
I took gold in breaking and enjoyed getting all my boards
on the first try!!

Also - did a LOT of judging!
Reflection from the drive there and back: PLEASE NOTE -
if you're reading this and you happen to live in Wisconsin
or Illinois - this reflection isn't meant to be disrespectful;
it is simply my opinion. Okay - for those of you who feel
the need to use your brights when you're driving - PLEASE,
for the love of God - please don't use them when it's dark,
rainy and foggy - you're creating a hazard for yourself and
drivers around you because you're literally blinding them.
If you have your brights on and there's oncoming traffic,
turn them off!! If you're coming up behind someone - turn
them off!! Finally - if you think it's funny to ride someone's
bumper with your brights on just because you want them
to change lanes.. you're blinding them and not helping
them changes lanes because; spoiler alert, they can't see
Thank you for allowing me to rant