Last Person #5

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August 27, 1990. 27 years ago
Stevie Ray Vaughan passed away.

well its flooding down in Texas.....all of the telephone lines are down...ive been trying to call my baby.. man and i cant get a single sound...

I know this may sound foolish to some, but I was on the job when I heard he died - I had to go home.
this doesnt surprise me. having been a musician and sound guy, i find sound engineers have incredible ears. some can listen to a mix of music and know exactly what frequencies need to be adjusted. (those old enough to remember "Risky Business" will remember Tom Cruise pushing all the faders up on his dads stereo.,, thats not how that thing is supposed to be used ...:artist:)
guys i know will hear ever flat/ sharp note in a vocal, every waver, every strained note.

the problem i have is not hearing the difference, its being able to make the sound myself. my wife is Thai and i can hear stuff but my brain turns off when i try to imitate it. same with my 7 yo son to a point, he understands her perfectly well but when asked to speak Thai he has problems. (when he goes back to Thai land it takes him a few weeks to regain the ability)
weird the way the brain works.
Just wait til dementia hits...
I hope I have not ruined the relationship with my kid by then, because
a) I expect to lose my marbles (both grandmothers did, badly so)
b) it is said that the native language dominates, even if you have not spoken it in decades and believe to have 'forgotten' it.
I know this may sound foolish to some, but I was on the job when I heard he died - I had to go home.
Nope not foolish. It was the first musician since John Lennon that their death hit me like a brick wall. I had just seen him with Jeff Beck not long before.
My 13 year old flip phone was disintegrating, so my my buddy sold me his old I-phone6. Never had one of these new fangled contraptions before.

My wife got up for a drink of water last night and asked, "Why are you taking pictures of the TV with your phone?"
"Because it's the Stooges. Uncivil Warriors. You know, the classic with Charlie who walks like this."

Some women just don't understand technology.
My 13 year old flip phone was disintegrating, so my my buddy sold me his old I-phone6. Never had one of these new fangled contraptions before.

My wife got up for a drink of water last night and asked, "Why are you taking pictures of the TV with your phone?"
"Because it's the Stooges. Uncivil Warriors. You know, the classic with Charlie who walks like this."

Some women just don't understand technology.

A giant leap for man!
I am staying with the in between step,
unless physically forced, not getting a smartphone, and i anything only over my dead body!
A giant leap for man!
I am staying with the in between step,
unless physically forced, not getting a smartphone, and i anything only over my dead body!
My wife was a slow adopter, but now likes her smartphone for the few things she uses it for (phoning being the least of them). She doesn't like touchscreen keyboards, though, so she has stuck with her (now) old model with a slide-out keyboard. Nobody seems to make those anymore, so when we replace it, I have to find a case with a keyboard.

Women are trouble.
I just don't like how everybody id glued to them damn things!
mine makes calls, does text, and that is ALL I need
Should I have to upgrade (for work) I would be REALLY unhappy!
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