Lake bacteria eating boy alive after swim

I just saw this on HLN. I believe they said like only 120 something cases have been reported in like as many years though...

Not an epidemic or anything, but a scary reminder. I'm still waiting for one of these jackass scientist pulling 1000 year old cores up from the Artic to release some ancient bacteria that will wipe us all off the planet! LOL
I just saw this on HLN. I believe they said like only 120 something cases have been reported in like as many years though...

Not an epidemic or anything, but a scary reminder. I'm still waiting for one of these jackass scientist pulling 1000 year old cores up from the Artic to release some ancient bacteria that will wipe us all off the planet! LOL

Okay, and these ****wits are resurrecting dead/dormant bacteria......WHY again?

I love it when these Mad Frankenstein types get so caught up in whether they "could" do something they never stop to think if they "should" do it. No really, I do.