lack of respesct

Manny everybody is missing my point, if Larry Tatum came to me for training his rank would not mean that must since he is not from my style. I have had alot of people come to my school to do seminars and believe it is there floor when thet are here and people can ask anybody about this. I have had the pleasure of having alot of MT people come to my school to do seminars and we always had a great time but doing a seminar and getting training in my art is two different things to me atleast.
Manny everybody is missing my point, if Larry Tatum came to me for training his rank would not mean that must since he is not from my style. I have had alot of people come to my school to do seminars and believe it is there floor when thet are here and people can ask anybody about this. I have had the pleasure of having alot of MT people come to my school to do seminars and we always had a great time but doing a seminar and getting training in my art is two different things to me atleast.

That's cool Terry, infact when I'll have my own dojang I want to invited once in a while Balck belts og other MA to teach us some techs from their own styles. I am working with one karateka, one Hap Ki Doka and maybe a judoka to star train togheter to learn the basic techs of every MA, this could be nice.

And yes seminasr and training are different things, sorry if I don't got you in the first time, some times is hard to think and writte in other languaje than Spanish.

That's cool Terry, infact when I'll have my own dojang I want to invited once in a while Balck belts og other MA to teach us some techs from their own styles. I am working with one karateka, one Hap Ki Doka and maybe a judoka to star train togheter to learn the basic techs of every MA, this could be nice.

And yes seminasr and training are different things, sorry if I don't got you in the first time, some times is hard to think and writte in other languaje than Spanish.


I know Manny it is all good and remember we all have a different opinion about alot of things but we can still be friends in the world on MA.
Thing solved. Last night Hugo and I shake hands and I apology to him for my lack of touch about the incident, Hugo understand my point of view and it seems he's going to train more ofthen and prepare himself for the BB text.

FWIW (probably not much!), here's my take:

I am assuming Hugo approached Manny and started complaining he is not being tested for BB. So, Hugo essentially consented to Manny telling him that in his opinion, as a more experienced martial artist in a similar art, Hugo was not ready. I don't fault Manny at all. I think Hugo should not have approached Manny, but expressed his concerns to their sensei.

That said, I am glad everything worked out because life is too short to have tension in every area of one's life. Like we teach our guep ranks-you should relax until the technique's finished, and then end it hard. If someone is running around causing trouble, this should be someone to avoid.
There is a saying around her. The truth shall set you free but first it may piss you off. That sounds like what happened. I think that by Manny telling him the truth, the guy then got pissed off! The guy that asked the questions will either quit asking for an opinions, or will value it even more because Manny is by nature truthfully. Weather Manny should have directed him to his Master first is an entirely different thing. In our school we work as a team/family and always try to help each other to become better.
I think the kid should be thrown out, he clearly lacks the respect of a martial artist, nevermind a BB. His decision making and impulse control needs a lot of improvement.
Thank yopu very much to all mis amigos here for your coments. Yes I was wrong about about telling Hugo he is not prepared for his black belt examination that was error number 1 on me, error number 2 was not knocking off the discusion in the early moments. I Think I must apologize to Hugo for this.

I don't think you should apologize. You might tell him you only wanted to help him out, but that you'll now leave him alone - and do exactly that. If he wants advice from now on, let him seek you out.

Here's why:

In the other hand is clear that Hugo lacks humility but well..... he's just a kid or behaves just like a kid.

I really apreciate Hugo, when I knew he was at home resting and healing from his injures of the bar brawl I was worried about him, not phisically but emotionally, I really not believed what our sensei told me cause Hugo is.... just a kid and I could not pictured him drunk in a bar and fighting with more than three guys for stupid things. I could feel the the way Hugo feelt those days, wondering what went wrong.

I want Hugo to overcome all the troubles he have and wish him a good black belt test and pass it with flying colours believe me, so I was trying to make him understad he must train regulary and to improve his techs.

About rank I want to let you know that all MA practiciones deserves my respect even the lower ranks, I treat all black belts no matter what MA they practice with honor and respect, no matter Kenpo, no matter Judo, No matter capoeira, etc. and that's the way I like to be treated.

I don't care what anyone says - intentions do matter. Your intentions were to help him out, give him some pointers, help him improve - you exhibited brotherhood ... it's just that rank got in the way. For anyone to completely dismiss your experience and grade in another art is a mistake and egotistical IMHO.

Hugos fault was to be so young and reckless, my fault was to try to educate him, I am not his father and I am not his sensei, I am a grown up man who cares about him, that-s all.


While I mean absolutely everything I just typed, there are those who will resent you for helping them and there is nothing you can do in almost every such case to change this. The above is exactly what you should tell your instructor and if you feel the need to apologize to anyone, apologize to your instructor. If s/he is not aware of how bad the situation is, s/he can no longer deny knowledge of the situation.

Keep us posted, Manny. :)
Wow, most people have covered everything that needed to be said, so I guess I'm only agreeing with them ;)

No one should de-value your BB, you worked hard to earn it. That being said, you are a yellow belt, and Hugo is your senior, so it is wrong for you to offer advice to a senior rank. To put this in perspective, we practice martial arts, referring to military. You would never, I hope, tell a higher ranking officer that they are undeserving of a promotion. Things like that are disrespectful and come with heavy consequences (even if your opinion is the right one!).

Everyone has their place, and people need to know what theirs is.

I don't believe age is necessarily a factor, I have been practicing MA since I was 5, and because of MA I have always been the mature one for my age. This is because of the tenants of martial arts that I strive to live my life by.

At the same point, I don't believe Hugo should be kicked out of the dojo. He has made mistakes, but that doesn't necessarily make him a lost cause. There are times that the "cancer" needs to be surgically removed before it metastizes.. . But it doesn't sound like he is a cancer to the dojo YET.

MA can be an avenue to better his character when proper influenced and fostered.

Although, it may sound underhanded.. . Sparring him as a junior rank and humiliating him (not hurting him, there is a difference) is a great way of putting things in perspective sometimes. But it's a mute point now, since you've already spoken and made amends.

A BB, doesn't just mean you are skilled. It means you have internalized the ideals and concepts of the art. OBVIOUSLY Hugo has not done that yet, these things only come with time. You can lead a horse to water, but until he's thirsty he's not gonna drink.. .
You should still kick him..... just for saying TKD BB is worthless.....

True that. I do BJJ and Muay Thai too and I still feel like TKD is home.
We don't need to spar the make a point about the BB in TKD, my apoligy was very light (Hugo has the character of a young child), just shake hands and I apoly to not knocking off that conversation, he smiled at my and say it was nothing, I told him I just want him to encourage to come ofthen and polish his skills and techs.

I know that earning a BB in a true TKD Dojang (not McDojang) or dojo is not easy, one's have to train hard and suffer some, getting a BB is not the conclusion but not may students reach the BB status.

My BB took me 4 years and I was prepared then to earn my BB, infact I did a very good test compared to other guys and I felt I make a good test besides that year (1987) I got an special recognition and diploma for my effort and because I was one of the best studets of the year.

For me, anyblack belt in any MA deserves all my respect, earning a BB is not an easy thing.

Thank yopu very much to all mis amigos here for your coments. Yes I was wrong about about telling Hugo he is not prepared for his black belt examination that was error number 1 on me, error number 2 was not knocking off the discusion in the early moments. I Think I must apologize to Hugo for this.
All questions of who was right or wrong aside, I for one am impressed with the humility you are showing. If there is one thing in this world that approaches the impossible for some people to is to say....."I was wrong".

It is a behavior that more folks should aspire to practice more often.

Well done, Manny.
All questions of who was right or wrong aside, I for one am impressed with the humility you are showing. If there is one thing in this world that approaches the impossible for some people to is to say....."I was wrong".

It is a behavior that more folks should aspire to practice more often.

Well done, Manny.

Well..... I'm just a fair man, when I go wrong I admit it and if an apology is need it I do it. I'd rather conciliate than start a fight but, if I an right I will defend my point of view.
