Master of Arts
Oh, I see now you want to play the “victim” and claim you were possibly mislead when you are confronted with some discrepancies in your story by someone that actually might know whether what you are saying is real or not.47MartialMan said:.................
What you have to realize, people are mislead. And in the early 70's, moreso than today. I was such a person. Many people back then were mislead my orientals because of the loook and sterotyping associated with martial arts. I am not going to state, that I didnt learn some methods and routines from him. Such as the routines, that I have not seen, so far, in other schools.
But a forum such as this can educate people that are now coming into it. Don't you think that I feel humilated being mislead? Why would you, continue to bash/nsult me? Bash the siutation or that one particular man whom taught me.
How many times have I seen this on these forums.
Bash/ Insult you? Nope, haven't done that.
Discredit you? Yes I have.
Amazingly you defended your position until you were shown certain facts and then claimed you were possibly a “victim”.
I have always said if I post anything that is wrong feel free to correct me.