Unions and Origin of Capital
By John Kedrowski
Where does money come from? The heart of all our societies issues stems from this. I team my physics students that all money has a hidden exchange rate in energy. That every unit of currency is equal to an amount of joules. Whether we acknowledge this exchange rate or not has direct bearing on how we live our lives.
Simply put, if a government or private agency decides that we need to expand our money supply to the Nth degree, in order to avoid inflation, we need to collectively find places to put all of these extra units of energy. Thus, we are left with a hard choice. If our economy is predicated upon an ever expanding pool of goods that correspond to an ever expanding pool of money, then we need to do everything in our power to keep people in a position where they need to purchase.
The end result of this is an endless stream of waste where all of our national wealth ends up in a landfill. I tell my students that in the future, the only profitable place to find things of value will be in the trash. Our streams of junk have energy values attached to it that are a direct result of our every expanding money supply.
So where does money come from? Absolutely nothing. Money comes from absolutely nothing. For those of you who still think our currency is backed by gold, think again, that was ended in 1973 by President Nixon. But that action was just the death knell. Franklin Delano Roosevelt made it illegal for Americans to OWN gold. The reason why all of this is important is because it forces people to accept legal tender. If you are allowed to own nothing that could compete with the legally circulated currency, then you are bound by it.
And we are bound by it. Bound to an ever-increasing pile of trash in which our grandchildren will find a goldmine of foolishness.
In the United States, all money originates as debt. All debt originates from banks. All banks borrow from other banks. Eventually, all banks borrow from the Federal Reserve. There is nothing “Federal” about this organization.
It is owned by private corporations, by private banks, owned ultimately by shareholders. There is nothing federal about where our money originates. It is purely a fraction of what the shareholders want at any given time. Thus, the vaunted interest rate, the rate at which banks borrow from the Federal Reserve, is nothing more then a racket set by the most elite portions of this nation.
New money is created when a bank signs a loan agreement. This money is created via government fiat. At rations of 10 dollars to 1 on deposit, this can continue. Often, through creative accounting, banks can create money at rates of twenty or thirty to one and if they add fees, they can literally create infinite money because they need not hold anything on as a deposit at all.
Thus we have our infinite drive to consume, our insatiable drive to spend, our never ending stream of waste.
Enter the Unions.
In 1913, the Federal Reserve Act was passed and the latest version of a European Central Bank passed onto American soil. It had been a long time since AmericanÂ’s accepted a Central Bank, Andrew Jackson killed the last one, not before they tried to kill him twice. Once, they shot him and only wounded the war hero. The next time, both pistols misfired and the old man beat him away with his cane.
Old Hickory understood the destructive power of central banks. He was a generation away from the folk that wrote the Constitution and demanded that all money be coined in Gold or Silver. He also understood the undue influence that foreign governments could have if all of our banks were connected in this global network.
After Old Hickory killed the bank, the insidious influence of other nations who created their money by private elite fiat, begun to hold sway. Some have said that the Civil War was nothing more then the failed war of independence for our true constitutional values and that the wrong side lost.
Now we are held in awe of the Teutonic Mind Science and minimized to our parts of the cog.
When “capital” accumulated in the United States, it should be noted that capital was none other then fiat money. The individuals that had climbed high on the pile and worked through the power of government to throw their competitors down.
Thus the Federal Reserve act and the Income Tax amendment, a further raping of the individual, because now the people who create the money for the government, OWN a portion of your labor.
The last bastion against this economic tyranny is the Unions. People who donÂ’t really understand where money comes from or that elite psychopaths control us for their own benefit, understand that with a Union job, I can get a decent living wage.
Our Constitution allowed for people to organize under the bill of rights and this allowed for political movements among the people. Some of these movements turned violent. Some of these movements were subsumed by the Elite and turned into weapons against us. Women’s Suffrage is a great example, the elite pushed this in order to double the workforce, inflate the money supply, and stick all of our children in government crèche schooling so they can all be indoctrinated in obedience and self hatred.
So, what are unions now to people who control the money supply of the entire world?
An obstacle.
Unions are democracy in action. They are people demanding value for their work. They are people uniting against an onslaught of global banking interests in order to preserve their standard of living. If these global interests decide to terminate unions, they need to kill the movement through thoughtful adds and by controlling education.
If you have no idea where money comes from, how can you understand politics on this country? Jefferson would roll over in his grave!
Unions are a response to Tyranny. They are a democratic movement by people who ultimately wish to preserve the value of their money. It all comes back to my physics class. All money has a hidden exchange rate in energy. If you continue to print an infinite amount of money, then you need an infinite amount of trash and consumers. When money is created from debt, then you need to constantly lower prices in order for consumption to keep going strong.
The end result is a never ending string of political tricks that willingly convince people to impoverish themselves.
My advice to Unions is to **** Negotiation. Arm yourselves and beware of Obama. He’s got Left cover and he will break strikes “for the polar bears.” I’m not saying this will happen, but don’t’ be surprised.
Unions are going to have it really hard. Attacked from the left and the right. Everyone hates themÂ…according to the media. That is why everyone should join one. ThatÂ’s another reason why to make sure your 2nd amendment rights are upheld.
In my opinion, Unions represent the ideal that Jefferson hoped for. A little revolution now and then is good for a democracy. The unions scare the hell out of the feds. Now you know why.