L/Cpl. James Bateman and Private Jeff Doherty 2 Para.


Sr. Grandmaster
Supporting Member
Commanding Officer of 2 PARA, Lieutenant Colonel Joe O’Sullivan, paid the following tribute:
"This morning, 8 Platoon of C (Bruneval) Company was engaged by the Taliban north of their base at FOB GIBRALTAR. During the exchange of fire LCpl James Bateman and Pte Jeff Doherty were killed.
"They died doing what they had been asked to do, operating in difficult country against a dangerous enemy to make it harder for the enemy to influence the people and give those people the chance of a better life. They had patrolled the area around FOB GIBRALTAR with great skill for 2 months and had taken the fight to the Taliban in the Musa Qal’eh Wadi.
"The Battalion’s memorial stone bears the inscription ‘there is no better place in the world to be than in the midst of 2 PARA when there is a battle on’. LCpl James Bateman and Pte Jeff Doherty wanted to be in the Parachute Regiment and in the midst of 2 PARA in Afghanistan.
"Their commitment to their friends and the steadfast courage they showed as they faced their battle this morning is in the finest tradition of the Regiment and admired by us all. We will think about them, and what they were prepared to give here, and we will think about their families whose loss is so great.
"They will join Pte Charles Murray, Pte Daniel Gamble and Pte Nathan Cuthbertson and return home to where their families and the Regiment are waiting to meet them, and we will continue with our work in the Helmand River valley.

"Much is said about how difficult that work is and how long it may take, but 2 PARA is somewhat older than the Taliban; the Battalion has seen challenging times before and has always succeeded - no matter what odds have been stacked against it. So we will pay our respects and we will ensure that record is kept as our tribute to them.”