Kyusho compressions, Evan Pantazi

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Kyusho compressions, Evan Pantazi

As we advance our study in Kyusho, we find that it goes far beyond mere squeezing or pressure on a given pressure
point, it is concerned with combative skills and the realities involved. It's efficiency and adaptability enable the
practitioner to delve far beyond simplistic striking, kicking or even grappling. It also takes into account the limiting
factors of stress, environmental and situational imperatives prevalent in real conflict. To further explain these issues
think about situations where you were packed in a bus, train or elevator so tight you were pressed into everyone. What
is possible? How can you exert control or strategy in such tight confines? This is where Kyusho again excels as a
valuable asset, when regular reactionary fighting or defensive action is limited. One particular aspect is the more
advanced study and application of compressions and directional force to achieve varied results. What is meant by
compression is not simple pressing or pressure on a vital point, but more specifically the angular pulsing action into
the anatomical weakness. Some similar ideas are presented in many Martial styles, yet not with the array of targets
and methods exuded in Kyusho. Compressions are possibly dangerous and damaging if you do not work them properly
and I cannot stress enough not to try the technique mentioned in this article, or on the DVD, as they are powerful and
potentially damaging, they were done for historical record only.
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interesting video Bob, I am not a part of KI or anything but I will say that when people watch the video keep in mind that certain people dont take much on certain points to put them in an altered state of reality. There is a bell curve when it comes to PP that people have to take into account. Also if you try to do any of these techniques not everything is told on the video like if he is twisting, amount of force etc.
Thanks Bob nice video, Like your comments the best of which touches on the dynamics of combat related to Kyusho jitsu or small circle fighting. First flexibility in application which means you need to adapt to what works or presents itself (Targets of opportunity) to much of standard MA self defense relies on just doing a thing one way. Students need to learn to adapt quickly to salvage the moment to gain the effect instead of just parroting a testing requirement.

I think you touched on Angle and Direction, many key areas must be touched or hit in a descending or ascending angle which is completely different related to legal sports striking or even some traditional MA hands and feet applications.

Also energetic applications the same receptors we rely on are just gone under adrenalin dump or duress compared to the cooperative victim.

Really liked the video on close in fighting demonstrating your already there just use what you have already in knuckles, hand edge or other bony parts to apply compression with an assist.

Note: on your disclaimer lots of people do not understand that people over 40 should not allow practice manipulation on themselves more than 15 minutes in two weeks and in some case and areas not at all. Blood plaque can be released causing serious damage up to 7 years later.

Point on Pantazi: Restoration on his assistants seemed a little light and maybe to many applications or repetitions on the same person for their age?

Last a lot of people think hey I am a black belt it should work for me just like that? Master's Grand Master's that have 3/4 decades or more of training have a lot of personal Chi or Ki not to mention doing the technique thousands of times they can just lite a person up from the first touch compared to others.

Thanks for the post