My understanding is that your school offers
college degrees.
I suspected this was the problem after re-reading some posts. What you are looking for is a nationally accredited program in Martial Arts. Now, I am not the owner or even on the board of MSU, so I could be speaking without knowledge, but I will attempt to clarify. Accreditation is difficult and often contentious. Accreditation has nothing to do with disseminating results of studies, but rather, of some larger body which decrees that a college has the appropriate teaching standards and policies. It forces the school to stay up to date and offers people the ability to transfer credits. Can you imagine some larger body being formed and actually agreeing upon how to teach the martial arts? Much less Kenpo! The ATAMA tried to do this and is still forging forward, but I find it unlikely that you will ever see a thriving institution.
There are great accredited schools as well as crappy ones. Each one can turn out good students or bad students. One of the best and brightest at my work (major Aerospace corp) does not even have a degree, yet people look to him for answers. So, do I trust a college degree... not always. Do I believe they at least offer some clue as to determination, yes. The end result is dependent upon the individual. Accreditatioin or otherwise.
Is it that simple? Two pitchers throw the ball in different ways. Each achieves good effects.
If good effects are what you want then fine. I agree. But if you want to achieve the best possible effects, human anatomy must be considered. Why has the upper limit on fastballs not been improving since the 50's? Because no one can exceed the confines of human anatomy. All fastball pitching that exceeds the upper limit of about 100MPH I bet throw identically. Curve balls are thrown differently because they need to achieve a different effect.
So, if there is not a correct anatomical way to perform complex sports moves, why is this
guy a record holder? And why do NBA stars seek him out to teach them how to shoot? Because human anatomy dictates fundamentals of movement!
The link is interesting, but I think you're confusing 'logical' and 'scientific' with 'pedantic' and 'detailed'. It's argued like a humanist taking a position, not like a scientist supporting one.
The article was written by someone who is a chiropracter for a bulletin board full of novices. It was his attempt to disseminate information to the general public. Logical? I call describing the synergist/antagonist muscles involved logical. Perhaps you don't. Were Dr. Crouch to explain in every minute detail he would lose everyone. He is that knowledgable. If you really want that information, ask him, he will share. Does that get you anywhere? No, knowledge without application is useless. We learn application first.
In any event, Martial Science University seems an inflated name for a group that has no physical school, a free web site, lacks a cohort of academically trained staff (correct me if I am mistaken here--it's not clear from the web pages), doesn't grant degrees or if it does they have "no indication of skill, knowledge, or ...ability" (from the web page cited above), and so on.
We have space that is leased from other schools. We don't own property. Big difference than having no "physical school." Changing my words doesn't make your case. Cohort of academically trained staff? Trained in what? What do you want from MSU? Apparently you want people who have accreditation from some university you have never heard of and are unlikely you find. I assume that would make a difference for you. That's like arguing that someone knows about the martial arts simply because they have a blackbelt.
The people in MSU are trained in Martial Arts (Science). Are they academically trained, absolutely.
Or do you mean that they have degrees froma different source?
Every single person that I know that trains with us either has a bachelors degree or MS. A few have PhD's? does that change anything now that you know this? Likely not. You seem to be looking for ways to discredit our people. In hopes of humoring you here are some of the degrees I know of: Chiropractic, Kineseology, Computer Science, Engineering (Electrical, Aerospace, and perhaps others), Poly Sci, Business adiminstration, and others.
When someone is looking to go to college what do they do? They go to the college and check them out! You are evaluating us without even setting foot on campus.
I find the certainty inspired by the pseudo-philosophical tracts as on the link you gave to be grossly unsupported
Perhaps you should ask Dr. Crouch. He would gladly explain the science behind what he does.
The Ford motor company gets broken up into smaller companies. One of these companies claims that Ford secretly tested a 500 mpg car. If you qualify, you might be allowed to buy it. The car looks exactly like a 10 year old Escort, and every part looks like an Escort, but they claim it's been redesigned at fundamental levels (you can't see). Also, there is no proof the car goes 500 mpg aside from testimonials from folks still making their payments, and you are not allowed to look at the car in action or see the specs ahead of time.
This anaology fails. Our students look different than every other Kenpo school out there. Guaranteed. Whether or not we look better or worse is your decision, but we are not trying to hide the secrets in any way. Doc just gave seminars in England and Ireland with the sole purpose of disseminating these "secrets." And as the board has been showing, many came and learned a lot of these "Secrets." Did Doc even charge an arm and a leg? No, because for Doc it's about the knowledge. If you want to argue, learn your facts and find a good analogy. Have you seen us move? Likely not. As such the anaology is unfair.
It decries traditional approaches while describing elements in patently pseudoscientific terms ("circuits" that have no anatomical existence, for instance).
Explaining the science of something online is difficult. Terms are often used that create visual representations of compled processes. The term CHI is used often when in fact it is simply a physical process. Chi is just a well understood term to communicate and idea. If you want terms and extremetly detailed explanation I suggest you seek them directly, instead of in this public forum where the exchange would be long winded and misinterpreted easily.
And, MartialTalk is for discussion of the arts. You may not wish to discuss certain things, but I don't think others should be discouraged from speculating and wondering. No one can judge the efficacy of the system from here. However, one can judge the rhetoric and the consistency.
I agree. Rhetoric and consistency can be judged and I think the rhetoric has been very consistent. Speculation is great, I encourage it. But there comes a point when you have to experience. We could talk for hours about the biomechanics behind movement, but would that teach you how to improve your punches? Probably not. Would it make you wiser, yes, but the physticallity is needed.
Doc has given many examples of how to test our practices, such as the slap check. Some have chosen not to try them and others have. I haven't heard one person say it was useless and didn't work.
The slap check is complicated. Do I know all the biomechanics behind it? No. Can I teach it, yes. The basics of why it works involves activation of synergist muscles and de-activation of antogonist muscles. In addition, humans seek symetry. When walking your right arm moves in time with your left leg. Symetry.
Perhaps an experiment for you is in order. Something simple that can be wriiten. Right now I have other things to attend to.