Kyokshinkai hardening

It can be sped up - especially hardening the arms and legs, with specific techniques that are gentler than taking a block, so they can be done in quantity. There are some distinct advantages to building up slowly, such as the ability to harden with fewer injuries along the way.

The guys who use this method are fundimentally tougher than your average KK guy?
The guys who use this method are fundimentally tougher than your average KK guy?
I think the average KK guy uses some of these techniques as part of their training. Things like sparring and heavy blocking drills will produce much of the same result, but with more injuries along the way.

The last time i sparred KK cardio was pretty much my biggest issue. Because there is so much toe to toe trading.

My lungs gave out well before my hands did.

Your fighting stamina is not only based on cardio. You ever notice your instructor keeps reminding you to calm down, don't use techniques without a strategy, only block if you can't dodge? Keep your breathing steady and rhythmic similar to running. Don't attack without a goal. Don't let your opponent attack you; either take the initiative or make it very difficult to get hit.
Your fighting stamina is not only based on cardio. You ever notice your instructor keeps reminding you to calm down, don't use techniques without a strategy, only block if you can't dodge? Keep your breathing steady and rhythmic similar to running. Don't attack without a goal. Don't let your opponent attack you; either take the initiative or make it very difficult to get hit.

Yeah. I get a different sort of banter from my coach.
Your fighting stamina is not only based on cardio. You ever notice your instructor keeps reminding you to calm down, don't use techniques without a strategy, only block if you can't dodge? Keep your breathing steady and rhythmic similar to running. Don't attack without a goal. Don't let your opponent attack you; either take the initiative or make it very difficult to get hit.
Someone with cardio and self control will last longer than someone with only cardio but without that cardio base the self control doesn't amount to lot, skill being equal.

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