Feeling enlightened



I signed up at these forums when I first entered martial arts (a few months ago). After 3 months of martial arts, I can't believe that I haven't started sooner! My life feels so much more different with martial arts, it really is an awesome experience - and I'm only a yellow belt! I notice that my body and mind have improved a great deal.

Does anyone else feel this way with martial arts?

PS: I definately will stick around these forums and utilize the wealth of information and techniques posted here.
Good Morning,

Enjoy this enightened feeling, there is nothing like it. Everytime I step onto the mats, I still get a dojo high. The smell of stinking sweaty gi's is unlike anyhting else.

You say that you are only a "Yellow Belt." Please don't say "only." I am sure that you worked hard for your rank. It is an honorable rank. For me my yellow belt was an incredible thing. I still talk about it when we promote a new yellow belt.

Keep feeling good about your art, before you know it you will be "Sensei." The very best of everything to you on your MA journey and life as well.

Respects, :asian:

Venomstrike said:
I signed up at these forums when I first entered martial arts (a few months ago). After 3 months of martial arts, I can't believe that I haven't started sooner! My life feels so much more different with martial arts, it really is an awesome experience - and I'm only a yellow belt! I notice that my body and mind have improved a great deal.

Does anyone else feel this way with martial arts?

PS: I definately will stick around these forums and utilize the wealth of information and techniques posted here.
From what the prof has said, only a yellow belt is not a good thing to say. It makes you sound as though you are trying to acheive more but failing to reach that goal. When someone says to you what belt, say that you are going for black. All other belts inbetween are nothing. Your main goal is black.

But then, why stop at black? Real training starts after you get your black. Everyone sees black as the upper part of their training. Many people leave a system as once they get black, they move on and go to another system and brag that they have X ammount of black belts in so many systems. True, they may look tough and sound hard, but one swift kick and they fall the same as the rest of the world.

Lets say this as example. You are born into a martial art system. Can you fight already? Maybe, but you do not know the system. So you are taught to walk. Walk as in their style of kata or form. You learn to talk, learn the Japanese or Eastern names of techniques. By the time you reach black, your ready for yout first day at school aged 5. Now your life is in front of you. You will learn more now than ever before. By the time you leave high school to go into the world of higher education, you are redy to teach. But the teaching does not stop there. You have to realize that all you have learned before needs to be releaned not only by your students, but by you also. Ouroboros is the snake that ate its own tail. It signifies the birth, life and death, but also rebirth as the snake also appears from its own mouth. When you get your next belt, that belt before has died (ate your own tail), now a new rebirth, and off you go again.

So no matter what you learn, you will always keep learning.

And as we all say, Gambatte (keep going).
I think every martial artists feels the way you do..Even after the number of years that I've been involved I still an unable to describe it..Welcome to our world..The world of MA..Enjoy
Good Morning Sir,

Yes, it is an undescribable feeling, even after many years.

BTW, what department are you with? I am a former NYC Police Officer and for the past ten years I have been a Police Chaplain with the last four as Chief of Chaplains.


Good luck with your training. As has been implied with the previous posts, each step along the way brings new and exciting material, and hopefully you will continue to be challenged.

Enjoy your journey!

The Prof said:
I am a former NYC Police Officer and for the past ten years I have been a Police Chaplain with the last four as Chief of Chaplains.
Why do I feel that you are capable of great many words of wisdom?
Hello, Anytime we can improve ourselves, this is a good feeling. Knowing we are doing the right thing for our minds and bodies. As time goes by , it is the looking back at what we had accomplish is very satisfying. So don't forget to look back when you find yourself slowing down or wanting to quit. Keep up your training and you will find the hardest times to show up will give you the best training time......Aloha
There are two types of people in this world. Martial Artists, and not.... those who are cherish each moment in the dojo. After 30 + plus years in the arts I too still feel a little something special when I smell a gi... it's a strange thing I know, but I think most if not all will share similar stories. I challenge you to stick with it. The arts are not a sprint, but a marthon. The longer you are "in" the more benefits you will experience.

Thank you everyone for your replies. I am very proud of my current belt rank and standing, I guess I used the word "just" without even knowing it (I have confidence problems sometimes, which is one of the reasons why I took martial arts). I work very hard in my training and always push myself to the next level. I really hope to stick with it for the rest of my life.

I will definately keep up my training for as long as I can...and from the looks of the replies, the feeling of that confidence boost in the dojo never dies.
Venomstrike said:
Thank you everyone for your replies. I am very proud of my current belt rank and standing, I guess I used the word "just" without even knowing it (I have confidence problems sometimes, which is one of the reasons why I took martial arts). I work very hard in my training and always push myself to the next level. I really hope to stick with it for the rest of my life.

I will definately keep up my training for as long as I can...and from the looks of the replies, the feeling of that confidence boost in the dojo never dies.
So you should be proud of your current rank your are one step further up that ladder. Do not let anyone ever tell you any different we are all the same just that some of us are further up that ladder than you but if you stick it you will reach the top of the ladder and gain all the riches that comes with it

Venomstrike said:
Thank you everyone for your replies. I am very proud of my current belt rank and standing, I guess I used the word "just" without even knowing it (I have confidence problems sometimes, which is one of the reasons why I took martial arts). I work very hard in my training and always push myself to the next level. I really hope to stick with it for the rest of my life.

I will definately keep up my training for as long as I can...and from the looks of the replies, the feeling of that confidence boost in the dojo never dies.
you should be proud! i know alot of people who don't make it that far! the 1st step is always the hardest, (getting the routine and such) I wish you luck with the rest of your journey!
I have been involved in MA for over forty years and every single day I personally thank God for giveing me enough energy to train another day. The feelings never go away it just gets better!!!!!
Hi Venomstrike. I also enjoy training in the martial arts. Always keep the heart of a beginner and enjoy your chosen path.:asian:

Venomstrike said:
I signed up at these forums when I first entered martial arts (a few months ago). My life feels so much more different with martial arts, it really is an awesome experience - and I'm only a yellow belt! I notice that my body and mind have improved a great deal. Does anyone else feel this way with martial arts?
Hi Venomstrike,

Yes - as everyone else has responded, that's a wonderful feeling & you never forget it. Although all of my belt tests & ceremonies have special meaning to me, I will never forget my first belt ceremony - Yellow. I felt exactly the way you do & even more (that words cannot describe). My life also changed shortly after I started Kenpo, & I am forever grateful for that. I'm very happy for you, & wish you the best in your journey.

Your Kenpo Sister,
Gin-Gin :asian:
Elizium said:
Why do I feel that you are capable of great many words of wisdom?
Possibly due to the fact that I may have experienced the very best and worse that life brings forth or has to offer.

Be Blessed!
terryl965 said:
I have been involved in MA for over forty years and every single day I personally thank God for giveing me enough energy to train another day. The feelings never go away it just gets better!!!!!
I too Thank God everyday for giving me the energy not only to train but to enjoy the privilege of another day and for the wonderful people he has placed in my life because I train in the Martial Arts.

In two more years it will be my 50th year and I will be 67. There is so much to be thankful for.

Continue to enjoy your blessings.
I LOVE MARTIAL ARTS!! I'll echo what others have said. It's a great feeling. the only thing I think I can add is a suggestion not to discount your rank by saying its only this, or only that. Rank means different things to different people and since the colors signify different levels and differnet schools, I would focus more on the knowledge you have gained.:asian:That being said, the belt is very important since it holds your gi closed and your pants up!
Couldnt help myself.
Gray Phoenix said:
Couldnt help myself.
Next time get to the toilet quicker:) hehehe

But yes, a belt is a belt. It holds up your dogi trousers and looks good on photos. But do not downplay any belt you earn. You need your belt for the next one up and so on. Only the colors are marked as a beginner, but black is where the fun starts. So set your goals.

But remember the saying "Never ask for your black belt". They cost $5 in the shop. It is better to earn it than demand it.
The Prof said:
Possibly due to the fact that I may have experienced the very best and worse that life brings forth or has to offer.

Be Blessed!
Beer for you Prof. :cheers: