Good post. I constantly hear of clubs offering kukkiwon certificates saying to their clientel that their black belts somehow have more 'credibility' or are somehow more 'reputable' because their black belts have this certification. In many cases the general public fall for this and think that club is somehow 'better' and by the time the student realises the kukkiwon certification means nothing (unless they are one of the 1% or less of students who want to go to the olympics), its too late, they are part of the club's system so they just stay. I will give the kukkiwon one thing, it is a powerful marketing tool to use gain potential clientel. Other than that though, I fail to see any advantage.
What advantage do you gain by not offering kukkiwon certification? What advantage does a school certificate give you? I suppose the school certificate is cheaper for the student and takes less time to process, but is there any other advantage? As a school owner, giving kukkiwon certification doesn't have to cost you anything. The student is presumably paying for certification anyway, right? And as for the argument that your instructor's certificate is of more "value" than a kukkiwon cert, I just don't see it that way. Either way, your instructor is testing you. Your instructor sees you in class everyday and your instructor is the one who approves your promotion, kukkiwon or not. What's the difference? I don't see how this negatively affects the student/instructor relationship.
Do we "need" the kukkiwon? I guess the answer is technically no. If the kukkiwon disappeared tomorrow our training probably wouldn't change all that much. If you place value in a cert backed by a large org, then use the kukkiwon. If you don't, then don't.
I don't understand the need to talk negatively about the kukkiwon or any other org. Any org will have its problems, but there seems to be a lot of passive aggressive insults being tossed around in these types of threads, of the "if you want to be associated with 'those' kinds of people" variety, but I really don't think that's fair. There are too many anecdotal stories of kukkiwon misdeeds passed around on the Internet. We could say the same things about many groups. Governments do questionable things, but I don't see anything wrong with being proud of your country. Some Catholic priests are kid touchers, but that doesn't mean everyone should quit the church. There are dirty police officers, but that doesn't make cops a bad group as a whole.
I personally value my kukkiwon certification. I originally had only a "school" cert. I got my kukkiwon later (I wanted to compete at WTF events). As a result, my "US" rank and my kukkiwon rank were not the same. I don't think I'm "better" than everyone who has a school cert, but I'm happy with my kukkiwon.
I hope this post is coherent. I'm typing on an iPhone and it's a pain to scroll up and back to remember what I was talking about! Oh, and have a great weekend!