Kubaton, Flashlights, Pens and Other Small Impact Devices

yeah, I'm lucky in that my state's CCW also allows impact weapons and almost any knife.

I wish our state had a similar clause. Hence why they call it a CPL where P is for Pistol. Very specific.
The above mentioned items are things that some people carry with them on a daily basis. They all are small, compact things, that don't take up much room, and can easily be slipped into a pocket.

For those that carry these items, what is your opinion on them for use in self defense?

IMO, I think that they're very effective, and if trained properly, they can be used in a variety of self defense situations, and best of all, they're all pretty much legal to carry. They can be used to hit certain pressure points on the body, against a strike, such as a punch, ie: gunting for those that study the FMAs, and the flashlight, especially if its something like this, can be used to momentarily blind someone, giving you a chance to escape.


I carry pens with me. I carry three right now. They are One Black, One Blue and One Red.

The Black one is to add new content to print outs. The Blue is to add or correct the Black. The Red is to red line and short hand mark up a document for where the new text needs to be inserted.

WOW you mean I can also use these as self defense tools.

Back in College days, I did have a KuBaton on my keys. I also had multiple rings with multiple do-dads hanging from them. Lots of people thought I was silly or even femanine for doing it. Until they ended up at the other end do-dads hanging from the kubaton being swung.

I also almost always wear a belt. I was at one seminar and the instructor said and you can also use a belt. By the time he got to belt, I had mine off and was Snapping it together with the buckle in my right hand. He laughed and shook his head.

I also have a scarf in the winter time.

I have used Flash lights as well in the past, but not with the same success. The issue was that one needed the alrger one to stand up at all, and the cost of replacing them. Replacing a pen is much easier and cheaper.

I have used rocks and chunks of black top, as well as a tuna fish can un-opened. Impact tools are tools of opportunity as well.
I wish our state had a similar clause. Hence why they call it a CPL where P is for Pistol. Very specific.

Like you I wish our CPL was a true CCW and allowed blunt and bladed tools.
I dated a girl who was a star wars fanatic... so I gave her a kuboton.

With a big pewter Death Star keychain attached to it.

Can you say Flail boys and girls? I knew you could. :)

I used to carry a Kuboton everywhere... not so much anymore.
I dated a girl who was a star wars fanatic... so I gave her a kuboton.

With a big pewter Death Star keychain attached to it.

Can you say Flail boys and girls? I knew you could. :)

I used to carry a Kuboton everywhere... not so much anymore.

Yep..When we teach the ProTek Key we demonstrate the flair application...Its a nasty surprise to the unsuspecting...
Not to get off track pertaining to Kubaton or flash lights, but to give credit where credit is due, yes a pen is a fine weapon. Excellent on uncovered areas.

No argument here..HKphooey addressd that in an earlier post ...
Not to get off track pertaining to Kubaton or flash lights, but to give credit where credit is due, yes a pen is a fine weapon. Excellent on uncovered areas.

As stated, I like pens. Would you like Red, Black or Blue? An engineer always has stuff to red line a document and make notes with. Of course I coudl share them with friends. ;) :)
If you aren't already a better boxer than me, your kubotan won't help you much.

If you are already a better boxer than me, you won't much need a kubotan.

And I suppose that would apply to empty hand fighting as well. Of course, I realize that there is always someone bigger and better. Hopefully the empy hand gunting, so well known in the FMAs, will come into play. :) If a good shot chips away at the person, that is what matters to me. :)
I carried a carved half of a drumstick for years but carry my Te Bo Hand Stick now. I have to admit I'm a bit biased though.

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