KT:K.S.D.I. Board of Advisors Announcement

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K.S.D.I. Board of Advisors Announcement
By John Bishop - 06-16-2009 08:01 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk




A meeting was held May 23rd, 2009 by members of the K.S.D.I. Board of Advisors on Kahului, Maui. All were there to pay our last respects to our Sijo,Chief, Ninoy, Adriano D. Emperado. 6 of 9 board members were present, constituting a majority. Present were Grandmasters Carlos Bunda, Gary Forbach, Rick Kingi, Vince Black, Phil Gelinas and
Sr. GM George Kaanana.

Several important topics were discussed, voted upon and unanimously approved. Most important was to implement the wishes of Sijo Emperado and to inform all in Kajukenbo, the "sole purpose" of the board.

Attached you will find this announcement. We welcome any and all comments.

On behalf of the board,

GM Carlos Bunda

The Board of Advisors (BOA), selected by Sijo Adriano Emperado, was formed for the explicit purpose of promoting from within the Kajukenbo system, black belts worthy of the rank of 8th degree and higher. In his words, “I am done with promoting any one else to Grandmaster in the Kajukenbo system, and that any school can promote any one to whatever rank they want, and it will be respected. However that rank will not be recognized by me and my “KSDI”. (Kajukenbo Self Defense Institute)

It is for this reason that the BOA was formed. Any individual worthy of promotion and wishing to be recognized under the umbrella of KSDI must be approved by the BOA.

The BOA members were selected from various and independent Kajukenbo schools to ensure no bias or prejudice while acting on behalf of Sijo Adriano Emperado.

BOARD MEMBERS: (In alphabetical order)
1–Emil Bautista…….……….. emil@pon.net
2–Vince Black………………. kimblack@natsta.org
3–Carlos Bunda…………… carlos.bunda@sbcglobal.net
4-Gary ForbachÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â….. gforbach@yahoo.com
5-Angel GarciaÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â… grandmaster@kajukenbo-europe.com
6-Phil GelinasÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…Â….. bttcanada@videotron.ca
7-George KaananaÂ…Â…Â….Â….. sgmkaanana@yahoo.com
8-Rick KingiÂ…Board Liaison profkaju@aol.com
9-Edmund LouisÂ…Â…Â…Â…Â…. gm@leewardkempokarate.com

The mission of the Board of Advisors is to manage, certify, and implement the wishes of Sijo Adriano Emperado. To ensure that all Kajukenbo black belts be worthy of a promotion from 7th to 8th degree
(Professor) and from 8th to 9th degree (Grandmaster). To implement and serve notice to all Kajukenbo factions of promotion(s) awarded.

E-mail board liaison, Rick Kingi, to petition and/or nominate individual(s) for promotion and review by the Board of Advisors. Promotion ceremony will be held once a year at the annual KSDI tournament.


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