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Chinese Pincers
By HKphooey - 07-22-2010 01:18 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
As I was searching for some other marterial, came across...
Chinese Pincers (AB) – STRAIGHT RIGHT PUNCH a)
A: Cross right foot over the left into a 45 degree angle dancer step, left parry to the punch as the right arm covers the groin, step up left horse, right arm circles upward block then down to a palm to the groin, left grab opponent's right shoulder, right inverted punch to the ribs as the left foot sweeps the opponent's right leg.
B: Cross right foot over the left into a 45 degree angle dancer step, left parry to the punch as the right arm covers the groin, step up left horse, right arm circles upward block then down to a palm to the groin, left grab opponent's right shoulder, right inverted punch to the ribs as the left foot sweeps the opponent's right leg. The sweep fails to knock the opponent down. Continue through with the leg sweep motion of the left, set the leg down, turn and right rear kick to the ribs.
I found this version ( or similar)on a few websites too.
I have modified it to fit my height, but was currious how others execute the technique.
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By HKphooey - 07-22-2010 01:18 PM
Originally Posted at: KenpoTalk
As I was searching for some other marterial, came across...
Chinese Pincers (AB) – STRAIGHT RIGHT PUNCH a)
A: Cross right foot over the left into a 45 degree angle dancer step, left parry to the punch as the right arm covers the groin, step up left horse, right arm circles upward block then down to a palm to the groin, left grab opponent's right shoulder, right inverted punch to the ribs as the left foot sweeps the opponent's right leg.
B: Cross right foot over the left into a 45 degree angle dancer step, left parry to the punch as the right arm covers the groin, step up left horse, right arm circles upward block then down to a palm to the groin, left grab opponent's right shoulder, right inverted punch to the ribs as the left foot sweeps the opponent's right leg. The sweep fails to knock the opponent down. Continue through with the leg sweep motion of the left, set the leg down, turn and right rear kick to the ribs.
I found this version ( or similar)on a few websites too.
I have modified it to fit my height, but was currious how others execute the technique.
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