Krav Maga!

The red jacket on the girl works really well. The black on black not so much.
Really? THIS is your comment on the video? The fashion choices of the demonstrators?

Yeah. If you are making a video sepparating the good guy from the bad guy is important. And it is made really clear by the fashion choices of this one.

Is there an issue?

What is your critique of the video?
What do I think of the video? It's typical Krav Maga. Some good stuff, but some really unlikely set ups. Still -- not a bad promo for their program. Maybe if you'd fleshed out your statement, I'd have had a better idea that you apparently weren't simply commenting on her fashion choice, but on whether it helped the audience to recognize who was who.
What do I think of the video? It's typical Krav Maga. Some good stuff, but some really unlikely set ups.
Might even be a bit harsh. :) I thought they did well at setting up some 'real life' type situations to give some idea of application. The rest was just what we do in training from a given position.
Might even be a bit harsh. :) I thought they did well at setting up some 'real life' type situations to give some idea of application. The rest was just what we do in training from a given position.

It depends. They respond to every problem with a very similar response. Samish moves same positions. Counter strike bulk centre line nut kick.

Now the defence to that is that is how krav is supposed to look because it is hinged on basic simple and direct. In other words typical krav.

There are a lot of krav videos that feel they need to show a different move every time.
It depends. They respond to every problem with a very similar response. Samish moves same positions. Counter strike bulk centre line nut kick.

Now the defence to that is that is how krav is supposed to look because it is hinged on basic simple and direct. In other words typical krav.

There are a lot of krav videos that feel they need to show a different move every time.
I teach Krav. I was just responding to the comment by JKS. As you say, many of the responses come back to the same clinch and the same finish. Complexity only comes in when the basic defences are mastered.
Might even be a bit harsh. :) I thought they did well at setting up some 'real life' type situations to give some idea of application. The rest was just what we do in training from a given position.

Lots of the "real world" scenarios were unlikely set ups, to show the defenses. For example, the first one shows a bar fight break out of nowhere. Second one actually started out kind of realistically, but the pace and actions of the attacker following the initial attack were a bit passive. Third attack was quite realistic -- though I'm a bit skeptical that the knee to chest, even coupled with a possible shot to the base of the skull would have laid him out so easily, but, heh, it's a demo! I don't even wanna get into the gun... The last scenario before the training montage looked much more realistic. One note on all of them, though... The attackers ALL presented a single attack so then got "done unto..." I know the ferocity of the response can be overwhelming, and that the video is a demo... but it's something to recognize anyway. Most of the responses to the attacks presented were fine, though a few ended in ways that could have the defender going to jail for continuing the defense too far. The training montage was just that... a training montage.

Overall -- a decent demo/advertisement video, but not without flaws. Just like one I might make would have flaws.