Krav in Colorado


Yellow Belt
Hello All,

I am new to this site and I was wondering if anyone here knew of a legit school for krav maga in the Denver metro area. More specifically Aurora CO. I have checked out a few but was hoping for a recommendation from here as well. Thanks in advance for any information.
I know that this isn't an answer to your question but a school just opened here in Colorado Springs and it is run by two El Paso County Deputy Sheriff's who are also DT trainers for the SO. Talk about training by people who have used it for real.
Thank you sir for your reply. Do you know the name of the school or the contact info for the instructors? Hopefully they can recommend someone in my area. It's a starting point at least. Again I appreciate the reply.
Thanks MJS! I actually checked out that site. I've heard some bad things about KMWW unfortunately and the school that is listed on the site in my area (Rocky Mountain Krav Maga) charges you extra to advance in the class. I went there and talked to the instructor who was actually pretty cool but I just couldn't get past the whole charging extra just to advance aspect of it. But again thank you for the reply.
Thanks MJS! I actually checked out that site. I've heard some bad things about KMWW unfortunately and the school that is listed on the site in my area (Rocky Mountain Krav Maga) charges you extra to advance in the class. I went there and talked to the instructor who was actually pretty cool but I just couldn't get past the whole charging extra just to advance aspect of it. But again thank you for the reply.

I certainly don't want to get into a bashing of the styles/orgs, but I will say this....yes, I too have heard some negative things about KMWW. I kinda put it in the same category as what I see in alot of other arts. Take my art, which is Kenpo. I've heard guys that train under Larry Tatum bad mouth guys who train under Joe Palanzo. Both trained under Ed Parker, yet there're those that like one over the other, etc.

Time in Krav Maga? Well, thats something else I've heard, but again, I don't wanna get into that discussion. There are a few KM schools under the KMWW banner here in CT., and I've thought about checking one out. I had a pretty nice email exchange with one of the insts, so we'll see. But, ultimately, if I really had my choice, I'd love to train with the KMF group in NYC, headed by Rhon Mizrachi.

Quite a few years ago, I attended a KM workshop held in MA. Darren was there, as well as a few other guys. The workout was intense, the instruction was great. Overall I had a fantastic time. :)

In the end, I suppose you have the following options:

Train at the KMWW school
Don't train there
Travel to another Krav school that may be in the area.

Whatever you choose to do, best of luck to you. :)

Definitely understand where you're coming from as I never like to get into a debate of bashing schools, arts and so forth. I was just mentioning the fact of paying to advance in a martial arts class and not understanding the reasoning for it. But I really appreciate your advice and good luck wishes. Good day to you sir and again thanks.
Are you talking about testing fees or something else when you said you'd have to pay to advance in class?
Are you talking about testing fees or something else when you said you'd have to pay to advance in class?

No your tuition you pay monthly actually goes up to train as a level 2 and then more to train as a level 3 and so forth. Again don't get me wrong, the school is a great school (it won martial arts school of the year on the Denver A-list). I just don't understand why you have to pay more to learn more. It may be comparible to other krav schools across the nation though. I'm not sure.
No your tuition you pay monthly actually goes up to train as a level 2 and then more to train as a level 3 and so forth. Again don't get me wrong, the school is a great school (it won martial arts school of the year on the Denver A-list). I just don't understand why you have to pay more to learn more. It may be comparible to other krav schools across the nation though. I'm not sure.

I'm curious about that too. Now, I've heard of schools charging a fee of say $100 for black belt, $200 for 2nd degree, etc., so is it possible that this school you're talking about could be doing the same thing? I don't know if this school uses belts, but it could be along those lines.

Did you question this? If so, what what their reply?

I'm curious about that too. Now, I've heard of schools charging a fee of say $100 for black belt, $200 for 2nd degree, etc., so is it possible that this school you're talking about could be doing the same thing? I don't know if this school uses belts, but it could be along those lines.

Did you question this? If so, what what their reply?


This school starts at $100 just for the basic entry level one class. Then raises again for the intermediate class, then again for the advance class. It ends up being like $150 or so to take all the levels. They don't use belts. I think intermediate you learn level 2 & 3 techniques and advanced you learn level 4 & 5 techniques. If you want to add the fight/MMA class or cross fit you have to pay extra for those as well. I'm can't remember what the total ends up being if you want to take them all. The prices I mentioned just covers Krav Maga. I like Krav Maga but not by itself. I wanted to continue studying muay thai and BJJ to fill the holes but it just got too pricey to do them all.
This school starts at $100 just for the basic entry level one class. Then raises again for the intermediate class, then again for the advance class. It ends up being like $150 or so to take all the levels.

I would first like to introduce myself. I am a level 4 Krav Maga instructor at Rocky Mountain Krav Maga. I have trained under Tom Johnson here in Aurora as well as John Hallett in Castle Rock. I currently manage the Aurora school AND WE DO NOT CHARGE HIGHER TUITION AS YOU ADVANCE. It does not matter if you are a level 1 student or level 5; your tuition is the same. We do offer additional classes, such as fitness and weapons defense classes in addition to Krav Maga that have additional tuition fees. However, you do not have to participate in those classes to advance or train in our entire system. I would encourage you to come back in and talk with me to clarify any miscommunications and train with us. I think we can make each other better, which is the point of training anyway, right?
Team RMKM,

I apologize for mis-representing your school. I meant it as no disrespect as I stated in my post that RMKM is a great school. I just didn't understand the pricing and how it worked. But I do appreciate you coming on and clearing that up. Again my apologies to you.
No apologies are necessary. I just want to see you find a good school to train at. We are in business to make a living, but my main focus is training with good people to make everyone including my self better. Let me know if you want to get together and train.
You are a great representation for your school and I truly appreciate the offer to train. I also completely agree with training with good people. It makes a world of difference. But unfortunately I have been made victim of this economy so I am currently not training. But I will be sure to keep your offer in mind. Have a good day!
The school in Colorado Springs is "Peak Krav Maga." Again I haven't trained in KM but worked (i.e. sparred alot) with an SO Deputy who is a DT Instructor in the LE Krav system.

Here is their information:
(719) 591-2211

5740 N Carefree Cir
Colorado Springs, CO 80917-2881
I just started at Colorado Krav Maga

They charge one price for all levels and that price includes Krav Maga, Crossfit, Brazilian Jiujitsu, and their Kickboxing courses. They have a lot of classes throughout the week and at different times of the day. The instructors seem pretty sweet so far and I'm enjoying the structure of their classes.

I've been training in the martial arts for 22 years. My father owns a martial arts school back in Pennsylvania, where I taught for a long time. I still train in the styles of my father, but wanted to try something new as well. It took me 2 years to find a martial arts school in Colorado that fit me, but I'm feeling pretty good with Colorado Krav Maga. They offer a free first class if you're interested in checking them out. I did a Crossfit workout tonight followed by a Krav Maga basic class and both were awesome.

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