Obama and supreme court...NRA frightened...


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Well, for those out there who assume a vote for someone other than the republican nominee is a good idea, think about this. If Obama wins re-election, he will be placing several justices on the court. Not only that, but he will be appointing judges at all levels of the judiciary, for four years. That will effect this country long after he is out of office. Here is the NRA's take on obama packing the courts...


The National Rifle Association is already jumping into the 2012 election, warning that a Democratic Senate and reelected president could get a shot at changing the political makeup of the Supreme Court and raining a hail of gun fire on the Second Amendment.

“We can’t afford a strategy of praying for the health of five Supreme Court justices,” said Chris Cox, director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, in a reference to the one-vote GOP majority on the court of nine aging justices.

Cox said the NRA isn’t waiting for the presidential election to get involved, turning to key Senate races to endorse pro-gun candidates even in primaries. Wednesday, for example, the powerful lobby backed Indiana Treasurer Richard Mourdock over Sen. Dick Lugar in the GOP primary. “The Supreme Court is certainly running in every Senate race in the country,” he told Secrets.

Cox said that his political shop will be helping to arm the public with the administration’s targeting of the Second Amendment and Constitution in what could end up being a historic campaign for the NRA.

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