Hey everyone one,
I'm new to this forum. I'm 24, I've studied TKD and Danzan Ryu JJ for about 12 years, as far as rank goes.. I stopped following the belt system a few years ago. I just recently started to train in korean sword. I own my own restaurant, so finding time to train and someone to teach is really hard.
I learnd a form a few days ago from someone who studies TSD. he said it is a "newer" form because the first sword form in TSD seems to be too much to take in. Anyway I was wondering if anyone knows any websites were i might be able to find this form. I want to make sure I have everything right, so i don't study it the wrong way. It starts of in a foward directions 180 degree turn going back the same way you came and then to the left and then right (an upside down 'T' formation) I'm not sure if this describes many form or not, but any help is appreciated
I'm new to this forum. I'm 24, I've studied TKD and Danzan Ryu JJ for about 12 years, as far as rank goes.. I stopped following the belt system a few years ago. I just recently started to train in korean sword. I own my own restaurant, so finding time to train and someone to teach is really hard.
I learnd a form a few days ago from someone who studies TSD. he said it is a "newer" form because the first sword form in TSD seems to be too much to take in. Anyway I was wondering if anyone knows any websites were i might be able to find this form. I want to make sure I have everything right, so i don't study it the wrong way. It starts of in a foward directions 180 degree turn going back the same way you came and then to the left and then right (an upside down 'T' formation) I'm not sure if this describes many form or not, but any help is appreciated