Korean Sword


Blue Belt
I am really interested in persuing the study of the Korean Sword from any of the major organizations. I am in Del Rio, TX, after a search I cannot find anyone to study under. I have a Taekwondo School and class times prohibit me from traveling to locations in Texas. Their classes are long over by the time I could travel to Dallas/Ft. Worth Metro Area or Houston.

Does anyone know of any instructors or schools in the Del Rio, TX area and that could include Mexico in the Acuna area.

If you are looking to relocate, perhaps I could be of assistance.

I realize Houston is far away, but I recommend Jason White at Iron Dragon Martial Arts, I can give you his contact info if you like. His sword is excellent, a style called Chung Suk Kuhapdo - also affiliated with a great Hapkido organization. There is lots of support through this organization, and both the Hapkido and Sword Programs are first rate.
I can check with the US Haidong Gumdo Federation to see if there is anything in the area also.

Actually, a user here, Ninjamom is in to Gumdo and may have some more insight as well.

I realize Houston is far away, but I recommend Jason White at Iron Dragon Martial Arts, I can give you his contact info if you like. His sword is excellent, a style called Chung Suk Kuhapdo - also affiliated with a great Hapkido organization. There is lots of support through this organization, and both the Hapkido and Sword Programs are first rate.

As a student of Jason White...I second that recommendation.
I can check with the US Haidong Gumdo Federation ..
The closest affiliated schools I found were near Dallas/Fort Worth, which won't help you in Del Rio. I know of some sword instructors in two other associations, closer to San Antonio, but that is still far from you. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
Thank you all for the information you provided.

I have my own school in Del Rio, TX. I'm teaching mainly Taekwondo, with Tang Soo Do and Hapkido to the more advanced and mature students.

Because Del Rio is so far away from San Antonio, Dallas/Ft. Worth and Houston I will find it very hard to get away to attend any classes.

I have a very full schedule myself, teaching classes six days a week.

I was asked by a former GrandMaster 8th Dan , of mine, to take over his school. He is a resource, but is an hour away in Eagle Pass. Because he came to the US in the 70's he is not quite up to date on the latest in Taekwondo. That is not to say his skills are not awesome. He just turned 68, so he is not as active as he once was. There is also a communication problem since I don't speak Korean. Perhaps I should learn!

It could be a touchy situation, if I affiliate myself with some of my other Grandmasters, one of which is up to date in Taekwondo , having students in the 2000 Olympics and the other having a low Dan # in Moo Duk Kwan issued by Hwang Kee himself.

I have a burning desire to learn the Korean Sword. I will find a way, even if I have to sponser someone from Korea to relocate to Del Rio. Along with Acuna, Mexico we have a population base of 150,000 +.

Anyway, thanks for the help. I have tried to look up the US Haidong Kumdo website and it is still under construction. Will one of you with access to school information also look up Nothern Mexico around the Acuna area. If one is close to Del Rio, TX that would be an option for me.
Terry, if you are that interested in learning Korean sword, please contact GM Park or Master Casey Rogers at the US Haidong Gumdo Association, at the web address that MBuzzy gave. They have an accelerated training program for certified masters and school owners in other arts, specifically to further the art in the US by increasing the number of qualified teachers.

The Master's Training Program includes all training for the school owner up through fourth Dan. Training to first Dan is accomplished through weekend intensives over four months, then additional training is scheduled with Master and Grand Master Instructors from the US HQ and from Korea traveling to the schools to work with you. With the amount of travel for the Master Instructors involved, the program operates at a loss, solely for the goal of building competent instructors and furthering the awareness and availability of instruction in the US. At the end of the prorgam, your school will also have a franchise in the art to use the name and logos of the World HDGD Federation, and to train, test, and accredit students as they progress.

If you are interested in contacting Master Rogers regarding this program, please let me know. I will gladly pass your information to him, or vise versa.
Terry, if you are that interested in learning Korean sword, please contact GM Park or Master Casey Rogers at the US Haidong Gumdo Association, at the web address that MBuzzy gave. They have an accelerated training program for certified masters and school owners in other arts, specifically to further the art in the US by increasing the number of qualified teachers.

The Master's Training Program includes all training for the school owner up through fourth Dan. Training to first Dan is accomplished through weekend intensives over four months, then additional training is scheduled with Master and Grand Master Instructors from the US HQ and from Korea traveling to the schools to work with you. With the amount of travel for the Master Instructors involved, the program operates at a loss, solely for the goal of building competent instructors and furthering the awareness and availability of instruction in the US. At the end of the prorgam, your school will also have a franchise in the art to use the name and logos of the World HDGD Federation, and to train, test, and accredit students as they progress.

If you are interested in contacting Master Rogers regarding this program, please let me know. I will gladly pass your information to him, or vise versa.

When I was looking at their website I saw the application for the Master's training program. It didn't give any explanation of it and I was going to post a question about it. You beat me to it. I am interested in finding out more about this program. If you wouldn't mind forwarding my information I would greatly appriciate it. The extensive travel requirement still may prohibit me from participating, but let's see. Thank you!
I am enrolled in the Instructor's program. Which gets you up to 2nd Dan as an instructor. The Master's program gets you up to 4th Dan I believe. Its a pretty hefty one time fee, but you get all of the equipment you need and basically unlimited trainin, plus federation membership.

Basically in these programs, you pay for the committment, but there is no time limit or requirement as far as I know. Though there may be timelines, however long it takes you to grasp the material and show the ability to instruct is how long it takes. As far as I know, you have to be Dan ranked in another style or a school owner. There is a requirement for skill in another style to be admitted to the program.

I'm not sure what other questions you may have. Personally, I'm about an hour from a school who offers the program, so I go there about once a week to train. I'm sure that if you had a longer distance, it would take longer.....
Craig, I had just heard about the new Instructor's program within the last month. I didn't realize you were participating in that! Please keep me posted about your progress and how you like it - I might end up joining you!

Terry, I just sent off an email to Master Rogers, along with a reference link to this thread. He should be able to answer any/all questions you have, far better than I could.

(ADDED ON EDIT: I checked, and there are no HDGD schools in the Northern Mexico area (see map of schools in mexico), either)
It is awesome, I recommend the program to anyone who fits the bill! :) That would be awesome to have you, especially if you're traveling down my way!
I have been communicating with Mr. Casey Rogers, he has helped tremendously. Upon his recommendationa and referal I have made contact with Mr. Marshall Parnell in Utah. He is the contact for the Western half of the US, with a very ill defined deviding line.

My participation in the US Haidong Gumdo Association is really in hyperdrive now. He is, also, a former Marine and he waste little time getting things done.

We are currently setting up a time for a seminar in Del Rio, TX to guage real interest and to introduce me to Haidong Gumdo to make sure this is something I really want to do. The commitment is demanding and costly.

With all thing considered I should be on board by the New Year and well on my way training.

Wish me luck. Thanks for everyone's help.

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