KOMS meeting in la, ca.

After listening and obseving things this weekend I can only echo what puunui is saying, the **** will hit the fan when the fan is going full speed. I cannot talk about what was said but it was shocking at best.

You'll not talk about it? I fear for us all.
I've more than enough information in posts to where you can figure out in general what is going on. There is no need for specifics at the present time, although it will all come out eventually. It is a particularly sensitive time, dealing with a particularly sensitive issue. If you don't want to be teased then I won't say anything about any of this and let people find out when the official announcements are made.

I've got a rough sense from things you've said. Don't take my tease comment to heart, it was just meant in a jokey way (hence the wink afterwards).
1. The kkw will be making dvd's and manuals for curriculum in tkd schools. Good for the art but don't think many will like changing their existing curriculum. I like it. One standard for all.

Sounds like you had a wonderful experience.

Any idea when the KKW will be making these manuals and dvd's?
There are a lot of things going on which I cannot get into. But it is my prediction that the KOMS program will be discontinued, probably within the next 30 to 60 days, if not sooner, maybe as soon as President Kang's return to Korea next week or the week thereafter. 2011 may shape up to be even more explosive than 2010 was for the Kukkiwon.

I got my KOMS certificate and accompanying frame from the Kukkiwon yesterday couldn't help but think about this post.
I got my KOMS certificate and accompanying frame from the Kukkiwon yesterday couldn't help but think about this post.

How did you get a KOMS certificate? I've been accepted as an individual KOMS member and thought the certificate might be good for advertising the dojang (as our local Karate school has all sorts of this stuff on display and we don't).
How did you get a KOMS certificate? I've been accepted as an individual KOMS member and thought the certificate might be good for advertising the dojang (as our local Karate school has all sorts of this stuff on display and we don't).

The Kukkiwon just sent it to me in a big package through DHL. I wasn't even expecting it. The last I had from the organization a month ago was that they had accepted my registration application and were processing it further.
The Kukkiwon just sent it to me in a big package through DHL. I wasn't even expecting it. The last I had from the organization a month ago was that they had accepted my registration application and were processing it further.

OK, maybe mine will also be in the post then :-)