KOMS meeting in la, ca.

Going back to a more traditional MA view if you had the honor and privilage of being one of the first promenent students of a Pioneer who was greatly respected and well proven on a global basis the relationship was of love and loyalty for life as long as he lives and to care for him in his old age.

We owed our lives to him because he saved ours on many occasions literally. So I worked for free paid the additional fees which were not outrageous out of love loyalty and respect. I passed on 100% my student testing fees to him for life untill his passing. I my students and thier students are his legacy.

This relationship in America is all but gone for alot of reasons and much of it due to bad Masters who did not teach or practice the life style part of the relationship of master/student and only focused on the money side. All of that has come home to roost and KKW if it wants to repair this will have to give much to get much.

MA in America has been reduced to a shopers market where the buyer thinks they know best and sad to say sometimes they do?

He wasn't my Instructors GM. In fact My instructors OWED HIM NOTHING. But do to local politics within the Korean community, my instructor ran a school in that "district" so he needed to go through him to certify us.

There was no direct link that was known. In fact registration for USTU went through the State pres. we're talking before internet and shrinking of the world.
There is another side of this story which many americans do not appreciate or understand, and that is that many of these Korean born instructors face racism every day of their lives. Sometimes it is subtle and other times it is not. I remember for example once we were leaving a Korean restaurant at a USTU event when some drunk white American starting pulling his eyes to make the slanted and made all kinds of racist remarks to the group of Korean born seniors. The seniors tried to ignore him and all got into their cars and left. But that sort of thing.

Immigrant groups often form associations or band together in an effort to obtain some comfort and security for this sort of stuff. That is why there are little Italy, Chinatown, Koreatown, Japantown, etc. in many cities. Another aspect is the formation of associations or groups such as the Han In Hwe (Korean Associations) which are made up primarily of Korean borns.

I am not saying that it is ok to discriminate against someone just because you got discriminated against. But there is a reason why ethnic groups form associations, and perhaps why they might feel uncomfortable when people outside their ethnic group shows up to a meeting.

Agreed and understood.
... I remember wondering whether he would be teaching that version of Sipjin, which he no doubt will be telling his students he learned at the Kukkiwon Instructor Course that he graduated from. ..

OH GOD so true... And unfortunately someone observing will pass judgement that "thats what a KKW Master is??????"
While I want to keep up financially it is very hard to travel from my location the large certificate shows an expiration after two years? the hard wallet card does not. It would also be nice to know if any changes have been made to the printed text book before each seminar.

This has been discussed here before. The KKW cert Does not expire. The USTC does, but NOT the KKW license.

Although I agree its a good Idea to go every-so-often, you will not hit 2 years and KKW "expires" your license.
And for the record, a few of the Koreans I was speaking of were at one time or another USTU state presidents and other officers within the Org during the USAT era. .


I Meant to type "during the USTU Era". Could not edit or fix it by the time I re-read what i put.
OH GOD so true... And unfortunately someone observing will pass judgement that "thats what a KKW Master is??????"

First I was there and know the person he is talking about and he did fine finishing in the top 20% of the people there. Mr. Punni has a personal issue with the Master in question and chooses to go off topic when ever possible to attack him. He not only did fine but was just three weeks out of surgery while Mr. Punni skulked around peaking in. He stayed in the front row and participated 100% through the whole thing. I can assure you the Master in question will not run away and hide like Ray Terry no matter how much slander or juvenile comments he makes.

On the topic of people not doing well or needing help there were masters/GMs there that could not even take their shoes off and had little or no knowledge of most of the forms. One Korean born Master/GM was stumbling and shaking so bad that many of us thought he would stroke out when he had to demonstrate his form but none of us made fun of him but only supported him in his effort and encouraged him to continue to train and learn. This was the real feeling of the intent of KKW was to include and encourage others to be a part of and learn not to be judgmental or eliminate people.
First I was there and know the person he is talking about and he did fine finishing in the top 20% of the people there. Mr. Punni has a personal issue with the Master in question and chooses to go off topic when ever possible to attack him. He not only did fine but was just three weeks out of surgery while Mr. Punni skulked around peaking in. He stayed in the front row and participated 100% through the whole thing. I can assure you the Master in question will not run away and hide like Ray Terry no matter how much slander or juvenile comments he makes.

On the topic of people not doing well or needing help there were masters/GMs there that could not even take their shoes off and had little or no knowledge of most of the forms. One Korean born Master/GM was stumbling and shaking so bad that many of us thought he would stroke out when he had to demonstrate his form but none of us made fun of him but only supported him in his effort and encouraged him to continue to train and learn. This was the real feeling of the intent of KKW was to include and encourage others to be a part of and learn not to be judgmental or eliminate people.

I wasn't referring to the "specific" individual Puunui, I wasn't there nor do I know who he was speaking of.

I was comment more on a general term of individuals "I" have witnessed who attending KKW courses, who were clearly not prepared, took the course, and will return saying "this is how they showed up at the KKW Master Course" having only practicing something that day.

I guess I should've clarified that more. I have NO idea who he was talking about and wasn't slamming that individual. Hell, maybe it was me he ment!
He wasn't my Instructors GM. In fact My instructors OWED HIM NOTHING.

Actually you still owe him respect even if he wasn't your instructor's instructor.

But do to local politics within the Korean community, my instructor ran a school in that "district" so he needed to go through him to certify us.

What I would have done was politely disagree that we needed to go through him and would have explained that because I was a Kukkiwon 4th Dan or higher, that the Kukkiwon allowed me to process Kukkiwon certification directly, either through the USTU or Kukkiwon, whichever I chose. If he still insisted then I would ask my own teacher what the proper procedure was and he would straighten it out.

There was no direct link that was known. In fact registration for USTU went through the State pres. we're talking before internet and shrinking of the world.

Having come from two states where you registered directly with the USTU, I cannot understand this sort of thing. Again, I would politely disagree and simply register directly with the USTU. You don't need the internet to understand that individual membership registration is done individually directly through the USTU.
Actually you still owe him respect even if he wasn't your instructor's instructor.

Actually I take issue with this statement. He needs to EARN respect no matter what or who he thinks he is. Now in a formal setting you have to respect the rank... to a point. However when that person abuses his position you owe him nothing.
Actually you still owe him respect even if he wasn't your instructor's instructor.

What I would have done was politely disagree that we needed to go through him and would have explained that because I was a Kukkiwon 4th Dan or higher, that the Kukkiwon allowed me to process Kukkiwon certification directly, either through the USTU or Kukkiwon, whichever I chose. If he still insisted then I would ask my own teacher what the proper procedure was and he would straighten it out.

Having come from two states where you registered directly with the USTU, I cannot understand this sort of thing. Again, I would politely disagree and simply register directly with the USTU. You don't need the internet to understand that individual membership registration is done individually directly through the USTU.

This was in the late 80's early 90's when information was scarce and withheld. We dont have that problem today. But then, it was imposible to get any info. And you are correct, a 4th dan could then, but they didnt know they could or how to, cause no one would talk about it.

But all that has changed. We wont have that problem ever again. Even if they do restrict it to KOMS members and KKW Cert Master Instructors Course graduates.
I wasn't referring to the "specific" individual Puunui, I wasn't there nor do I know who he was speaking of.

I was comment more on a general term of individuals "I" have witnessed who attending KKW courses, who were clearly not prepared, took the course, and will return saying "this is how they showed up at the KKW Master Course" having only practicing something that day.

I guess I should've clarified that more. I have NO idea who he was talking about and wasn't slamming that individual. Hell, maybe it was me he ment!

He knows exactly who he is talking about. And yes I have witnessed many people who are not prepared or have less skill and knowledge and they are just a small fraction of the general teaching population out thier so if we can inspire them to learn more and train more it is good for everyone. Since the fall of USTU there are many who just stopped or dropped out entirely but they still have value as TKD members and USTC and the KKW want to bring them all back going forward.
Ladies and gentlemen,

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Furthermore, if you see a post that's in violation of the rules, then use the "report to moderator" feature.

I'm going to ask that y'all keep this conversation civil, and on-topic.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
Msmitht, when you say that they will be releasing dvd's with set curriculum for everyone to teach, to what extent do those curriculum go? By that I mean, will the Kukkiwon be requiring that every instructor teach not just the same forms, but the same one-step-sparring and the same self-defense? Is this an effort to enforce the base curriculum that already existed, or is the Kukkiwon trying to expand their base curriculum beyond the poomsae?

Personally, I'm in full favor of getting everyone to follow the same standards for poomsae. There is too much lack of understanding when it comes to forms. However, I'd be a little disappointed if the Kukkiwon started requiring that everyone teach the exact same one-steps and defense techniques. I understand the need to unify technique and ensure that a black belt meets a certain skill set. What I've always loved about Kukki-Taekwondo is that beyond the forms, it allows instructors to expand on the ideas and the techniques in their own way. In my mind, this allows the art to grow more effectively.
This was in the late 80's early 90's when information was scarce and withheld. We dont have that problem today. But then, it was imposible to get any info. And you are correct, a 4th dan could then, but they didnt know they could or how to, cause no one would talk about it.

I looked up the USTU promotion rules and regulations from the 1984 handbook and there is a basis for what that grandmaster was claiming. Under the USTU rules, there is a supreme board of examiners as well as regional boards of examiners which had the authority to promote candidates to Kukkiwon dan rank. That grandmaster probably was asserting that all Kukkiwon promotion had to go through the regional board, which he probably was in charge of. The issue though is whether is mandatory to have to go through the regional board. I would say no and if it was me, I would have again politely declined, stating the reasons why, if he continued to insist, then I would ask my instructor, who would straight the situation out.

But all that has changed. We wont have that problem ever again. Even if they do restrict it to KOMS members and KKW Cert Master Instructors Course graduates.

There are a lot of things going on which I cannot get into. But it is my prediction that the KOMS program will be discontinued, probably within the next 30 to 60 days, if not sooner, maybe as soon as President Kang's return to Korea next week or the week thereafter. 2011 may shape up to be even more explosive than 2010 was for the Kukkiwon.
There are a lot of things going on which I cannot get into. But it is my prediction that the KOMS program will be discontinued, probably within the next 30 to 60 days, if not sooner, maybe as soon as President Kang's return to Korea next week or the week thereafter. 2011 may shape up to be even more explosive than 2010 was for the Kukkiwon.

Wow! Just when we thought things were settling down.
Things are definitely not settling down. The next four or five years will be action packed, with the Muju Park being completed and the IOC determining the permanent sports for the summer games. Things could radically change.
After listening and obseving things this weekend I can only echo what puunui is saying, the **** will hit the fan when the fan is going full speed. I cannot talk about what was said but it was shocking at best.
After listening and obseving things this weekend I can only echo what puunui is saying, the **** will hit the fan when the fan is going full speed. I cannot talk about what was said but it was shocking at best.

You're a tease too then ;-)

Anyone else want to receive this infamous label by tempting us with their secret knowledge of the future?
You tease ;-)

I've more than enough information in posts to where you can figure out in general what is going on. There is no need for specifics at the present time, although it will all come out eventually. It is a particularly sensitive time, dealing with a particularly sensitive issue. If you don't want to be teased then I won't say anything about any of this and let people find out when the official announcements are made.