

Yellow Belt
Mar 14, 2005
Reaction score
Got some new info and pics on my site!! Would like to share it with everyone. kogahakempo.com
Gah. One article per page. Not these long things.

The other thing that gets me is that I have never, ever seen a specific technique from this school ever get demonstrated. Nor have I seen a kata or a single movie clip of any kind.

History aside (and from what I've been led to believe, that's a *big* aside), I'd like too see what'cho got.
We wear Hakamas to cover our foot patterns...
Well, if that was true-should'nt they be a tad longer? I mean if thier utility is to disguise your footwork and the skirt ends at your shin???
they work well just as they are. We are an escaping arts system foot paterns are a important part or our system if they were longer it would not be very pratical. I think we do things a little different than a lot of the other Kempo systems out there.
eyebeams said:
Gah. One article per page. Not these long things.

The other thing that gets me is that I have never, ever seen a specific technique from this school ever get demonstrated. Nor have I seen a kata or a single movie clip of any kind.

History aside (and from what I've been led to believe, that's a *big* aside), I'd like too see what'cho got.
point taken...thanks for the input.
gavarn said:
they work well just as they are. We are an escaping arts system foot paterns are a important part or our system if they were longer it would not be very pratical. I think we do things a little different than a lot of the other Kempo systems out there.
Well they are not very practical to start with, if you want to hide your footwork they by definition would have to drape to the floor. Escaping patterns, such as jumping would be damm near imposible.
Being different for the sake of being different-priceless
The Kai said:
Well, if that was true-should'nt they be a tad longer? I mean if thier utility is to disguise your footwork and the skirt ends at your shin???
actually, my hakama did not make the trip, so i had to borrow one. and you noticed it was a little short.
Jef I'm not on here to be disrespected or talk ill of anyone. If you would like to talk about this style of kempo I welcome your coments.
I can't access the page so off the top o my head.

Better pictures (maybe a sequence)

LOSE THE HAKAMA!! (bet you'r not surprised by that one!). Hakama IMHO should be reserved for formal occasions or specific weapon training. They are impractical to train, jump or kick in. Overuse of the hakama is a (William)durbinesque attempt elevate one's rank.
If you can't get rid of the things here is point two-The only person wearing the Hakama should be the top dog!!

Supposedly Mr Hassan had martial arts training before Mitose list that
Since I have been envolved with this system I have warn a Hakama and have had no problem training with it. Video will go on the site very soon. Kai once again I thank you for your input.