I think folks get really knee jerk about alot of topics here sometimes, and it's mainly due to the medium. Being in text you don't have tone of voice, body language, and such to clarify someone's intention in a post. Even with the little emots.
I thought Yoshi was pretty cut and dry. Do you teach and train any killing moves in Wing Chun, in your school, does your teacher teach the techniques. That's all he was asking.
Sure we all got philosophical and talked about the morality of the actual "act" of killing, but not many actually answered the question. I did a bit, but I haven't been shown alot of specific "killing" moves in WC yet. If folks don't like the topic of the thread, don't get mad and read it and get offended because someone else has a different opinion on these things that you.
That's the world. A bunch of people running around with different morals, opinions and perspectives on things. Not a big deal until we all MAKE it a big deal.
Talk about it, learn, disagree, debate, and enjoy the conversation.
Just a thought.
And, I'm pretty sure this isn't the most hated thread in the history of MT, lol! :angel:
(as I run off down the hall with a pencil up my nose!! harah!)