Killing Techniques of WC

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But skinters its interesting many people hate this topic...but seem to love it so well!

They cant stay away!

well brother you could have worded it a bit better,no worries.and yes you have rocked the house again.

ill show you some killing techniques if you put us through all this again :wink2::lfao:
Um... your lumbar vertebrae are quite a bit lower than your neck. :idunno:

Pardon, lol! I'm not a chiropractor. Just know where to punchy punch.
Naughty naughty places. Thanks for straightening me out.
Damnit Jim, I'm a techie, not a Doctor! lol! :)
Please share how I could have worded it better?

Also what does mucker mean?

well brother you could have worded it a bit better,no worries.and yes you have rocked the house again.

ill show you some killing techniques if you put us through all this again :wink2::lfao:
Please share how I could have worded it better?

Also what does mucker mean?

well you might have gotten away with using the word killing and life ending lethal etc,if you explained that you knew it was an awkward subject to talk about,and didnt want to come across the wrong way.something along those lines.its all ended with you being a psycho,me being a troll,the most talked about thread in history,and pissed off quite a few martialtalk patrons .

never mind eh,there a lot worse doing the rounds(although i cant think what)haha

mucker means friend.
I never been one to be politically correct. People from everywhere are easily offended about everything. Man I tell you...I feel sorry for Barak Obama. I would hate to have that job he has.

Because him being black he really has to watch what he says. An people close to him I would hate their job too. Especially the white ones. If they say the wrong things to him an its deemed as racist then they could arrested and loose thier job.

well you might have gotten away with using the word killing and life ending lethal etc,if you explained that you knew it was an awkward subject to talk about,and didnt want to come across the wrong way.something along those lines.its all ended with you being a psycho,me being a troll,the most talked about thread in history,and pissed off quite a few martialtalk patrons .

never mind eh,there a lot worse doing the rounds(although i cant think what)haha

mucker means friend.
I think folks get really knee jerk about alot of topics here sometimes, and it's mainly due to the medium. Being in text you don't have tone of voice, body language, and such to clarify someone's intention in a post. Even with the little emots. :)

I thought Yoshi was pretty cut and dry. Do you teach and train any killing moves in Wing Chun, in your school, does your teacher teach the techniques. That's all he was asking.
Sure we all got philosophical and talked about the morality of the actual "act" of killing, but not many actually answered the question. I did a bit, but I haven't been shown alot of specific "killing" moves in WC yet. If folks don't like the topic of the thread, don't get mad and read it and get offended because someone else has a different opinion on these things that you.
That's the world. A bunch of people running around with different morals, opinions and perspectives on things. Not a big deal until we all MAKE it a big deal.
Talk about it, learn, disagree, debate, and enjoy the conversation.
Just a thought. :)
And, I'm pretty sure this isn't the most hated thread in the history of MT, lol! :angel:
(as I run off down the hall with a pencil up my nose!! harah!)
Si-je. I think it is one of most hated the most..but one of the most. I mean its funny When people talk about training its mostly just for health or mental reasons. I hear very few people speaking about using their Art outside of the Kwoon. All I hear is moral excuses and legal issues. I mean most of the time in life you don't have to use your art. Unless you live in high crime area an can not afford to move anywhere else.

But most people live in the county. Out here we don't have the same issues as those in city living. But sometimes I venture to the city to visit family or friends. Now to me some parts of the city where my Brothers and some cousins live. I suggest taking a stap(Firearm). Just a suggestion. Because for one Just the little simple trip from your car to their house can be a big issue. An what if your bus rider. Oh boy all the more reason to train seriously and learn how to hurt,maime and kill with your art. Now its true you do not want to kill anybody. Nor should you want to hurt someone. I mean really. Do people actually think about chain punching just anybody in the face for no reason who doesn't deserve it. No. Lets say someone is talking trash. Do you go chain punching him. No just ignor the idiot and move on. But if someone runs up on you trying to snacth your purse or comp a feel then by all means ladies open up with chain punches and kick to groins. I don't think that is harsh. I feel if someone is bad enough to violate your persons then you should be bad enough to sit them down.

But many people feel differently. I understand Fighting is a scary thing. But sometimes Fighting is also angry. I am angry that this guy decided to grab my purse or comp a feel of bosom. This is how ladies feel. They don't just get scared they get peed.

So they should violate that man back in a way he doesn't like.

As for people have difference of opinions. Some people are not use to their opinions being challenge. Are they feel like they Know something because of all of the years they lived on the earth. Experience does teach you somethings. But also true wisdom comes from heaven.
For instance I don't need to experience smoking crack to be wise enough to not to do it. I know crack cocain is bad so I never touched the stuff. Thats real wisdom Knowing something you have never experience is better than having to go through something horrible like loosing your family,house,car,kids,life savings,and freedom all because you became an alcoholic? No I don't have to live a long life to know not to do those things. I can learn not by example or experience But I can learn reading about it. Also some young people like in their teens know more than us. We may think we know alot but their is always someone smarter,stronger,faster and better than us. Age and Experience doesn't matter. As a matter of fact their are people who are in their fifties who have more experience than men in fighting. Their are also people around 19 or 18 who have more experience in fighting than me? Just because they have more experience doesn't make them more knowledgeable. Some people keep doing the wrong thing every time and never learn from their mistakes. So that person experience is no good to them.

But my post in general will always be taking to offense. Thats how people are. Controversial and Argumentative. You know and I know it so we must except it. People are always looking for war and conflict. It will be that way until the end of human race. We are born to adversity.

I think folks get really knee jerk about alot of topics here sometimes, and it's mainly due to the medium. Being in text you don't have tone of voice, body language, and such to clarify someone's intention in a post. Even with the little emots. :)

I thought Yoshi was pretty cut and dry. Do you teach and train any killing moves in Wing Chun, in your school, does your teacher teach the techniques. That's all he was asking.
Sure we all got philosophical and talked about the morality of the actual "act" of killing, but not many actually answered the question. I did a bit, but I haven't been shown alot of specific "killing" moves in WC yet. If folks don't like the topic of the thread, don't get mad and read it and get offended because someone else has a different opinion on these things that you.
That's the world. A bunch of people running around with different morals, opinions and perspectives on things. Not a big deal until we all MAKE it a big deal.
Talk about it, learn, disagree, debate, and enjoy the conversation.
Just a thought. :)
And, I'm pretty sure this isn't the most hated thread in the history of MT, lol! :angel:
(as I run off down the hall with a pencil up my nose!! harah!)
I would just like to point out that I didn't get offended by the thread, I don't hate neither do I have any strong feelings towards anyone or anything on this forum. I don't think this thread is hated at all. People shared there opinion quite honestly thats it. Don't confuse honesty and directnes with agression and hatred.

Look, the thing is that from my point of view you worried me a bit. On one thread you talk about how you would kill gay people with a spear, on another you say something like what sounded to me that you would kill anyone who would got in a fight with you(I think I quoted you in one of my previous threads) and then you go asking for killing techniques. It just painted a certein picture in my head and I didn't want that people share killing techniques with this guy who as I interpreted it has a lot of hatred and little selfcontrol. Please don't get offended. If you all would now me you would see that I am very direct, straightforward and honest about how I say things but I rearly get emotional(especialy over things like a discusion on a forum).

I just felt that it should be pointed out that killing shouldn' be take lightley. Thats all. Thats something I strongly belive in and thats why I was very persistant in my posts. But in no way did I intend to come of as agresive or that I hate anyone or anything. Which I don't-at least on this forum for sure. Hate is a very strong word.
Oh Eru Iluvatar. For the most part you are very tolerant and calm minded.

I am thankful for that. But still the fact remains. There are so who are very arrogant and prideful. Not pointing directly at you sir. Sorry if you thought I was pertaining to you. Ha spoke up...I won't take time out to make a joke here. But you know that ole saying That if you stand in a crowd and start yelling you are an idiot. Usually the one who says something to you is the one who believes you were talking to them...Lol...I like to do things like that in public sometimes just to see who speaks up. An then i be like the jokes on you buddy.

But anyway off subject. AS for killing gays. I think you took my statement out of context. I simply suggested that according to my spiritual beliefs homosexuals both men and women should be stoned. I may have mention that certain offenses in other parts of the world incur impalement. Which is a great deterent from sexual immorality. But I do not recall anything about taking a pole an striking gays with that. Thats not very effecient. Not in my view point. As for the stoning...that was something a large majority took part in. Not just one single man.

As for killing techniques. No, I am not suggesting that killing techniques be taught to go out an use on gays. Thats not very bright. Because just because your condition to kill with a phoenix fist or palm strike doesn't mean you will be able to successfully use it on group of people. You may be conquered and killed. I am about whats more effecient. Killing techniques are for self defense. For instance your alone an get attacked. An you have no weapon. But your assialiant or attackers do. Killing Techniques may allow you to defeat your foes or atleast take a few out so you can escape.

AS for gays being killed. I don't think that should be done by a single man. I think any captial punishments should be adminstered by a theocratic government. But this is my beliefs. You seem to bring this issue up alot. I hope my commenting on what you said doesn't give me another negative complaint. I am simply trying to respond honestly and openly. If this is unacceptable than on issues of my beliefs in Yahweh and Torah we will have discussed privately. That way others who read will not be offended. Since sometimes my opinions are offensive to some. An if you want more detail which I left alot out. Please message me.

As for killing taking lightly. I think killing techniques should be undertaking seriously. If i didn't know about certain spots on body that could kill I might have seriously hurt someone when sparring or fighting. Which I am glad I atleast learn some so I can advoid hurting people on accident.

But if I need the techniques I have them.
Eru Ilúvatar;1130962 said:
I would just like to point out that I didn't get offended by the thread, I don't hate neither do I have any strong feelings towards anyone or anything on this forum. I don't think this thread is hated at all. People shared there opinion quite honestly thats it. Don't confuse honesty and directnes with agression and hatred.

Look, the thing is that from my point of view you worried me a bit. On one thread you talk about how you would kill gay people with a spear, on another you say something like what sounded to me that you would kill anyone who would got in a fight with you(I think I quoted you in one of my previous threads) and then you go asking for killing techniques. It just painted a certein picture in my head and I didn't want that people share killing techniques with this guy who as I interpreted it has a lot of hatred and little selfcontrol. Please don't get offended. If you all would now me you would see that I am very direct, straightforward and honest about how I say things but I rearly get emotional(especialy over things like a discusion on a forum).

I just felt that it should be pointed out that killing shouldn' be take lightley. Thats all. Thats something I strongly belive in and thats why I was very persistant in my posts. But in no way did I intend to come of as agresive or that I hate anyone or anything. Which I don't-at least on this forum for sure. Hate is a very strong word.
Si-je. I think it is one of most hated the most..but one of the most. I mean its funny When people talk about training its mostly just for health or mental reasons. I hear very few people speaking about using their Art outside of the Kwoon. All I hear is moral excuses and legal issues. I mean most of the time in life you don't have to use your art. Unless you live in high crime area an can not afford to move anywhere else.

But most people live in the county. Out here we don't have the same issues as those in city living. But sometimes I venture to the city to visit family or friends. Now to me some parts of the city where my Brothers and some cousins live. I suggest taking a stap(Firearm). Just a suggestion. Because for one Just the little simple trip from your car to their house can be a big issue. An what if your bus rider. Oh boy all the more reason to train seriously and learn how to hurt,maime and kill with your art. Now its true you do not want to kill anybody. Nor should you want to hurt someone. I mean really. Do people actually think about chain punching just anybody in the face for no reason who doesn't deserve it. No. Lets say someone is talking trash. Do you go chain punching him. No just ignor the idiot and move on. But if someone runs up on you trying to snacth your purse or comp a feel then by all means ladies open up with chain punches and kick to groins. I don't think that is harsh. I feel if someone is bad enough to violate your persons then you should be bad enough to sit them down.

But many people feel differently. I understand Fighting is a scary thing. But sometimes Fighting is also angry. I am angry that this guy decided to grab my purse or comp a feel of bosom. This is how ladies feel. They don't just get scared they get peed.

So they should violate that man back in a way he doesn't like.

As for people have difference of opinions. Some people are not use to their opinions being challenge. Are they feel like they Know something because of all of the years they lived on the earth. Experience does teach you somethings. But also true wisdom comes from heaven.
For instance I don't need to experience smoking crack to be wise enough to not to do it. I know crack cocain is bad so I never touched the stuff. Thats real wisdom Knowing something you have never experience is better than having to go through something horrible like loosing your family,house,car,kids,life savings,and freedom all because you became an alcoholic? No I don't have to live a long life to know not to do those things. I can learn not by example or experience But I can learn reading about it. Also some young people like in their teens know more than us. We may think we know alot but their is always someone smarter,stronger,faster and better than us. Age and Experience doesn't matter. As a matter of fact their are people who are in their fifties who have more experience than men in fighting. Their are also people around 19 or 18 who have more experience in fighting than me? Just because they have more experience doesn't make them more knowledgeable. Some people keep doing the wrong thing every time and never learn from their mistakes. So that person experience is no good to them.

But my post in general will always be taking to offense. Thats how people are. Controversial and Argumentative. You know and I know it so we must except it. People are always looking for war and conflict. It will be that way until the end of human race. We are born to adversity.

Perhaps the reason why you hear about legal issues, is because its something to seriously consider. As I said in my other post....if you were to seriously injure someone, and what you did, wasn't warranted for what the person did to you, yes, you will most likely have some serious questions to answer.

If you think that every situation you're going to find yourself in, is going to require you to break someones neck, well, that tells me that you really have no idea at all of what you're talking about, and that you really need to take a 2nd look at your training.

What you really need to do, is assess the situation presented to you at the time, and base your response off of that. If the badguy is using deadly force on you, then you'd be more justified in using it, vs. if he simply pushed you. If you can't find an alternative to a push, other than breaking the guys neck, you don't have a clue about the martial arts.

Sorry to sound so harsh, but I really don't think you're reading what you're saying here.
Oh Eru Iluvatar. For the most part you are very tolerant and calm minded.

I am thankful for that. But still the fact remains. There are so who are very arrogant and prideful. Not pointing directly at you sir. Sorry if you thought I was pertaining to you. Ha spoke up...I won't take time out to make a joke here. But you know that ole saying That if you stand in a crowd and start yelling you are an idiot. Usually the one who says something to you is the one who believes you were talking to them...Lol...I like to do things like that in public sometimes just to see who speaks up. An then i be like the jokes on you buddy.

But anyway off subject. AS for killing gays. I think you took my statement out of context. I simply suggested that according to my spiritual beliefs homosexuals both men and women should be stoned. I may have mention that certain offenses in other parts of the world incur impalement. Which is a great deterent from sexual immorality. But I do not recall anything about taking a pole an striking gays with that. Thats not very effecient. Not in my view point. As for the stoning...that was something a large majority took part in. Not just one single man.

As for killing techniques. No, I am not suggesting that killing techniques be taught to go out an use on gays. Thats not very bright. Because just because your condition to kill with a phoenix fist or palm strike doesn't mean you will be able to successfully use it on group of people. You may be conquered and killed. I am about whats more effecient. Killing techniques are for self defense. For instance your alone an get attacked. An you have no weapon. But your assialiant or attackers do. Killing Techniques may allow you to defeat your foes or atleast take a few out so you can escape.

AS for gays being killed. I don't think that should be done by a single man. I think any captial punishments should be adminstered by a theocratic government. But this is my beliefs. You seem to bring this issue up alot. I hope my commenting on what you said doesn't give me another negative complaint. I am simply trying to respond honestly and openly. If this is unacceptable than on issues of my beliefs in Yahweh and Torah we will have discussed privately. That way others who read will not be offended. Since sometimes my opinions are offensive to some. An if you want more detail which I left alot out. Please message me.

As for killing taking lightly. I think killing techniques should be undertaking seriously. If i didn't know about certain spots on body that could kill I might have seriously hurt someone when sparring or fighting. Which I am glad I atleast learn some so I can advoid hurting people on accident.

But if I need the techniques I have them.

Speaking as a member, not a mod, because I'm involved in this post, but let me offer you a bit of advice here. I highly suggest, before you find yourself banned from this forum, that you read up on the rules specifically section 1.8 and 1.9.

I've brought this post to the attention of the other mods on this forum, so rest assure, this post will most likely be addressed.

Perhaps you should think a little before you post.

I have a Sanda sifu and the version of Sanda I trained was Police/Military it is most certainly made to be incredibly nasty to those you fight and if we are talking Military it certainly is not points sparing. However my sifu never talks of killing he has said only that he will not teach anyone that he does not know or trust because he never wants to be responsible for someone going out and using Sanda to hurt others. He has said Sanda is not the best marital art or the worst it is just a way to quickly learn how to hurt someone very badly. He also takes it incredibly seriously and if he read some of my past posts on Sanda and knew it was me he might stop teaching me since it is not something he ever tells anyone he does not know and trust anything about Sanda nor does he even mention it at all this is part of why I no longer post much on it any longer, out of respect for my sifu and my friend. I am also rather certain that if I was ever to go ask him about killing techniques he would stop teaching me all together.

As my first sensei instilled in me; Fighting is a very serious thing and you should not take it lightly. But if you fight and survive the fight you have to understand you will have to live with the consequences of that fight so best thing, if at all possible, is to run away. And I can tell you I did not remember what he said one time in my youth and I regret the outcome to this day

Asking about killing techniques to me shows a rather large disrespect for martial arts and people like the teachers I have been lucky enough to train with over the many years I have been at this. I do not believe you intended to any of that but this is how I take it.

It is not something discussed openly with people you do not know and trust.

As to dumbing thing down, I have trained Taiji for many years and there are a lot of people that do taiji that have no idea it is a martial art...they just know the dance.

Very good read. Sort of put rest in my mind about never fully answered emotions about my instinct to avoid or talk down possible violent situations. I have been in a couple situations since my marital arts training of about 14 months. Each time I chose to "stand down" if you want to call it that. I knew it was the smarter thing, but I couldn't help thinking I should of acted. One time resulted in me trying to break up a fight, got punched (never broke up a fight, wasn't prepared to get hit) and eventually it led to some kid claiming to have a gun. He had his hand in his jacket and was asking me if I had problems. I backed off and told him i was not involved and to pretty much just back off. (all the while I had my hand on my karambit ready if things went into survival mode) The other situation was 3 drunk idiots from phili in a stair well.

I never start fights and never want to. After contemplating on it now, I think maybe part of me was starving to see could I defend myself if I needed to? Although, in the possible gun situation I was pretty positive he didn't have a gun and that is why I think I was curious especially cause he was bigger than me. Regardless, I am not one of a violent nature so I would never seek out such a incident.
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