Kids and church


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Well as most of you know on this board I"m Jewish and my wife BoriauTKD is Chatholic, this Saturday my Kids have finished there classes to be accepted into the church and of course I have mix feelings about this my wife is happy as she should be and the kids seem happy but a part of me is sad. I know my childern will learn all about the Jewish faith and one day they may choose to be like dad, but it is hard to watch this kind of thing happy.

Please do not get me wrong I attend the church with them every Sunday and even volunteer for the Knights pancake breakfast every month so I enjoy the people of the church and we haver a good time at function and all, so it is no wonder they are going through this. It just seem a little piece of family tradition may be gone from this end of my life.

Thanks for hearing me out.
Terry Lee Stoker
Your feelings are natural and your support of your family is commendable. What about having your children study lessons on the Hebrew language and ancient Israeli history as well as the diaspora? This will give them a connection to the other half of their heritage.
Jonathan Randall said:
Your feelings are natural and your support of your family is commendable. What about having your children study lessons on the Hebrew language and ancient Israeli history as well as the diaspora? This will give them a connection to the other half of their heritage.

JOHNATHON They are learning the Jewish way and the faith of hebrew nation as well as the path of my religion, the point is I never thought this would bother me like it is as the time gets closer to Sunday,two days and cnting.
terryl965 said:
JOHNATHON They are learning the Jewish way and the faith of hebrew nation as well as the path of my religion, the point is I never thought this would bother me like it is as the time gets closer to Sunday,two days and cnting.

That's good. Again, don't worry - these feelings are natural. I would actually be more concerned if you did NOT have melancholy feelings on this. Both faiths, while diverging, come from the same source and root. Your attendance and support at your wife's Catholic functions is a model of religious harmony that many could learn from.
Jonathan Randall said:
That's good. Again, don't worry - these feelings are natural. Both faiths, while diverging, come from the same source and root.

I agree thanks terry
My wife and I had the same problen when we had to baptise my son..I am a catholic and she is a Jehovahs Witness.

It is customary in fiji that you are what your ather is..but she still had a problem..but seeing as I was the more religious of us I made this I always said that here will be middle ground..I take them to teh special meetings that she goes to like the memorial/passover etc and I let him go..eventually he will make his own mind up..he may chosse to be a satanist...well I will just have to accept it.

I suppose that you just need to keep your faith and they will make the choice..because honestly terry its theres to make. And should they choose later to convert to judaism..they would have done so seeing both sides of their heritage!

You have my respect for supporting your family at the cost of your a christian myself..I suppose you just need to focus on what christianity teaches..its the same ten commandments as the jews have all from moses...when you feel bad like this..just look at the glass as half full!

Good luck..and wish your family good luck on sunday for me!

I hope that makes sense to you !
My brother and his wife are going through the same thing. She's Catholic, but he doesn't necesarily believe in an "organized" religion- but he does have religious beliefs, and sometimes they don't always see eye to eye. I know a few people of 2 different faiths, and they do like you are doing. It's not easy, but finding a middle ground does make it a little easier.
My sister is Catholic and her husband is Methodist, and they are going through a similar issue, however, one thing that struck me was that you attend catholic service with your wife. Good for you, my sister attends her husband's service and he attends hers as well.