Holiday season Yea right


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Does it seem the Holiday season start earlier every year and that people get more scarsatic as well. Today while at the grocery store a lady said out loud why is it people bring there kids to the store while shopping. What the hell does she expect it is the grocery store and yes she was referring to me, so I said to hear my kids like to pick out what they want for the week and she said they should not have a say so and be happy that they was able to eat. I just could not believe my ears, so I said have a wonderful Holiday and she said holiday that are for childern should be gone for good and that there is no Santa Claus, now my boys are old enought o know this but she was wrong for saying that and for her attitude toward childern and the holiday. May she find Peace this season.
Does it seem the Holiday season start earlier every year and that people get more scarsatic as well. Today while at the grocery store a lady said out loud why is it people bring there kids to the store while shopping. What the hell does she expect it is the grocery store and yes she was referring to me, so I said to hear my kids like to pick out what they want for the week and she said they should not have a say so and be happy that they was able to eat. I just could not believe my ears, so I said have a wonderful Holiday and she said holiday that are for childern should be gone for good and that there is no Santa Claus, now my boys are old enought o know this but she was wrong for saying that and for her attitude toward childern and the holiday. May she find Peace this season.

The thought that crossed through my unworthy, vindictive mind was, may she find a grand piano falling on her head from a fortieth story apartment this season... you're a better man than I am, Terry.

But yes, the season does seem to want to get started earlier and earlier every year. Adrian is alread agitating for us to put up our Christmas decorations... now. I just find that bizarre... Can't we at least wait till Thanksgiving's come and gone??
Bob you are right but why is it people are like this? I mean the holiday season use to bring people together not tear them apart.

I think Dickins in A Christmas Carol had the right idea. Unhappy people, people like Scrooge, cannot abide other people being happy. Whatever the damage they sustained (long, long, long ago, probably) that made them so negative, angry and toxic, seeing joy in others just rubs their face in their own misery. So naturally, they resent other people's happiness and pleasure in the comraderie of the season. Just imagine how miserable someone would have to be in order to talk to you the way she did...

Hell, maybe she doesn't need a grand piano falling on her, come to think of it! She's already there, so to speak...
People who want to find things wrong with the world and the people around them will do so, whether there is really something there to find or not.

All you can do is behave in the fashion in which you wish others would behave, and hope they learn from your example.

In the meantime, keep this in mind:

May those that love us, love us.
If they do not love us, may God turn their hearts.
If He cannot turn their hearts, may He turn their ankles,
so we'll know them by their limping.
~Irish proverb
Bob you are right but why is it people are like this? I mean the holiday season use to bring people together not tear them apart.
Because unfortunately, there are too many people today, who are empty shells. Their hearts/souls/spirits died years ago, but the body continues on. The only way they have to fill the void within themselves, is to bring others down. They are the pitiful people who will get into fist fights in a McD over who gets their greaseburger first, the person who has to be ahead of you on the road (who you meet at every light), who speeds up to get in a door before you, or who will step in your way if you're trying to read something on a wall/sign. A smile to them gets you a frown, a wave gets you the finger, and if you hold a door open for them, they glare and insult you. They are miserable, and want you to be like them. I usually just ignore em, though I have been known to get creative on a few occasions.
Let me see here in Alma at the local JCPenny, they have had Christmas music up for well over two weeks. :erg: This weekend I saw about ten different houses with all their Christmas decorations out. :idunno: It is a little out of control folks!
Let me see here in Alma at the local JCPenny, they have had Christmas music up for well over two weeks. :erg: This weekend I saw about ten different houses with all their Christmas decorations out. :idunno: It is a little out of control folks!

Hell some of the stores up here started hauling out their Christmas decorations the day after Halloween....
I saw christmas decor going up in septemer as the back to school stuff came down.
... and all this is why I say we have over commercialized this holiday. It's sad really, but a product of the times ... it's all so materialistic.
Bob you are right but why is it people are like this? I mean the holiday season use to bring people together not tear them apart.

Yeah you are right. But some people have had their spirit squashed and have met disappointment after disappointment after disappointment. They put a lot of faith into what people tell them. They count on people to come through with their word and really all they get is false promises and lies. I know it really irks me when someone says they are going to do something and they don't. Now, I am not condoning her behaviour but if you are going to spout that this time should bring people together then perhaps we all need to let things slide off our back when we meet people like this. Walking in their shoes might change your mind. Perhaps it is a time for reflection, sitting back and thinking "Have I fufiled on my duties and responsibilities? Is my word worth anything?"

Sorry folks if I am a little off topic here. Just been watching some people I care about get dicked around a little too much lately.

This drives me nuts. Finish Thanksgiving first, please!

I have finished Thanks Giving! lol! :p
Does it seem the Holiday season start earlier every year and that people get more scarsatic as well. Today while at the grocery store a lady said out loud why is it people bring there kids to the store while shopping. What the hell does she expect it is the grocery store and yes she was referring to me, so I said to hear my kids like to pick out what they want for the week and she said they should not have a say so and be happy that they was able to eat. I just could not believe my ears, so I said have a wonderful Holiday and she said holiday that are for childern should be gone for good and that there is no Santa Claus, now my boys are old enought o know this but she was wrong for saying that and for her attitude toward childern and the holiday. May she find Peace this season.

IMO, I see nothing wrong with what you did Terry. However, the one thing that I will, in a way, agree with this woman is when we're talking about very little kids, ie:4, 5, 6yrs old, and their parents are walking ahead of them, while the kids do whatever. For example: Last year my wife and I were out doing some shopping. I went out to the car with some things and to wait for her. She was squatting down at a shelf, looking at something, and suddenly she was knocked to the a small child pushing a cart with his sister inside, while the clueless mother was way ahead.

From this woman, there was no apology, and just her telling her kids to be more careful. I will say this...the woman is VERY lucky that I was not with my wife when this happened, because I can assure you, she'd have heard a few rude, unkind things from me.

My wife wasn't seriously hurt, just a bruise on her lower back, but still....what if this was an elderly lady? So, everybody goes on their way, and while my wife is walking to the check out, she sees once again, a near hit with someone else.

Like I said, if the kids are old enough, thats fine, if they're small and being watched, fine, but if they're small and the parent is letting them run wild, that is what I have an issue with.

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