Does it seem the Holiday season start earlier every year and that people get more scarsatic as well. Today while at the grocery store a lady said out loud why is it people bring there kids to the store while shopping. What the hell does she expect it is the grocery store and yes she was referring to me, so I said to hear my kids like to pick out what they want for the week and she said they should not have a say so and be happy that they was able to eat. I just could not believe my ears, so I said have a wonderful Holiday and she said holiday that are for childern should be gone for good and that there is no Santa Claus, now my boys are old enought o know this but she was wrong for saying that and for her attitude toward childern and the holiday. May she find Peace this season.
IMO, I see nothing wrong with what you did Terry. However, the one thing that I will, in a way, agree with this woman is when we're talking about very little kids, ie:4, 5, 6yrs old, and their parents are walking ahead of them, while the kids do whatever. For example: Last year my wife and I were out doing some shopping. I went out to the car with some things and to wait for her. She was squatting down at a shelf, looking at something, and suddenly she was knocked to the a small child pushing a cart with his sister inside, while the clueless mother was way ahead.
From this woman, there was no apology, and just her telling her kids to be more careful. I will say this...the woman is VERY lucky that I was not with my wife when this happened, because I can assure you, she'd have heard a few rude, unkind things from me.
My wife wasn't seriously hurt, just a bruise on her lower back, but still....what if this was an elderly lady? So, everybody goes on their way, and while my wife is walking to the check out, she sees once again, a near hit with someone else.
Like I said, if the kids are old enough, thats fine, if they're small and being watched, fine, but if they're small and the parent is letting them run wild, that is what I have an issue with.