Kiddy porn ring cracked

Would any of you like to volunteer to be a states executioner of these dirtbags like I would? It would be great to see a small army of martial artists lining up to send these freaks to the great origin deity for judgment.
bushidomartialarts said:
that said, what does the rage do for us? does it help us evolve as people, or even help us become better defeneders of children?

fear and anger ... the dark side of the force are they....

I think that the rage is hard wired into us as a species. We hear of things like this and our DNA rebels at the idea of someone harming the younglings that contain the next generation.

So we vent here and we acknowledge the rage instead of trying to bottle it up and ignore it. That is healthy I think. Healthier than trying to think that we should not feel a murderous rage when we hear stories like this.
If it makes you feel better Bushido, I wouldnt kill them in a fit of rage.

It would be cold, Calculated, and methodical, because it needs to be done. But It wouldnt be driven by rage... just a sense of justice for those who are too young to create their own.
There are rumors of what those kind of people go through in prison, by other inmates... I know I won't feel sorry for those that did this. My family is already ready to castrate a couple of people in the are of where I live for something similar. It's a good thing that those 2 have restraining orders against them. Who knows what would happen if they came around, and we're not a "violent" family.
The best reaction that I can think of comes in the form of a quote from the movie "Sin City"...

"...and when his eyes go dead, the Hell I sent him to must seem like Heaven after what I've done to him." -- Marv
This is the most disgusting thing of all. Burn in hell you MUTHA"S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Castration is the best solution. Not only making it painful and humiliating but make it so they could never commit these crimes to humanity again. Death is to good for these scumbags.
Yes, yes, yes. We're all disgusted and sickened by these animals and death is too good for them and all that. Talking about it doesn't make it go away. Bitching about it and venting our most sadistic desires of what we'd like to do to these animals doesn't help the children that are continually being exploited.
I think we should be discussing what we can do to help LEO's find and stop these animals from doing their heineous crimes. This was only one out of hundreds, if not thousands of child porn rings that are still out there. Ultra secret and well managed to hide from those that seek them out to end it.
What makes it more difficult is that there are countries with no laws to stop the exploitation of children, or their LEA's don't vigorously hunt them down as they should. With international laws the way they are other LEOs from other countries can't arrest or seek out these animals and bring them to justice.
What can be done to find these people and rescue the children from their straits?
This is the REAL war on terror. The horror of the innocent being used for the perversion of others.
Why hasn't someone from the UN offered a task force that supercedes international laws and boundries to specifically target these animals and find them and put an end to their "work"? This is something that is so outrageous that surely the moral and the just that hold the reins of their respective countries would be willing to suspend international treaties and boundries to allow a group of enforcers to find and bust up these rings.
It's being manufactured somewhere... it can be destroyed there.
Yeah, I'm talking near-vigilantism acts going on. Because it's still happening and it's still being perpetrated. How else is it going to stop?
That's what we need to be discussing here, the ideas and solutions.
JamesYazell said:
How to catch them without invading the rights of the innocent?
Well basically you can't really. As I understand it; LEO's Task Forces/Czars basically have certian sites monitored and they pose as perps seeking and when get directed to a site or whatever then they have to "view the evidence" to ascertain that the site is indeed showing child porn in order to have the justification to take action against the host/webmaster. Unfortunately in viewing the evidence exposes the LEO to the child being violated... and that child's innocence is gone... it's gone anyway because they're exploited but I think you get the gist of what I mean.
As there are hardened criminals there must be also hardened officers who have seen so much that they're used to it... they don't like it any more than we do but they're desensitized (?) to the material so that they can function clearly to take care of the situation. ... at least I believe they are.
I have seen some pretty sick **** in my time, but this may top the list. There is no punishment harsh enough for this kind of scum.

We need to write our congressman and make sure that laws like "Jessica's Law" are put on the books. Child rape, abductions etc.. are on the rise, mostly in part (IMHO) to the internet. Sick people have alway's been on this planet, but now they have a way to communicate with likeminded, perverted individuals and organizations (like MNBLA). Also, Judges (Ohio, Vermont), letting these abominations off with little or no sentencing/punishment for violating of our children sickens me to the core.

We need to give our law enforement the tools to apprehend these people and get these weak judges off the bench who are sending the srong message to these sick freaks.
I agree, punish to the fullest! There are those that cannot be re-hibilitated, and theses beasts should never be seen or heard from again IMHO!

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