FBI Agents Put New Focus on Deviant Porn

Sounds like the FBI and the CIA are at war with each other ala COINTELPRO and MKultra Project Monarch. I'll get the popcorn.
Im just wondering what "law" the feds are supposed to be cracking down on. They cant write up their own, so what is it?
Tom, I think it means that now when you catch someone reading Hustler on the bus, you have to call the FBI rather than ticket them yourself.
Prosecution of obscenity never works. Look at the millions the feds spent on shutting down Rueben Sturman. His porn empire fell, only to be replaced by competitors. The "problem" is that people want this stuff and "someone" is going to provide it whether "others" like it or not.

An interesting thing happened in Denmark...Europes self proclaimed porn capital. They stopped prosecuting pornographers and legalized everything but child pornography. Polls show that Danes went out and bought a whole bunch of porn, but then, in a few years, sales among Danes fell sharply. In essence, they got bored.

Now, the bulk of the danish porn industry comes from outside of the country where stuff they produce is prosecuted. If this example doesn't paint porn as a classic "forbidden fruit" I don't know what will.


ps - I find it ironic that the people who talk most about promoting the "free market" are doing their damndest to curb it.
Well, the agents themselves are rolling their eyes and saying that they'll have to bust their fellow agents...if not turn themselves in. A number are frustrated that they have to do this, when we have white collar criminals and terrorists running around.

The "community standards" test is full of holes. How does one determine community standards? Do we take a poll?

When it comes to determining literary and artistic merit we place the onus of responsibility on a commission, council, court or congress to determine what is artistic or not. The history of censorship is rife with instances where artists have been censored, jailed, and fined for their work. So too have men and women distributing pamphlets on women's health...good old Anthony Comstock thought that cut away pictures intended to educate women concerning their reproductive organs was somehow prurient. Personally, pictures of a uterus and ovaries never did much for me.

There is some absolutely vile stuff out there in internet land. Yet when we're talking about pornographic interplay between two consenting adults, it is difficult to find a victim. The concern that it drives people to masturbation is unfounded. Of course this is exactly what it does...but such an activity doesn't turn us into raving, feeble minded, perverted blind maniacs with hairy palms and acne.

It does, however, cause repetitive stress disorders.


hardheadjarhead said:
It does, however, cause repetitive stress disorders.
Yeah, my hands are cramping right now. That post was soooooooooooooo good. :fanboy:

I guess I'm going to have to turn you into the FBI. I have sinned and you must be punished for it! ;)
Try switching to your non-dominant hand and typing with the other one. I've found that helps with the carpal tunnel syndrome.

I mean...er...in friends I know who have had that problem.

Seriously, though, the issue of this "immoral activity" (porn and its resulting in "self-stimulation") is best illustrated by this quote by Robert H. Bork:

"No activity that society thinks immoral is victimless. Knowledge that an activity is taking place is a harm to those who find it profoundly immoral."

He wrote that in The Tempting of America; The Political Seduction of the Law (p. 123).

Isn't that a gem of a quote?

This definition expands the list of victims not just to those "victimless" crimes but extends it to crimes where there is clearly a victim. So, we find victimhood among those who find the following immoral:

Pornography; masturbation; consensual adult non-marital sex; various sexual activities between consenting adults both married and unmarried; the writing of unpublished and published erotica; political advocacy of questionable practices; artwork or literature depicting violence; capital punishment; the slaughter of animals for food; the use of animals in research; hunting; whaling; cross-dressing; gender re-assignment; blasphemy; alcohol use...insert perceived immoral activity here.

This is not off topic to mention these things...I illustrate them to show the overwhelming difficulties we encounter by Bork's definition. It leads to an incredibly puritan and neurotic attempt to control others, and a silly form of breast beating in adopting for the morally sensitive the status of a victim.


I can walk up to a coin slot machine on a main street and buy a pornographic magazine or film here if I really wanted to.

The machine has been there for some time, and nobody pays it any mind, those who are anti-pornography have the choice to look the other way, as far as I'm concerned, as already stated by others, as long as it is between consenting adultsthen nobody else has the right to tell us what we can or can't enjoy.
Simon Curran said:
I can walk up to a coin slot machine on a main street and buy a pornographic magazine or film here if I really wanted to.

The machine has been there for some time, and nobody pays it any mind, those who are anti-pornography have the choice to look the other way, as far as I'm concerned, as already stated by others, as long as it is between consenting adultsthen nobody else has the right to tell us what we can or can't enjoy.
shame on you
the "father" at the "church" says "YOU, BAD, CANNOT WATCH PORN NO MORE"
obey! or lose your property in heaven
(sarcastically, just in case you're in one of those serious moods :)
Simon Curran said:
I can walk up to a coin slot machine on a main street and buy a pornographic magazine or film here if I really wanted to.

So...tell me...how tough are your immigration laws?


hardheadjarhead said:
So...tell me...how tough are your immigration laws?


No kidding. Yet, I think the statistics show that the Danes eventually got bored with porn after it was totally legalized. This seems plausible enough for me. If porn were less "naughty" my wife and I might get bored too.
hardheadjarhead said:
So...tell me...how tough are your immigration laws?


Not too tough,lotsa paperwork to fill out though.
Best still, just find a Danish girl, worked for me...
upnorthkyosa said:
No kidding. Yet, I think the statistics show that the Danes eventually got bored with porn after it was totally legalized. This seems plausible enough for me. If porn were less "naughty" my wife and I might get bored too.
It's true, there are no taboos about it, either legally or socially, and those who are interested can remain interested, I haven't gotten bored yet...:wink1:

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