I found that one of the challenges is to find out my own optimal fighting style and strategy that suits my physiology and limitations. I am curious how others solve the same problem?
I have
- low back issues with a nerve jam, and poor flexbility for high kicks
- quite good external hip rotation, but at the expenseve of poor internal hip rotation - this is confirmed by physioterapeut test
Means I have problems with jodan kicks, an in particular mawashi geri.
Mawashi geri in general is also tricky, but gedan and low chudan is doable.
Same issue with ushiro mawashi.
I thought for a long time i was doing it wrong, but not I realized, that I simply can't do it, due ot constraints of hip mobility (and in part due to low flexibility).
Flexibility cna be trained, but I thik hip mobility is more about innate anatomy.
Combination of high kicks and inernal rotation I just can't do, and I probably need to live it it.
Due to my hip bias, I find it much more natural for me todo uchi mawashi geri, or spinning crescent kick, or soto gedan or chudan kakato geri also suits my hips.
So my best chance to pull off a head kick with be either tobi geri front kick, uchi mawashi or spinning uschi mawashi (Iove that kick).
In particular do i windoer about power generation of spinning uchi mawashi geri vs ushiro mawashi. It would first of all be haisoku vs heel. Clearly the heel would be better, but which one would you say is faster, and less telegraphing? for chudan I have good enough external hip rotation to do this kcik not as a keage but more asa 45 upwards shin kick. So it is a pretty decent liver kick.
Anyone in the same situation, what do you focus on? I'm doing kyokushin, and is far from my 20s or even 30s or even 40s

But this is fun and I want to develop based on my limitations.
Curious to learn about how others deal with this!!