Kick Shield I'm making to be able to train alone, Thoughts?


White Belt
Aug 3, 2023
Reaction score
Hey guys!
I made my own kick shield that has velcro straps on the back so I can strap the shield to a pole or a tree.
I love using kick shields but it's tough to always have someone hold one for me.
I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts were, and if it's something any of you would use as well. Appreciate any feedback. Thanks.
straps kickpad.jpg
If you can draw a small circle on your shield, you can train your kick with accuracy. I like to kick a small tree (about human leg size) for the same reason.
You're onto something awesome with those strapped-on kick shields. Film yourself while training, catch those moves in action, and fine-tune your kicks. Its also a good way to catch those epic moments of progress.
You're onto something awesome with those strapped-on kick shields. Film yourself while training, catch those moves in action, and fine-tune your kicks. Its also a good way to catch those epic moments of progress.
Thanks for the feedback! I'll start making some videos training with it!
I do the same thing with a banana bag (inner tub type) and bungee cords. Works great. Good kicking!
You do have to be careful kicking immovable objects. Super tuff on joints and knees. Just a thought.