Kick or punch

I am odd as well, apparently. I'm only 22, yet I rarely can/will throw a kick at someones head, and 90% of my kicks are low kicks.

That's sort of the point. It's less about age and more about training. Kempo, as I understand it, is more hand oriented, with most of the kicking being fairly low. So it makes perfect sense that you wouldn't be likely to throw high kicks.
That's sort of the point. It's less about age and more about training. Kempo, as I understand it, is more hand oriented, with most of the kicking being fairly low. So it makes perfect sense that you wouldn't be likely to throw high kicks.
Yup, I was just reinforcing that. As far as striking arts go, we're opposite sides of the spectrum.
As a kenpo Billy Jack might say, "I'm going to kick you in the head, and there is, actually, all kinds of things you can do about it." ;)
I guess I'm odd. I'm well over your 30 year break point, and I still get a kick out of planting my foot upside someones head.
You should spar against me. I'll take that thrill away and make you a devote follower in low .
I would say right now most of my class work is punching (70%) and the rest kicking. I actually do like kicking more - perhaps because even though I am 51 I have worked hard at flexibility and balance and I have height and strong legs. I don't kick higher than waist level (or chest) which is fine as my MA focuses on quick low kicks. I am trying to get better at punching as my instructor is heavy into this part of my MA.
I am odd as well, apparently. I'm only 22, yet I rarely can/will throw a kick at someones head, and 90% of my kicks are low kicks.
And I'm both. At 46, I can still kick (some people) in the head, and I get a kick out of it. But I've never (even at 22) used it much, always preferring lower kicks.

High kicks are fun, but low kicks seem to open more opportunities for me.
I'm the low end of the spectrum at 17, and can kick effectively someone who is taller than me. But just because i can kick high, doesn't mean I don't kick low. When fighting, I will kick whatever I can. Because of the rules at my studio my lowest kick is the hip, but when the rules allow more targets I go for 'em. I also use hand techniques, but usually after kicking or mixed up with a bunch of kicks. I like to mix punching/kicking up so as to keep my opponent on there toes.
in the beginning i trained to be a kicker, too. because its cool and its what people think first of, when hearing about martial arts.
today i train punches more, after i learned, that martial arts kicking is the more useless, the more realistic a fight is (mma, street, self-defense), because opponents will come close, no matter what you do. straight stop kicks work well once or twice and then - infight. not to mention the balance problem.
in the beginning i trained to be a kicker, too. because its cool and its what people think first of, when hearing about martial arts.
today i train punches more, after i learned, that martial arts kicking is the more useless, the more realistic a fight is (mma, street, self-defense), because opponents will come close, no matter what you do. straight stop kicks work well once or twice and then - infight. not to mention the balance problem.
So your saying kicks don't work in mma?
don't bother me with that stuff. kicks don't work against aggressive opponents (because of the range), thats all.

I'm just going to go ahead and assume that this statement was intended to be taken as a joke. Because it certainly can't possibly be taken seriously.
don't bother me with that stuff. kicks don't work against aggressive opponents (because of the range), thats all.
Uh huh well I'll just leave this here and let you think about how stupid that statement is
And those are just head kicks not including body kick or leg kick finishes
don't bother me with that stuff. kicks don't work against aggressive opponents (because of the range), thats all.

The first real fight I ever won was with a kick to the face, the guy was trying to ping me in the face. I would call that aggressive.
try to kick someone when being in the clinch, then you see what i mean. and in every fight which isn't created for show so it doesn't allow staying close (shotokan, taekwondo...) opponents will come that close. especially if they want to kill you. jeesh, crazy people without ability to logical thinking around here.

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