Senior Master
There is some TCM which is worth a second, third and twenty third look, especially the vast wealth of herbal knowledge. But "TCM works" is simply not true. We simply know more now about how the body works at every level from the gross anatomical to the basic biochemical than we did thousands of years ago. Eating a cucumber marinated in your own urine will not cure snakebite. The spleen is not the Master Governing Organ and so on.
Traditional Medicine from Spain to Samarkand had centuries upon centuries of results showing that the Four Humors and Four Elements were a rock-solid foundation for medical theory. But the Scientific Revolution gave us the tools to better investigate these processes. If an honest, non-nationalistic examination of other antique therapies shows that there is verifiable, repeatable value in them well and good. That goes double if we can create a robust theoretical understanding. And I mean that in the strict scientific sense. But until then I'm not willing to bow at any altar, especially if the idol on it is inscribed with "I have not had an original thought in 3000 years. Worship me." That applies to Chinese, Ayurvedic, Islamic, Native American or any other corpus which is making life or death decisions about my corpus.
Traditional Medicine from Spain to Samarkand had centuries upon centuries of results showing that the Four Humors and Four Elements were a rock-solid foundation for medical theory. But the Scientific Revolution gave us the tools to better investigate these processes. If an honest, non-nationalistic examination of other antique therapies shows that there is verifiable, repeatable value in them well and good. That goes double if we can create a robust theoretical understanding. And I mean that in the strict scientific sense. But until then I'm not willing to bow at any altar, especially if the idol on it is inscribed with "I have not had an original thought in 3000 years. Worship me." That applies to Chinese, Ayurvedic, Islamic, Native American or any other corpus which is making life or death decisions about my corpus.