Most of the old masters treated ki energy as abyproduct of thier physical training not a replacement
gotcha, good point! I read my two posts and was embarrased by their naivety and childishness.
DeLamar, I really enjoyed that post, unlike others who question and insult when it comes to this subject, you have made your point and explained your opinion. Thanks, and I hope other can learn from you.
although I like muaythaifreak's creative quotes:uhyeah:
Personally, I believe that most "tricks" performed by those claiming to have an intimate knowledge of their ki, such as the above story:
i have seen demos of masters getting a line of 10 students, having one student choose a number between 1 and 10, then seeing the master punch the first student in a way that made a student further down the line (appropriate to the number called earlier) fold over as if they were the ones punched.
are fake. This one in particular seems like a psychosomatic response, IMO, it reeks of hypnotic suggestion and application. a (good) hypnotist could do the same thing, but he wouldn't even need to punch, just say a work or flick a finger to those under the proper suggestion.
but other stories are harder to explain....
Instead of quoting some bs like I have done in another thread of the same name, I'll tell of an excercise I did in class.
OK. here's what we were doing: we would pair off first, and one person would close thier eyes (call them Person A). the other(person B), eyes open, would stand square in front of the other, both hands pulled back (or in a chambered postion as i've seen others describe it).
B makes a slow punch, and using imagination, or "feeling the ki flow"(not the right words but I'm tired tonite), projects the "energy" (not in the scientific notion, as DeLamar said) in the direction of the punch. Person B make the choice of punching towards the abdomen or head. Person A, eyes still closed, tries to feel where the punch is aimed.
Say I was person B, and a sensei A, sensei A called it
every time, before my punch was even completed. we ran through this several times. With differing partners too. I did not have much luck as person A. But my sister was able to call the shots most of the time and was genuinely surprised by it! I encourage others to try this. OR, if you thinks its all BS, try identifying the punch by sound alone. good luck!
Another excercise we did a couple times, was to have Person A(for lack of a new description:uhyeah: ) close their eyes and stand still and silent. Person B, starting from a position relatively far away would walk as silently as possible towards the other, directing their ki forwards, Person A would open their eyes when they felt the others approach, to check. for safety against BS "readings", Person B does not necessarily have to move.
we do some other stuff related to Ki sometimes, but very seldom, and nothing like no-touch-knockouts, which I will never believe until I see.
In my dojo, we do not think of ki as some mystical power or other unexplainable phenomena. and to say that science has not ever proven anything about ki does make it seem like some kind of cultish BS, I agree. this is the first I have heard about this. But, I have felt it, others have felt it, and we all want to learn more.
DeLamar, all that you mentioned about the proper knowledge of the body, its workings, and the scientific approach for an effective strike, is done. And I have had many strikes explained to me in crucial detail with reference to the physics and biomechanics behind the technique(one sensei is a scientist). Ki is just a little side thing we do.