Kettle bells in Karate

However staying with the topic of swinging a weight around to develop striking strength perhaps doing regular kendo suburi but with a heavier wooden bokken could do for it ?
Suburi bokuto are a fast route to tennis/golferā€™s elbow!

I think the idea is that of you can make a nice cut with a really heavy bokuto, using a much lighter steel sword or bamboo stave, will be much easier. I think it feels that way for the first few swings but the effect soon wears off. Modern weight training is a much better option.
Suburi bokuto are a fast route to tennis/golferā€™s elbow!

I think the idea is that of you can make a nice cut with a really heavy bokuto, using a much lighter steel sword or bamboo stave, will be much easier. I think it feels that way for the first few swings but the effect soon wears off. Modern weight training is a much better option.
This is perfectly true. It's been shown, in peer reviewed studies, that swinging a weighted bat to improve your baseball swing actually makes it slower and I expect it works the same for punching and kicking. It feels faster, yes, but it isn't.
Suburi bokuto are a fast route to tennis/golferā€™s elbow!
I think the idea is that of you can make a nice cut with a really heavy bokuto, using a much lighter steel sword or bamboo stave, will be much easier. I think it feels that way for the first few swings but the effect soon wears off. Modern weight training is a much better option.
Iā€™ve seen boxers exercise swinging sledgehammers hitting tractor tires
Iā€™ve seen boxers exercise swinging sledgehammers hitting tractor tires, ok that swing goes full through so have not the ā€œcriticalā€ sudden stop and retract in mid air that I guess you mean possibly produce tennis/golf elbow.

But then Tennis and golf swings also make use of swing fully through hitting objects.

So how then can suburi develop tennis elbow?

-I have trouble posting on this forum, my full text didnā€™t come on.

The trouble may have to do with the location Iā€™m posting from
Iā€™ve seen boxers exercise swinging sledgehammers hitting tractor tires, ok that swing goes full through so have not the ā€œcriticalā€ sudden stop and retract in mid air that I guess you mean possibly produce tennis/golf elbow.
A different exercise done for different reasons. They use a light sledgehammer so that it will bounce back off the tyre, not to add extra weight to the motion. It was adopted some time ago as a substitute for chopping wood, and it's done for what gets called 'general physical preparation', not improving speed and power. Personally, I just use a 10kg fencing maul on a regular basis to actually knock in fence posts and there's always wood that needs chopping, so it's not really a gap I need to fill.
Also, I've seen boxers do lots of things that are stupid and/or counterproductive and potentially injurious just because they're traditionally done or 'just because'. The mere fact that some boxers do it too isn't quite a glowing recommendation. I have known boxers to eat raw steaks in the pursuit of martial excellence, it doesn't necessarily make it a good idea.
Are the wood locks weighted, other than the wood itself?

From memory, very long ago , 70s šŸ˜Ž

They were not weighted but must have weighed less then 10lb closer to 5,,, could be wrong.
A little hard to work with due to the weight placement, and grip in the various long arm practices...

There might be some current Tibetan White crane practitioners, on the site..

"Flying Crane"
comes to mind,,šŸ¤”
hopefully he or someone else will chime in as to the weight, dimensions..ect.

"Kung Fu Wang"
would be the one to ask about "stone locks"
should some wonder šŸ¤”
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