- New Platform and Design


Black Belt
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
Hello all, has been drastically changed. The forum platform has been moved to a publication platform (wordpress). Originally, the site was designed for articles and other resources. I later experimented with a forum. Another Kenpo forum has become redundant as there are more than enough of those.

A publication format is more fresh for Kenpo. Storing news, articles and other resources is the direction I wish it to go. I am looking to be a clearing house for information and news for all Kenpo/Kempo/Kaju systems and styles. One of my ideas to do a weekly article linking to interesting discussions found on forums.

Anyways, check it out. There may be a few bugs here and there. So bear with it. Also, I will be looking for people that wish to contribute articles and news. You can find out more here.

Looks great, Zoran...!

A great idea as well. I look forward to seeing the future progress. No small undertaking, I am sure.

Thank you,
Milt G.

Looks great, Zoran...!

A great idea as well. I look forward to seeing the future progress. No small undertaking, I am sure.

Thank you,
Milt G.


Now if I could only get more people involved as writers.....

Now if I could only get more people involved as writers.....

Don't know if I am qualified, but I may be interested...
What type of article content are you looking for?

Also, How can one be listed in your bio section? Criteria?

Thanks, Zoran...
Milt G.
Don't know if I am qualified, but I may be interested...
What type of article content are you looking for?

Also, How can one be listed in your bio section? Criteria?

Thanks, Zoran...
Milt G.

Most of the info is covered in

I am looking for all kinds of articles and postings. News, seminars, opinion pieces, techniques, history, reviews, and etc.

As to bio's, as long as you are a black belt and are an instructor, you can have a bio listed on Kenpo Thoughts. No one has to be famous. Submitting your own bio can be written in the first person (I and me) or third person (he, she, John Doe). I usually lean towards to third person because it can easily be recycled and used in press releases and such. Some prefer first person.

How to Submit:

1. I will take emails, for those that are not comfortable with using the system. Once I post the article, I will create an account for the submitter.

2. For those that want to use the system, it has an editor and a method to upload images. User just needs to send a request to change their status from subscriber to contributor.