New monthly Martial Arts publication, looking for contributors from the Kempo/Kenpo commun


Green Belt
I know this isn't exactly the right place, but I'll beg the mods lenience on allowing me to post this here...

Hi all, my organization has just started a new Martial Arts Monthly publication, which can be found at , and we are desperately looking for contributors and sponsors. Anyone want to contribute or help out in any way? We're looking for people from all styles and organizations as we wish to have a broad spectrum of articles. I can be contacted at if you're interested, or go to the above mentioned website and use the contact us link at Also, if any of the admins here read this, we've put a link to MartialTalk on our site, and it will also be in the paper copies of the magazine, maybe we could work out a mutual exchange of links? Please help us out if you're interested in becoming a contributor, no age or rank restrictions apply and we discriminate against NO art!
Are you looking for all arts or just kenpo? I've been writing quite a bit as of late, you can see alot of those articles here in the Ezine area. Let me know if you'd like to include some of those or had something specific you'd like me to take a crack at.
Jesse, how about a contribution, maybe a recap of your trip overseas or something? We could use some more material!
I'd be happy to help long as you don't mind input from someone that isn't a black belt. ;)
I would actually encourage non-BB's to write an article, be it on your journey, a specific kata or whatever your heart desires. I'm hoping to have the first issue out at the end of January, or the beginning of February, so anyone wishing to contribute, shoot me an e-mail at and I'll send you a consent form. Write WHATEVER you think readers would like to read about and feel free to add illustrations or pics too! This is turning out better than I expected!!! I'd like to have all drafts in by Jan. 25, that will give me time to get the layout right and such. At the moment, I don't have the mens to pay anyone for contributions, but your name will be up there in ink for all to see. So, shoot me an e-mail with an idea, or an entire article, I'll send a release form via e-mail, and you can e-mail it back to me with your name typed in as your signature. Thanks for helping me realize on of my oldest dreams! And Jesse, you know I have the utmost respect for you and would LOVE to have you as a contributor, same goes for everyone else here :D
OK folks, I want to thank Mr. Hubbard and everyone else who has offered to contribute to this E-e-Zine. We have a few sponsors already, and I just want everyone to know that the deadline for articles, in order to give the editing staff time to format, is set for Friday, January 23, 2009, and from there on out, for each month, submissions must be received by the third Friday of each month as the e-e-zine comes out on the last day of each month. So far we have Mr. Hubbard, Mr. Rebelo (reviving the Kenpo Corner), Juan Mercado and a few others, who have agreed to contribute. we would still LOVE to have more. I know EVERYONE is busy between work, teaching and family, we are all strapped for time, but I'm asking for YOU to help make this publication a success! Whether it be helpful hints on opening a school, an article on child abduction prevention or ANYTHING would be most appreciated, just hit me up at and I'll be in touch within 24 hours. Thank you to all!!! And don't forget, we already have 150+ subscribers and the newsletter is FREE, so sign up using the link at the bottom of my Sig, or e-mail me if you wish to contribute! Namaste!
Hello ladies and gentleman. I know I've already spoken to most of you about Martial Arts Monthly and our Jan 24th midnight deadline so we can get the mag out for the end of Jan, beginning of February. I'll be sending out release form for the articles tomorrow, just type your name at the bottom of the word document and send it back, and then we can put your articles in with any photos you send as well. Two of you have already sent me your articles, the rest are hopefully working on them and I'll see them soon. Thanks again! We already have over 100 subscribers, and I'm hoping to not let them down.

Hi all, not sure who's heard yet, but we're starting a new monthly martial arts E-Zine. We would LOVE to have some of you as contributors, monthly, or one time, either would be great! Right now we have about 8 contributors, mostly from various Kempo/Kenpo styles, and we always welcome more. If you wish to contribute, we are tailoring the publication to fit the contributors since we're just getting started and have no real set template, eventually, farther down the road, we're hoping to go from being a non-profit publication to getting some sponsors and being able to charge an extremely minimal fee so we can both handle bandwidth fees as well as compensate our contributors for their time. My organization is called Imperial Dragon Enterprises, and MAM (Martial Arts Monthly) is an umbrella corporation of IDE. The way YOU can help is if you have photos or wish to write something for the magazine, at which point I'll send you a release form via e-mail, and all you have to do is type your name in the email as a reply and we can then add your contribution to the magazine. We have plenty of people writing about ken/mpo, but nobody working on Kung Fu, Japanese or Korean arts, or otherwise and we'd love to include an article on other styles. In addition, we could always use a monthly column from someone with some of your backgrounds, maybe one month on good ways of generating power, or the proper mechanics of a front punch, etc... If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. We're looking for 1 - 2 page writings, so, I believe, with a graphic or two, we're looking at 500 - 1000 words, but we really don't want to restrain your creativity, so however you want to do a couple of pages is fine with us! The deadline for all articles and images for this month is Jan 24th at midnight EST, and we welcome ALL article from all people and styles, as well as all ranks, since I don't put much stock in rank, and believe everyone has something to share and teach, be it from the perspective of the teacher or the student. Also, one of our features will be a "Founder/Grandmaster of the Month", our first will be Sijo Sonny Gascon, but I would love suggestions for future columns, and if you're willing to write it, all the better! We're also looking for sponsors who would contribute to our fees and in return receive advertising space within the magazine, so if you know anyone wishing to sponsors us, please have them get in contact with me, we accept donations via PayPal. We're at 130 subscribers and counting!!! Please help us grow! The publication can be found at and I can be reached at the phone number below or via e-mail at, or you can subscribe at the above site or just send an email to with "Subscribe" in the subject line. Thank you for your time!!!
We still have a few spots open if anyone wishes to contribute for this month, we'd love to have you, all we need is an article and if you wish, and picture and short bio of yourself. Thanks folks!!!

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