Kenpotalk gets "Powned"?

He claims this:
I am a 1st degree black belt in tracys kenpo karate. I am currently testing for my 2nd dan in Tracy's kenpo...with Grandmaster Al tracy.
I am a certified instructor in tracys kenpo. I got my black belt in tracys kenpo in 1999 under Ralph Chinnick who holds a 9th Degree in Tracy's Kenpo. I would like to thank Ralph Chinnick for introducing me to the greatest art on the planet. With my greatest respects Mr. Chinnick THANK YOU. I have taught 1000's of hours in Martial arts. I am currently working on a second black belt with the American Institute of Kenpo. I would like to thank Sensei Shawn Knight for his continuous support in my kenpo quest. If you love kenpo please subscribe.
About Me:

I started training in Martial Arts at the age of 9. I started in the art of Shotokan Karate. I studied that until my yellow belt. I happend to move on from this art.
I wouldn't get back to the Martial arts until the age of 18 when I started studying Tracy's kenpo Karate. I started teaching this fine art in the year 1994. I just received my orange belt. I would go on to receive my instructors certification in the year 1996. Then in just 3 more years I received my 1st Degree Black belt from Master Ralph Chinnick who now holds a 9th Degree in Tracy's Kenpo. In the year 2001 I would end up leaving the Tracy's system. I taught full time in the Tracy's school for 7 years 12 hours a day. It was a busy time having taught 1000's of hours in the Martial Arts. I am also completing my 2nd Degree Black Belt test with Grandmaster Al Tracy. If you love Kenpo please subscribe. Please leave positive feedback. Negative comments will not be tolerated. You will also be blocked on these grounds for not being a true martial artist who does not disrespect their fellow belt holders of any art.

Also, he put up another video and promises to continue.
I think he just likes the attention.

Of course. Youtube is full of them.
Does Tracy's kenpo know he is plastering Tracy's Kenpo all over the internet in this dorkish manner? I mean if I was tracy's Kenpo....

well you get the point....

I think the fun is running out though....

(is there a kid whining in the back ground?)

So he is home babysitting...tearing mom's keyboard he is in trouble...

I told you there would be another video!
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I'm too busy to film, edit and post a rebuttal.

If I did though, it wouldn't top this. This is what goes through my head reading his rants and watching his videos.

I expect he'll make at least 1 more vid. AttentionTrolls can't live without y'know?

He admits it though.

Pathetic. Just...pathetic.
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I'm too busy to film, edit and post a rebuttal.

If I did though, it wouldn't top this. This is what goes through my head reading his rants and watching his videos.

I expect he'll make at least 1 more vid. AttentionTrolls can't live without y'know?

He admits it though.

Pathetic. Just...pathetic.


I just would like to know if that boy's parents know he is using him like that....
I mean...he's gonna get the **** kicked out of him when school starts back, for being a complete nerd and tool...

Not to mention, the internet is forever....I can just see the footage appearing on his wedding day...should he ever be able to actually get close to a woman he does not call 'Mom' or 'Aunt'

(Bobby Hill would give him a wedgy!)
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He claims to be in his mid 30's.
His fathers website lists him as married, with children.
I would guess that the 'uke' is his son or brother, and the woman at the end is either his wife or mother.

Regardless, a sad demonstration all around, and one that will last for ever as even if he takes the vids down, the threads here and on KT will remain, and are ranking nicely in Google. So potential students will be able to see what he is really like for years to come.

Foot, this is a gun. Hold still now, I will be shooting you.

He claims to be in his mid 30's.
His fathers website lists him as married, with children.
I would guess that the 'uke' is his son or brother, and the woman at the end is either his wife or mother.

Regardless, a sad demonstration all around, and one that will last for ever as even if he takes the vids down, the threads here and on KT will remain, and are ranking nicely in Google. So potential students will be able to see what he is really like for years to come.

Foot, this is a gun. Hold still now, I will be shooting you.


Oh good grief...30ish?! (possibly married and allowed to procreate?!!)


yep, the internet is forever....

and the whatchacallit internet time machine is is peachy!

(I should assume Mr Shinner is reading this as we speak....I hope he taught the boy some of his mad skillz...he'll need it!)
lol, yeah, I think brain bleach skyrocketed that week.


(but the 'Beeker' reference is priceless, and SOOO on the money!!)
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Thinking ahead, if this young man decides to open a school and teach I wonder who he will say his instructor is and if he will ever get a promotion in rank

Godforbid that ever happens, the first thing he needs to do is grow the **** up!!! Not sure how old he is, but he acts like he's 2. I wonder what his inst. thinks about his online antics.
Claims to be a personal student of Al Tracy's.

Anyone know Al Tracy well enough to give him a call and ask his opinion of his representative here?
I think its very funny that he says that negative comments are not allowed. So, this tool can't take constructive advice?? Guess not. I wonder what he says to his teacher, when he doesnt do something right. Does he tell his teacher not to say anything bad, only good stuff? So if this jackasses stances suck, nobody is supposed to tell him? He'd rather just go on sucking more than he already does, instead of learning properly?

Man, the standards for giving people a BB keep getting lower and lower and lower.
I think its very funny that he says that negative comments are not allowed. So, this tool can't take constructive advice?? Guess not. I wonder what he says to his teacher, when he doesnt do something right. Does he tell his teacher not to say anything bad, only good stuff? So if this jackasses stances suck, nobody is supposed to tell him? He'd rather just go on sucking more than he already does, instead of learning properly?

Man, the standards for giving people a BB keep getting lower and lower and lower.

as I understand it DVDs do not talk back
The fellow really is something of a nitwit it seems - can we not pass his joyful offerings along to the progenitor of the course he's 'studying'? Hardly the best advert for them is he?
Funny how in 11 years, MT never got this much love. I mean, the idiots at that one site gave us that award a few years back, but other than that.
Ron the child has decided that he's not getting enough attention, so is targeting me now.

Also went through our Youtube channel and trashed all the videos.
Troll BS slobber removed and blocked the loser.

Seriously, the baby needs to grow up already.
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Ron the child has decided that he's not getting enough attention, so is targeting me now.

Also went through our Youtube channel and trashed all the videos.
Troll BS slobber removed and blocked the loser.

Seriously, the baby needs to grow up already.
So Bob... lets talk about that no turning of the foot.:)
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