Kenpotalk gets "Powned"?

Threads there have now been locked. There's a point where it just turns into crap.
KT runs on a much lighter moderation level than MT. More 'small town' cop vs 'nyc cop' if you will. Lots of leeway is given to members there to self-correct. Unfortunately, sometimes you get someone who either just doesn't 'get it' or who is being intentionally stupid. Then you need someone with a stick to step in. I expect we will see a public backlash combined with the traditional private ones. Do this long enough, and people get predictable.
KT runs on a much lighter moderation level than MT. More 'small town' cop vs 'nyc cop' if you will. Lots of leeway is given to members there to self-correct. Unfortunately, sometimes you get someone who either just doesn't 'get it' or who is being intentionally stupid. Then you need someone with a stick to step in. I expect we will see a public backlash combined with the traditional private ones. Do this long enough, and people get predictable.
Bob, you sound so jaded by it all! Say it is not true!!
I am. Been doing this 10 years now. I've had people rant, rave, scream and vent at me. I've been threatened, had my family threatened, been phone pranked at all hours of the night, been roasted on mudhole forums, and even been physically assaulted. All over dumb forum crap like this.

Now, keep in mind. 2 threads now locked. Not a single report, none.
Someone will comment "About time, what the hell took them so long."
A few will get defensive about their fun being spoiled.
Someone will make the "over moderation" comment.
The subject will either 1-go away, 2-make another video, 3-Go nuts and fling troll-poo all over the site or 4-reply to any official communications with a cyber FU. #5 "get it" and "Integrate" is also an option, but rarely happens in these cases.

Some of that will happen there, some elsewhere, most likely on Kenponet or Youtube.

I rarely find cases like this that don't follow this progression.

In 5 years I'll get an email asking that it all be buried, that it was a 'mistake of youth' and it's 'hurting my career'.
We rarely comply. One should think first before inserting foot in mouth.

It all amuses me now. :)
I do not know how you manage that kind of unpleasantness and but my hat is off to you for it! If it were me having to deal with that level of puerility and scumbaggery and hostility I would have packed it up a long time ago. I am grateful that you have not. I wonder what keeps you doing it then Bob if I am allowed to ask?
Caffeine, mead and Drambuie. :D

I burn out at least once a year. We have a high turn over in staff as well, same reasons. I've been blessed with having some great people on board helping keep things running, and covering for me when I needed to recharge, regroup or just get away for a bit. I've managed to make it 10 years because of them. I almost sold the site back in 2007, but decided it was worth more and that I couldn't be sure the new owners would keep MT, well, MT. History's proven that to be the right call. What keeps me going now is, well you. You and all the other members who have said thanks, who help keep things running, who participate and keep the site growing. MT is a lot less of a head ache now than it was in 2005. Also, you just get used to things and learn to stop taking them personally. I've learned to grow a thick skin over the years. My own videos are out there, they get critiqued too. Sometimes not quite nicely. It's life, it goes on.

My own 'faith' as it were also helps. Long discussion on that, short version is 'Don't let the bastards make you sweat, it's not worth a heart attack.' :D

Years ago, I got upset, I got annoyed, I got angry. Today, I just laugh.

MT (and KT) are a business venture for me. I run them for-profit. I've never made a secret of this fact. It doesn't make me rich, but it does usually pay better than a McJob, requires less 'heavy work' and lets me have great flex time. That's let me be there for family who needed me, or to take time to heal from my own injuries over the years.

I've also met countless great people, made friends I would never have met, learned enough to easily equal a few years in university, and seen things I would never have otherwise seen.

For as much of a headache it's been, it's also been a lot of fun, and that all is why I keep going and keep the site going. Someday I might not be able to, money gets tight, servers need replacing, software evolves, and traffic patterns shift. But I think we got a few more years at least. :)
I am. Been doing this 10 years now. I've had people rant, rave, scream and vent at me. I've been threatened, had my family threatened, been phone pranked at all hours of the night, been roasted on mudhole forums, and even been physically assaulted. All over dumb forum crap like this.

Now, keep in mind. 2 threads now locked. Not a single report, none.
Someone will comment "About time, what the hell took them so long."
A few will get defensive about their fun being spoiled.
Someone will make the "over moderation" comment.
The subject will either 1-go away, 2-make another video, 3-Go nuts and fling troll-poo all over the site or 4-reply to any official communications with a cyber FU. #5 "get it" and "Integrate" is also an option, but rarely happens in these cases.

Some of that will happen there, some elsewhere, most likely on Kenponet or Youtube.

I rarely find cases like this that don't follow this progression.

In 5 years I'll get an email asking that it all be buried, that it was a 'mistake of youth' and it's 'hurting my career'.
We rarely comply. One should think first before inserting foot in mouth.

It all amuses me now. :)
I, for one, am ticked.:uhyeah:
Caffeine, mead and Drambuie. :D

I burn out at least once a year. We have a high turn over in staff as well, same reasons. I've been blessed with having some great people on board helping keep things running, and covering for me when I needed to recharge, regroup or just get away for a bit. I've managed to make it 10 years because of them. I almost sold the site back in 2007, but decided it was worth more and that I couldn't be sure the new owners would keep MT, well, MT. History's proven that to be the right call. What keeps me going now is, well you. You and all the other members who have said thanks, who help keep things running, who participate and keep the site growing. MT is a lot less of a head ache now than it was in 2005. Also, you just get used to things and learn to stop taking them personally. I've learned to grow a thick skin over the years. My own videos are out there, they get critiqued too. Sometimes not quite nicely. It's life, it goes on.

My own 'faith' as it were also helps. Long discussion on that, short version is 'Don't let the bastards make you sweat, it's not worth a heart attack.' :D

Years ago, I got upset, I got annoyed, I got angry. Today, I just laugh.

MT (and KT) are a business venture for me. I run them for-profit. I've never made a secret of this fact. It doesn't make me rich, but it does usually pay better than a McJob, requires less 'heavy work' and lets me have great flex time. That's let me be there for family who needed me, or to take time to heal from my own injuries over the years.

I've also met countless great people, made friends I would never have met, learned enough to easily equal a few years in university, and seen things I would never have otherwise seen.

For as much of a headache it's been, it's also been a lot of fun, and that all is why I keep going and keep the site going. Someday I might not be able to, money gets tight, servers need replacing, software evolves, and traffic patterns shift. But I think we got a few more years at least. :)
I,too, stay for Jenna. I thought it was just me.:)
Caffeine, mead and Drambuie. :D

For as much of a headache it's been, it's also been a lot of fun, and that all is why I keep going and keep the site going. Someday I might not be able to, money gets tight, servers need replacing, software evolves, and traffic patterns shift. But I think we got a few more years at least. :)
You forgot screen wipes as a basic buisness expense. Coffee spary is hard to see through >insert vid quote< Ya know and what not >end vid quote< :)

Thanks for all the hard work. And endurance.
I've learned to grow a thick skin over the years. My own videos are out there, they get critiqued too. Sometimes not quite nicely. It's life, it goes on.

My own 'faith' as it were also helps. Long discussion on that, short version is 'Don't let the bastards make you sweat, it's not worth a heart attack.' :D
Well that is easy to say Bob and but not always easy to implement I think. I would hope most of the bad vibery is from blow-throughs who will come and make a big fuss of theirselves and fizzle out after their show is over.

Though I think you have nailed a philosophy with your statement that you are running a for-profit business and not all is always fair in business so they say. Like a restaurant owner maybe you try to give your best quality produce, honest food and service to every client and while most go home happy some cannot be satisfied no matter what. Maybe, they want burgers when all along you are a posh eaterie or maybe you served their potatoes on the left when they prefer them to the right ;) or whatever. All I mean is when you have a business you do what you can to keep your clients happy and but ultimately they are responsible for their own words I think. Anyway, fwiw I will always return to patronise your restaurant and give you a good review (if you give me some extra sides of those garlic mushrooms :D).
We try on both sites to be what the majority of our members want, while keeping within how I believe a community should operate. We never can please everyone, which is why there are those other sites. People who are at home here, often find the other place 'overcooks their tators' as it were, while others expect you to 'bus your own table'. Different strokes n all that.

MT & KT must be doing something right though. We have good traffic, a decent amount of paid members, and a fair level of advertising revenues which help pay for hosting, software and the occasional 12 pack of Pepsi Throwback for me. I won't object when it covers my mortgage either. :D But for it to do that, it has to be someplace lots of people want to be and support. I think we do pretty good.

Which is why I've never done a video like this mocking all our banned members, forum competition or problem children.
It's just not Proper as the Brits might say. ;)
For those curious, he chose " 4-reply to any official communications with a cyber FU. "
He followed it up with another #4, which was met with a +12 ban hammer.
I won't be participating. The trainwreck convinces me it'd be a waste of time.
Thinking ahead, if this young man decides to open a school and teach I wonder who he will say his instructor is and if he will ever get a promotion in rank

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