Kenpoists in central, north-central, & northern Ohio!!!!


MTS Alumni
For the past several weeks I've been working on a project. A project to bring the kenpo community together. A chance for us to train together. A class to where we can come to train together without issues of lineage, association, personal interpretation, or rank. The problem I'm seeing is that our kenpo community is getting smaller. Not as many people are getting on the mats. I want to this change. Our kenpo community needs to grow.

For those who don't know me I've been teaching at a gymnastics facility since Oct. '06. With the help of the facility owners we were able to put together a day & a time for our kenpo class. That day will be on the first thursday night of every month. Starting in October. Some who I know have already been contacted on this class. Now, I'm ready to introduce this to everyone else. There are already over 12 confirmed people signed up & ready to start this class. Men as well as women. Some who wanted me to have this underway already. Now, I want to tell you more about it.

This class will be from 6:30-8 on the first thursday of the month. At the beginning of class we will step through the sets then through a couple or three forms. The reason is simple. To get the body loose, joints & muscles warmed up. Continueing after that we will be starting at the bottom of the techniques working each one on a body. Everyone there will be working each & every technique on a different person. This will be a great opportunity for all of us to have a chance to get to know each other. Help one another out as well as form a unity, a friendship with one another. Each technique will be done several times with a different partner. Then we will move onto the next technique. For the cool down phase I have planned to cover the hub-bud drills along with the kenpo counter point drills. After that we go home, knowing there was a great work out, new friends, and come back the next month to pick up where we left off.

Finally, to let everyone know the owner will be moving gymnasts &/or cheerleaders to give us room to practice together. Our portion of the facility can hold about 40 people maybe more. The owners asked for a small donation to cover this class. I negotiated a ten dollar fee for this class. There is no gimmick along with this. No sign up fees. No other monthly fee, no anything else. You arrive pay your ten dollars & get to train with people you normally can't, guys who are bigger, stronger, maybe hit harder.... etc. Trust me, this small fee will pale in comparrison to the work out you will get & opportunity to have fellowship with others.

Before I make this too long for everyone.
This class is further endorsed by Mr. Steve Hatfield. Also, Mr. Joe Doyle has given endorsement for this class. I am not recruiting anyone to change associations, lineages, or anything of the sort. I want this class to gain in popularity for the sake of kenpo. Put any personal issues or differences aside, keep an open mind & have a great time.

I hope this class sounds fun to those interested and we see you on the mats.
Jason Farnsworth
(h) 419-886-4274

My blogspot to read more.
Tell you what jay, if i lived in Ohio or around that part of the cournty, i would be there with bells on(excuse the pun) this is really cool, i can't remember the last time something like this was offered. i don't know where everybody's head is about this
, but Jay i give you a lot of credit for putting something together like this, good luck and remember
when you have this thing,,,"move like lighting,hit like thunder"
Just to let everyone know,

we are about 2 weeks away from the next session. It will be held on Thursday, Nov. 6th. Class from 6:30-8 or so. If you are interested in attending please let me know for more details.

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