Kenpo with FMA


Orange Belt
I'm an Eskrima/Silat guy and wanted to ping you for some help.
I've seen many discussions on how well Kenpo and FMA blend with one another. I've also seen how many of our movements are similar though not being a Kenpoist (right term?), I may not be seing important differences.
On a recent thread, someone mentioned breaking down Kali/Silat using Kenpo concepts. Can someone explain the concepts to me or tell me where to look?
I unfortunately am not at a point where I take Kenpo along with FMA. With all due respect for your system, I'm not willing to change right now either. What I would like to do is improve my FMA, and with how well they go together, I figure educating myself on your "concepts" would be a great start.
Dude, I'm sorry i haven't been around much lately, come today at 1pm to Lozano's martial arts and I will explain about kenpo, you know kenpo has a sub system of stick fighting.
Dude, I'm sorry i haven't been around much lately, come today at 1pm to Lozano's martial arts and I will explain about kenpo, you know kenpo has a sub system of stick fighting.

it would be very good if you could share this perspective with all of us...for the record i see the links very easily.

Yes many kenpoist leave the art to find something else, kenpo does have sub-systems, those who leave too soon may never find out about them. I will not go against any Kenpo teachers wishes to not talk about these systems nor will I teach someone out side my own little circle here where I live, but many students have alittle working knowledge of them in the staff work and knife work/stick work and footwork, they are not just kenpo techniques done with them in hand, they just dont look the same as the Filipino MAs. The look is more like a Kuntao.
Recently when teaching at the Southern MartialTalk Meet and Greet Bob Rose (Kempo) and I had the chance to watch, talk and overall hang out a bit. There is alot of similarity in the footwork and using of angles. Kenpo/Kempo seems to do it well so that the transition to the body movement in FMA would be pretty easy.
I'm an Eskrima/Silat guy and wanted to ping you for some help.
I've seen many discussions on how well Kenpo and FMA blend with one another. I've also seen how many of our movements are similar though not being a Kenpoist (right term?), I may not be seing important differences.
On a recent thread, someone mentioned breaking down Kali/Silat using Kenpo concepts. Can someone explain the concepts to me or tell me where to look?

Well, American Kenpo has a very large and technical jargon associated with movement, you should be able to break down any movement with it, not just a FMA. You purchase a book called "The Encyclopedia of Kenpo" and muddle through it, but quite frankly it probably isn't worth your while until you get a kenpo instructor.

I found a lot of overlap between the Kenpo and Kali that I study, as do most of the kenpoists that I know of that have been exposed to the FMAs.

Because Kenpo and FMA are both concept and prinicple based, more than strict technique base, they do blend together well. I do btoh and can easliy see the connections. if you are really interested in exploring how they blend perhaps you could visit a kenpo school, or send out a message here that you would like to get together with someone in your area. This woudl save you money. Or if there is a seminar going on in your area you coudl attend, or at least observe. The connections should quickly become obvious.

Brian Jones
I haven't been on in awhile but wanted to send out a thanks to everyone. I'll be getting together with some people with Kenpo backgrounds.

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