Kenpo Sign

Originally posted by True2Kenpo
Mr. Seigel and Tess,

The designs look awesome!!! It is really great work.

Hope all is well!

Joshua Ryer
UPK Pittsburgh
Thanks Josh!

Did you get my last e-mail? I thought about it later and realized it may have sounded harsh, when I did not mean it to. Let me know what you thought about my idea for August.
The Studio Signage looks Fantastic.

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:
That looks really great. It reminds me of the work Stacks and Jules had done on the door of their school up here, House of Kenpo. They used kanji instead of the Universal Pattern, with a similar effect. I'm not sure whether theirs was done in paint or vinyl, maybe one of them will chime in here.

I also got a kick out of your use of the 'BlackBelt Parking' sign!


I love how you share all these great martial art joys with us
ie: what color is your dragon
and this doorway picture is a wonderful work of art :supcool:

Originally posted by tunetigress
That looks really great. It reminds me of the work Stacks and Jules had done on the door of their school up here, House of Kenpo. They used kanji instead of the Universal Pattern, with a similar effect. I'm not sure whether theirs was done in paint or vinyl, maybe one of them will chime in here.

I also got a kick out of your use of the 'BlackBelt Parking' sign!

The Black belt parking sign was a bit of juvenile behavior on my part. There is a photography studio next to us. They have a photographer parking only sign in their front window. For a while we had a really good relationship going with them, until a relatively minor argument. Then they started carping at my students about stuff if I wasn't there. Then they started kvetching about us parking in front of their business and blocking access to their customers. I tried to be nice and make sure my people didn't block their entrance, and then every day for about two weeks, their customers were blocking my entrance and taking "My" parking spot. Then the sign went up. It went ignored until I started making rather pointed comments about people being unable to read, blocking access to my business and annoying a black belt in general. Since then, we have patched up the argument. But I liked the sign, so it stayed. It also serves to remind the parents of the children who attend my school not to park in my spot while I'm off picking up a student that does not have a car.
Originally posted by tunetigress
[ maybe one of them will chime in here.

:boing2: [/B]

chime - chime
sorry it took so long. the symbols and the lettering were done in paint and they were done by our student Kelly Everill, she help design our logo and did the all the art work in the dojo.
check out her website

stacks :karate:
Ron did some really cool decals for my car. He also made some for my instructors with their school logo.