This weekends Bob White Invitational was a great success. The event went better than anybody could possibly hope for. It was truly heartwarming to see so many great martial artists come together for such a worthy cause. Mr. White said that he could not remember a time since Mr. Parkers death that so many top Kenpoists had been together.
To give you an idea of the magnitude of this, here is a partial list of who was there to support the BWI this weekend:
Ron Chapel, Dennis Conatser, Steve LaBounty, Jack Autry, Tom Bleecker, Shelene Hearring, Dan Laxson, Bob Mitchell, John Sepulveda, Willy Steele, Brian Strain, Frank Trejo, Gilbert Velez, Bob White, Paul Dye, Dave Brock, Mark Lennon, Joaquin Sahugan, Ron Sanchez, Ted Sumner, Bob Leonard, Ed Downey, Sergio Correa, Jeff Speakman, Bryan Hawkins, David Hays, Mike Roberts, Todd McElhinney, Jose Pacheco, Bob Harris, Dave Thompson, Angelo Collado, Antoine Alferos, Ed Parker Jr., Rich Hale, Mohammad Tabatabi, Ryan Huntley, Mike Pombeiro, Manny Martinez, Jamie Matthews, Jim McClure, Colin Van Duesen, Eric Lee, Bobby Lawrence, Jeff Newton, Pat Salantri, Maurice Gomez, Larry Kongaika, Dwayne McGee, Clarence McGee, Wes Idol, David Arnold, Erik Akutagawa, and many many more.
The action was fast and furious and the energy was contagious. It was a fun time for all.
That being said, we never forgot the goal of the event. We were all there to help raise funds for the Royal Family Kids Camp (
Last night Bob Whites Karate Studio, in partnership with our volunteers, competitors, donors and friends, was honored to present a check to the Royal Family Kids Camp for $75,000. (Yes, you read that right. I said $75,000!) In these difficult economic times people from around the world reached into their pockets to help the kids who cant help themselves.
Two questions are often asked on Kenpo forums. On behalf of the BWI team, here are our answers:
1. What have you done for Kenpo lately?
I was a small part of a big team that used our common passion for Kenpo to raise funds that will be bused to change the lives of hundreds of abused and abandoned children around the world.
2. What did you learn?
I learned that there is no more rewarding feeling than doing something you love, with people you respect, to help people who cant help themselves.
Thanks to all who participated in any way (I know my friend Mr. Camman has a few names he wants to point out). Together we did something very special.
See you next year!
Respectfully yours,
Vishal Shukla
A proud member of Bob Whites Karate Studio
To give you an idea of the magnitude of this, here is a partial list of who was there to support the BWI this weekend:
Ron Chapel, Dennis Conatser, Steve LaBounty, Jack Autry, Tom Bleecker, Shelene Hearring, Dan Laxson, Bob Mitchell, John Sepulveda, Willy Steele, Brian Strain, Frank Trejo, Gilbert Velez, Bob White, Paul Dye, Dave Brock, Mark Lennon, Joaquin Sahugan, Ron Sanchez, Ted Sumner, Bob Leonard, Ed Downey, Sergio Correa, Jeff Speakman, Bryan Hawkins, David Hays, Mike Roberts, Todd McElhinney, Jose Pacheco, Bob Harris, Dave Thompson, Angelo Collado, Antoine Alferos, Ed Parker Jr., Rich Hale, Mohammad Tabatabi, Ryan Huntley, Mike Pombeiro, Manny Martinez, Jamie Matthews, Jim McClure, Colin Van Duesen, Eric Lee, Bobby Lawrence, Jeff Newton, Pat Salantri, Maurice Gomez, Larry Kongaika, Dwayne McGee, Clarence McGee, Wes Idol, David Arnold, Erik Akutagawa, and many many more.
The action was fast and furious and the energy was contagious. It was a fun time for all.
That being said, we never forgot the goal of the event. We were all there to help raise funds for the Royal Family Kids Camp (
Last night Bob Whites Karate Studio, in partnership with our volunteers, competitors, donors and friends, was honored to present a check to the Royal Family Kids Camp for $75,000. (Yes, you read that right. I said $75,000!) In these difficult economic times people from around the world reached into their pockets to help the kids who cant help themselves.
Two questions are often asked on Kenpo forums. On behalf of the BWI team, here are our answers:
1. What have you done for Kenpo lately?
I was a small part of a big team that used our common passion for Kenpo to raise funds that will be bused to change the lives of hundreds of abused and abandoned children around the world.
2. What did you learn?
I learned that there is no more rewarding feeling than doing something you love, with people you respect, to help people who cant help themselves.
Thanks to all who participated in any way (I know my friend Mr. Camman has a few names he wants to point out). Together we did something very special.
See you next year!
Respectfully yours,
Vishal Shukla
A proud member of Bob Whites Karate Studio