Kenpo Man

Originally posted by Kirk
I spoke with Mr German on the phone today. He's very cool.
He claims he's put 6 year olds on the kenpoman dummy, and
they look like experienced black belt adults. He claims an adult
will move like a black belt after 20 minutes on this device. He
also told me that some black belts who've never seen it, have
gotten their clock cleaned the first time they've used it, and within
10 minutes of using it, develop remarkable results.

He's sending me a video of how to use it, and various drills to use
on it.

I'm pretty much sold, now I just need to worry about working up
the 500 + dollars to purchase one.

Hi Kirk!
I'm glad you had an opportunity to talk to Mr. German! And you're right! He is COOL! I've had the pleasure of meeting Mr. German and working with him on numerous occasions and have worked on the kenpoman. let me tell you from personal experience that is one of the greatest kenpo training dummys i 've ever had the pleasure to work on! as opposed to other dummies what are just standing in a "natural stance" this dummy is in a "forward bow" stance so that you can work to the inside or out side of a leg, front or back, you can scoop,hook,buckle,lock around the legs, there is also a 360 degree spinning arm which will spin as you block and or strike, to insure your "kenpo checks" are there, and it helps you compound your "upper case - lower case" multiple blocks [as in blocking set one]. It is funny the first time an unwitting black belt blocks the arm expecting resistance and the arms swings and hits him! I love the "shocked looks" they get!

I hope you will enjoy the kenpoman! I've turned on some east coast kenpo and kung fu people onto it and it's great!
I hope I was of some service,
:::getting off my soapbox now:::
Originally posted by GouRonin
I dunno about you but I hear daily how this or that thing will make you move like a black belt or something similar. My Grandfather used to have a saying, "Instead of learning the tricks of the trade, learn the trade."

I'd try one of these things out first before I buy it. Everyone has something they want to sell you. Especially Kenpoists.

Wassup dougie fresh!LOL!
Hi doug!
Well, I can personally vouch for Mr. German and for the kenpoman! It's been demonstrated at The Gathering of the Eagles 2 in las vegas and will be featured at several Martial Arts Trade Shows throughout the United States. [ask for a canadian appearence!!!]
And while i'm on the subject, why not ask for a demo tape from Mr. German yourself! I have a TV episode that features Mr. German doing his stuff on the kenpoman and you can see your yourself!
Hope that I was of some service,
:::getting off my soapbox now::::soapbox:
I'm with Gou and Mr. Billings on this may very well be a great training aid, and assuredly from what I've seen of Mr. German I am not gonna go poke him with a stick any time soon.

But I tell my students in English this about gimmicks and short cuts and quick fixes and tricks--a) there's no substitute for knowledge, and if you have knowledge none of the gimmicks and fixes and tricks and short cuts are needed; b) the only way to gain knowledge is through long practice. In English, you develop sitzfleisch. You sit, you read, you write and your butt grows--of course in martial arts, your butt's supposed to shrink, and nonetheless the principle's the same. Ya wanna learn? good; to quote Mr. Oshima to Tom Muzila from a "Black Belt," article, "Put on your gi. You need to train."

Or to quote Giles from, "Buffy," (episode 6: "I Robot: You Jane," I believe), "Knowledge should be smelly." I sometimes think we spend way too much time trying to make knowledge, and the getting of knowledge, squeaky clean.

Interesting discussion; thank you.
Okay, can someone show me where I was looking for a quick fix,
or anything of the like?

It looks like one heck of a training tool if you ask me, so I'm going
to get one. I'll use it in a addition to a heavy bag, and speed bag
in my garage. I'll use it in addition to being on the mat in school.
I'll use it in addition to practicing forms, and techniques.

I realize this is a training tool .... a training aid . Not
everyone is fortunate enough to have a friend that'll come over
and bang, or work on drills with you. That's where such devices
will come in handy. This tool sounds like it could teach me
some good habits in addition to giving me a workout. That's all
I'm saying. I know it's not the Ronco Instamatic Black Belt
Originally posted by Michael Billings

$500 would buy you a bunch of private lessons with yours truely, and at least that many, if not more with your teacher. In my opinion a much better investment. And I Guarantee you will not look like a Black Belt with a few easy lessons on anything ... at least not a solid Kenpo Black Belt.

Once again, it may be a useful tool - but only that ... in my opinion. There is lots of equipment I could buy, seminars I could attend, or folks I could fly in for the same money. Not saying it is bad, but hell, who can argue with marketing like:

"Incredible Kenpo Machine"

"the greatest martial arts tool of the new Millennium, THE KENPOMAN!"

"most effective training tools to build speed, sequential flow, spontaneous improvisational action, alertness and realistic reaction to action"

Great Marketing, bet you could build one if you saw one, it just would not look as pretty. Obviously I am a proponent of live opponents, which you have no lack of, and live teachers, again, you have no lack. I do not mean to disparage Mr. German's training aide, it is just that I know budgeting can be tight for everyone, and I have harped before on cost effective purchases in terms of how they actually affect your performance as a Kenpoist. Guess I am back on the soapbox.

At your level, the extra lessons, time, or practice with an opponent may get you to where you want to go faster. Then later in your training ... or when you have made that first million, buy every gadget, video, interactive DVD, (and by then maybe a neural implant that would forgo any training ... well OK, so I am talking about for me!)

See if you can get one with a 60 day "return if not satisfied" guarantee, then nab it. You will soon know whether it is worth it's salt. It well may be.


Hi Michael!
In regards to your statements regarding the kenpoman and devices in general...
Kirk already has an instructor who teaches him and simply wants a device whereby he can work on the techniques of his given system [remember: We don't always have someone to beat on!] There are also a series of techniques taught with the kenpoman program that enhance your kenpo as well! Mr. German features these techniques in a video that comes with your kenpoman purchase. also, he is always willing to give you insight into new aspects that you can work on with his device as well! Mr German has a multitude of patents on different martial arts devices for students to blast full power when you simply cannot do that on even the most willing partner!
The main cost for the kenpoman comes from the solid steel construction and re-enforced padding of the device itself. It's not flimsy in any way and even at $100 a year it will still last longer than 5 years of training! Mr. German has kenpoman prototypes that are still in working order from 1981!
The term "The incredible kenpo machine" was coined by Ed Parker, who dubbed the device when first shown it at his home in Pasadena by Mr German! It sufficently impressed him enough to praise it's design, which was an initial elaboration on an earlier invention of Mr. Parker's "The makiwara man dummy".
as far as your suggestion on building one yourself, you remind me of a story Mr. Parker once told me....
Mr. Parker had been working on the format for the creation of the internationals for several years and was presently working on one of it's incarnations when Hawaiian martial artist Mike Stone came by to visit. Mr Stone, upon seeing the layout that Mr. Parker had for the rules, then proceeded to go into how "If I were running the IKc, i'd do this that way and i'd change this and that...". after patiently listening to Mike for a few minutes, Mr. Parker looked at him, picked up a nearby piece of paper and asked Mr. Stone, "Mike, I'd like you to change this for me,please." Mike looked at the blank piece of paper and said "What do you mean? it's blank! there's nothing to change?". to which Mr. Parker replied, " Michael, it's easy for you to change what I've already taken the long time and hard work to create,devise and think about about doing. But, now, can you come up with your OWN ORIGINAL ideas?".
So, when did YOU make YOUR first million?:D
I hope that I was of some service,
:::getting off MY soapbox::::soapbox:
Originally posted by KENPOJOE
Wassup dougie fresh!LOL!
Hi doug!

Hiya Joe. Not much new here. How's the school?

Originally posted by KENPOJOE
Well, I can personally vouch for Mr. German and for the kenpoman!

I am in no way saying that David German doesn't know his stuff. He's good at what he does. No argument here.

I am also not saying that Kenpoman isn't worth while at a certain level to have. I am just advising Kirk that where he is at, from our conversations, that Kenpoman might not benefit him right now and his money could be spent better elsewhere. I am saying at least try it out before just buying.

Originally posted by KENPOJOE
It's been demonstrated at The Gathering of the Eagles 2 in las vegas and will be featured at several Martial Arts Trade Shows throughout the United States. [ask for a canadian appearence!!!]

Kenpoists as a rule don't come to Canada. Heh...

Originally posted by KENPOJOE
And while i'm on the subject, why not ask for a demo tape from Mr. German yourself! I have a TV episode that features Mr. German doing his stuff on the kenpoman and you can see for yourself

I might be interested. Who knows? I have a butt load of gear in the Dog Pound as it is.

As it stands, I think that these ads that state, "You'll move like a black belt in minutes after using this machine," are misleading and that people tend to need a base of material to work from while using specialized dummies like this.
Originally posted by Kirk
Okay, can someone show me where I was looking for a quick fix, or anything of the like?

Only the undercurrent of 2200+ posts.

You're pretty transparent.
Originally posted by rmcrobertson
"Knowledge should be smelly." I sometimes think we spend way too much time trying to make knowledge, and the getting of knowledge, squeaky clean."

I have to agree with stinky on this one.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be at your best as soon as you can. The only thing is that it takes time to get there. Having the desire though is very important. We all want to get as good as we can as fast as we can at some point. Heck, most of us still feel that way. It's ok. I'm ok. You're ok. We're all ok. Ok?

Buy it or not, I'm sure we'll all still be your friend. Of course if you never use it and it sits in your garage collecting dust we get to laugh at you for making stupid mistakes. That's what friends are for.
Originally posted by GouRonin
Hiya Joe. Not much new here. How's the school?

I am in no way saying that David German doesn't know his stuff. He's good at what he does. No argument here.

I am also not saying that Kenpoman isn't worth while at a certain level to have. I am just advising Kirk that where he is at, from our conversations, that Kenpoman might not benefit him right now and his money could be spent better elsewhere. I am saying at least try it out before just buying.

Kenpoists as a rule don't come to Canada. Heh...

Hi I might be interested. Who knows? I have a butt load of gear in the Dog Pound as it is.

As it stands, I think that these ads that state, "You'll move like a black belt in minutes after using this machine," are misleading and that people tend to need a base of material to work from while using specialized dummies like this.

Hi Doug!
I'm not saying you DID say anything derogatory about Mr. German, as a matter of fact, I think you two guys would get along great!! As far as whether the kenpoman will help his training, literally, every person i've seen work on the kenpoman,from numerous kenpo practitioners at the GOTE2, to my own ex girlfriend, have all gotten remarkable knowledge,insight and a great workout out of the kenpoman! I don't go around promoting different devices, but this thing is great! I've had the pleasure to work on the kenpoman myself and it really opened my eyes to three dimensional techniques. I haven't seen a lot of people move to the side or around other "dummy" devices. With the kenpo man you can attack the front,side or rear of the dummy and move around from one technique to the other in a continuous circle, as well as have a number of people on the same dummy doijng different techniques at the same time!!
Simply stated, this is one kiss butt machine! I could easily see why Mr Parker like this device!

Now, in regards to kenpoists not visiting canada....
Tell you what i'm gonna do!
If you can get me a cheap enough airfare [you gotta cover that part], I will personally teach a seminar/s for you and or your instructor on a kenpo topic of your choice, and as long as i 've got a place to sleep[on a couch, not the afore mentioned "dog pound"] and some food in my stomach [not "kibble n bits"] {BTW, i'm on a diet} Invite Dot, and Rob and Jason and Paul &....
I will teach for FREE!!!!!!
yes you read that right!
for nada,nil, ziltch,goose egg!':eek:'
and you can take the funds you make from the seminar!
I would ask one favor though...
IF, you could please make a donation to my girlfriend for her upcoming surgery after said seminar I would greatly appreciate it!

OK, doug! There you go! a free seminar in canada [and private lesson afterwards and pick my brain for info too!]
You can't beat that with a stick [and I don't beat dogs with sticks anyway...]

Originally posted by GouRonin
There is nothing wrong with wanting to be at your best as soon as you can. The only thing is that it takes time to get there. Having the desire though is very important. We all want to get as good as we can as fast as we can at some point. Heck, most of us still feel that way. It's ok. I'm ok. You're ok. We're all ok. Ok?

Buy it or not, I'm sure we'll all still be your friend. Of course if you never use it and it sits in your garage collecting dust we get to laugh at you for making stupid mistakes. That's what friends are for.

I see you're still up to being your old supportive self Douggie!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Originally posted by KENPOJOE
Hi Doug!
I'm not saying you DID say anything derogatory about Mr. German, as a matter of fact, I think you two guys would get along great!! As far as whether the kenpoman will help his training, literally, every person i've seen work on the kenpoman,from numerous kenpo practitioners at the GOTE2, to my own ex girlfriend, have all gotten remarkable knowledge,insight and a great workout out of the kenpoman! I don't go around promoting different devices, but this thing is great! I've had the pleasure to work on the kenpoman myself and it really opened my eyes to three dimensional techniques. I haven't seen a lot of people move to the side or around other "dummy" devices. With the kenpo man you can attack the front,side or rear of the dummy and move around from one technique to the other in a continuous circle, as well as have a number of people on the same dummy doijng different techniques at the same time!!
Simply stated, this is one kiss butt machine! I could easily see why Mr Parker like this device!

Now, in regards to kenpoists not visiting canada....
Tell you what i'm gonna do!
If you can get me a cheap enough airfare [you gotta cover that part], I will personally teach a seminar/s for you and or your instructor on a kenpo topic of your choice, and as long as i 've got a place to sleep[on a couch, not the afore mentioned "dog pound"] and some food in my stomach [not "kibble n bits"] {BTW, i'm on a diet} Invite Dot, and Rob and Jason and Paul &....
I will teach for FREE!!!!!!
yes you read that right!
for nada,nil, ziltch,goose egg!':eek:'
and you can take the funds you make from the seminar!
I would ask one favor though...
IF, you could please make a donation to my girlfriend for her upcoming surgery after said seminar I would greatly appreciate it!

OK, doug! There you go! a free seminar in canada [and private lesson afterwards and pick my brain for info too!]
You can't beat that with a stick [and I don't beat dogs with sticks anyway...]


Ho' boy, you just opened yourself up for a whole world of insult
from the "Gou"
Originally posted by Kirk
Ho' boy, you just opened yourself up for a whole world of insult
from the "Gou"

I've met doug at both Jeff Blay's and Mike Cappi's events in 2000. He was a great guy and a cool dude! Hence, my offer!

to paraphrase the bard "gou is gou! Woof!"
Mr. Rebelo

This is getting into a heated debate.

First, I did not in any way imply I could come up with the original idea for a Kenpoman product - my point was, money may be better spent. I know Kirk, his school, his instructor, etc., so was not trying to be an internet armchair coach. I was serious about trying it out before purchasing, but without that, I would be reluctant to spend or invest that much money.

Second, I like your offer for the free seminar. Although I do not know you, I do know your reputation and respect it. If I was Gou, I would grab it.

Thirdly, Joe, I do take exception to your statement "So, when did YOU make YOUR first million?
I hope that I was of some service,

That seems overly sarcastic given my intent was not to run you or Mr. German down, but rather to express some concern about an expense a friend may incurr, that may be deferred a while, in leiu of some In-Person privates with one of his instructors in San Antonio, or myself. My finances are not something I chose to disclose, so I won't reply to if or when I made my first million. But that remark could have made someone feel pretty bad and effectively shut them up.

Kirk, what makes you think that I would think you are looking for a "quick fix"? I know you better than that. You work hard and have a good attitude about your training. But I also know you are just beginning to appreciate what it is like to be in a large school with lots of instructors and training partners. Especially as compared with the hundreds of guys learning in garages or gyms. You have lots of opportunaties that others do not have. You are a big boy and can make your own decision about whether you wants to buy this training aid or not. I just said I had other priorities if I had the spare cash, ie camps, or bringing other instructors in to Austin for my students and myself. To each his own.

Either of you feel free to email or call directly. Once again the "tone" on the internet is distorting the intent of the messages ... at least it is to me. You can reach me at the phone number on my webpage (512) 585-3478, if there is anything needing resolving. But I think offense may have been taken when none was intended ... and I hope that is also the case with Mr. Rebelo's post to me.

Originally posted by KENPOJOE
I've met doug at both Jeff Blay's and Mike Cappi's events in 2000. He was a great guy and a cool dude! Hence, my offer!
to paraphrase the bard "gou is gou! Woof!"

Damn it Joe, you're ruining my rep.

Thanx for the offer but really, I could care less as to what goes on in this town as far as Kenpo goes. You might want to speak with Dot's teacher Bryson or Paul Dawdy as they both have schools, and tend to bring in instructors outside their own organization. I myself, as always am doing my own thing, and don't give a flying cr@p what others are doing anymore.

Kenpoists on the whole don't visit Canada for several reasons.

1)People in town have behaved badly, such as ripping the seminar instructors off or doing things like diddling little kids. (Associations don't look kindly on that) On the flip side some of the visiting instructors have behaved badly too or just plain ripped people off. Money has a way of making people do strange things. So does chasing rank.

2)The exchange rate makes it difficult to bring people in.

I am happy doing what I am doing and I have made my bed and will lie in it. I still attend certain EPAK seminars but I do that for my own benefit. I want nothing to do with the Kenpo scene in this city lest people think I am a retarded chimpanzee who found and drank a case of beer.
Originally posted by Michael Billings
Kirk, what makes you think that I would think you are looking for a "quick fix"? I know you better than that. You work hard and have a good attitude about your training. But I also know you are just beginning to appreciate what it is like to be in a large school with lots of instructors and training partners. Especially as compared with the hundreds of guys learning in garages or gyms. You have lots of opportunaties that others do not have. You are a big boy and can make your own decision about whether you wants to buy this training aid or not. I just said I had other priorities if I had the spare cash, ie camps, or bringing other instructors in to Austin for my students and myself. To each his own.

It wasn't directed at you, sir. You gave your opinion, which I was
looking for, and you didn't imply that I was saying anything, other
than that I want to buy one. I post on here to get opinions, but
I don't post on here for people to tell me what they THINK I'm
saying, like I'd just quit going to school if I got a kenpoman or

I presented what was presented to me, that's all. NOWHERE
did I imply that I wanted knowledge without putting in the time
to study it. NOWHERE did I imply that thought it was the end all
be all of training. And NOWHERE did I imply that this device
would take away necessary mat time to become a good kenpoist.
Hey, here's a simple test. If anybody thinking about buying "Kenpoman," already has a piece of sports equipment with dust on it, they probably shouldn't buy it. If they have two pieces with dust, they definitely shouldn't.