Kenpo Man

If I had someone to be working with I wouldn't need B.O.B.

I've tried to duct tape sticks for arms but it's not the same.

As for B.O.B. believe it or not you can get tonnes of things cheap from schools going out of business, heh heh heh.
Unfortunately, the martial arts schools in my area that have closed haven't advertised any of their equipment for sale. Soon, I intend to check out our local Play it Again Sports to see what kind of equipment they have available.

Still no response from them regarding Kenpoman.

Anyone know of any good sites that have plans to show you how to build your own half decent dummy?

Pan just reminds us that we are alive.

As for the kenpo dummy... I have met enough of them. A Black Belt Magazine issue a couple months ago told people how to make a dummy. I would rather make one than shell out $400.00 plus shipping and handling. For me with the exchange that is a lot of money.

New to the site, and I know it's been a while since anyone replyed to this thread. Check out the dummy building plans at the Karate Connection, . They have plans for both the PVC and steel tubing dummies. With the cost of materials, though, it's probably cheaper just to get the Kenpo Ultraman from them, built by professionals.

Bill Parsons
I was actually playing with a Kenpoman dummy from the IKCA last weekend. They are nice for the groin strikes and leg kicks but really aside from that, other dummys are just as good. I did not like the shaking that ultraman tends to display after repeated use but I am sure that with some modification that can be rectified.

I believe that Ultraman is actually manufactured by the folks at Ringside ( who make excellent products.
At least the puppy is house broken, so far!!!

From what I've read so far, that's better than Gou :rofl: :rofl:

Originally posted by Klondike93
At least the puppy is house broken, so far!!!
From what I've read so far, that's better than Gou

I heard that ya know!
Originally posted by Cthulhu

You may be particularly interested in this, Gou...

In the latest issue of Black Belt magazine (November 2001...Dan Inosanto on the cover), on page 103, there is an advertisement for a training device called 'kenpo man'.

I have no idea of it's height, as there is nothing pictured next to it for size comparison, so I can only give a brief description.

Nearly all of this device is padded, with an internal metal tube skeleton. It has a central vertical post with a single 'arm' sticking out at a right angle about 1/3 of the length down from the top. At the bottom of the vertical post is a short perpendicular horizontal bar acting as hips, from which two 'legs' jut out to the ground from either end of the bar at 45-degree angles.

According to the ad, different sizes are available and the 'arm' swivels. It costs $438USD.

Their is a link to the creator's site at:

TAI Ken Po [sic]

It is a David German, a supposed 10th Dan in TAI ken po [sic]. Though this is the URL given in the Black Belt magazine ad, there is NO info on this training device anywhere on his site.


I got the opportunity to work with the Kenpo Man about 2 years ago at Mr. German's school. I liked it a lot! I watched him beat on the device for a few minutes with INCREDIBLE speed, power and precision and was amazed. Then he taught me 1 of several drills that he has for the Kenpo Man. I usually have a somewhat difficult time picking up things unless they are taught very slowly, I learned a 7 hits drill in about 2 minutes, at the time that was twice as many moves as I was used to in my Kenpo techniques. I immediately wanted a Kenpo Man to take home with me. It's really is a great training tool. Not only builds a students speed, but coordination and confidence.

As for the height of the Kenpo Man I would guess it is just under 6 feet tall. I'm 5-5 and didn't have any trouble hitting it though.

By the way, I'm the webmaster for Hopefully, Mr. German and I will iron out the details to the future updates to the TAI site soon. In those updates you will see an entire section just for the Kenpo Man. I know you can reach him on AOL under the screen name DGermanTAI and email him at I know he just moved recently so I'm not sure if this phone number still works but you can try reaching him at his school at 626-915-0355

Hope I was able to help you out with some of your questions.

Kristi Gualco
Hey Kristi. KenpoJoe told me to get in touch with you (months ago, sorry) since you are in my neck of the woods. Email me at when you have some time.

Gou, I agree with some of what you said about the ultraman.They do tend to wiggle, but that is something I actually like (similar to the arms of a mook). I've also used some that don't budge an inch. Depends on how it's mounted. I think in a prefect world, we'd get a dummy that had the look and feel of a BOB and also actually had legs and a groin to kick. And while we're at it, let's get some legs that can be buckled and collapsed. hmmmm!

On David German's dummy, I viewed a tape from KenpoJoe where he interviewed Mr. German and also had footage. The kenpoman looked great, The one thing nobody here has mentioned is that the arm that sticks out actually rotates 360 degrees, making it a useful tool to help develop timing and checking/bobbing, etc. Mr. German invited me to a free demo of the ultraman, no strings attached. I'll be sure to pass on my opinion if I ever get freed up long enough to take advantage of it.
Originally posted by kenpo3631

Whas' a matta, you don't like New Befed....LOL

Oh, I wouldn't go that fa! I love New Befed! Can't wait to get back tha. I miss it a lot...specially the funny way y'all talk! :D
I spoke with Mr German on the phone today. He's very cool.
He claims he's put 6 year olds on the kenpoman dummy, and
they look like experienced black belt adults. He claims an adult
will move like a black belt after 20 minutes on this device. He
also told me that some black belts who've never seen it, have
gotten their clock cleaned the first time they've used it, and within
10 minutes of using it, develop remarkable results.

He's sending me a video of how to use it, and various drills to use
on it.

I'm pretty much sold, now I just need to worry about working up
the 500 + dollars to purchase one.
I dunno about you but I hear daily how this or that thing will make you move like a black belt or something similar. My Grandfather used to have a saying, "Instead of learning the tricks of the trade, learn the trade."

I'd try one of these things out first before I buy it. Everyone has something they want to sell you. Especially Kenpoists.

$500 would buy you a bunch of private lessons with yours truely, and at least that many, if not more with your teacher. In my opinion a much better investment. And I Guarantee you will not look like a Black Belt with a few easy lessons on anything ... at least not a solid Kenpo Black Belt.

Once again, it may be a useful tool - but only that ... in my opinion. There is lots of equipment I could buy, seminars I could attend, or folks I could fly in for the same money. Not saying it is bad, but hell, who can argue with marketing like:

"Incredible Kenpo Machine"

"the greatest martial arts tool of the new Millennium, THE KENPOMAN!"

"most effective training tools to build speed, sequential flow, spontaneous improvisational action, alertness and realistic reaction to action"

Great Marketing, bet you could build one if you saw one, it just would not look as pretty. Obviously I am a proponent of live opponents, which you have no lack of, and live teachers, again, you have no lack. I do not mean to disparage Mr. German's training aide, it is just that I know budgeting can be tight for everyone, and I have harped before on cost effective purchases in terms of how they actually affect your performance as a Kenpoist. Guess I am back on the soapbox.

At your level, the extra lessons, time, or practice with an opponent may get you to where you want to go faster. Then later in your training ... or when you have made that first million, buy every gadget, video, interactive DVD, (and by then maybe a neural implant that would forgo any training ... well OK, so I am talking about for me!)

See if you can get one with a 60 day "return if not satisfied" guarantee, then nab it. You will soon know whether it is worth it's salt. It well may be.
