Black Belt
My brother in law is an avid runner who developed bad back problems that required fusing a few of his bones together. After the surgery heÂ’s relatively pain free, but really canÂ’t run any longer as the repetitive jarring eventually causes pain and swelling, and heÂ’s looking to martial arts as something he could do to remain active and mobile without the repetitive jarring.
Obviously, arts like Taekwondo, with its jumping and spinning kicks will cause him trouble, but I am curious about Kenpo. Based on your own experience, could Kenpo work here as well? He’s not motion restricted – he can bend, twist, push and pull – it’s just the repetitive jarring that eventually causes him pain/stiffness.
I realize this is a totally subjective question but being predominantly a self-defense based art, based on principals of motion and ergonomics, I would think Kenpo could be a good fit and am just looking for opinions. I stress “could” be since he’ll definitely need to disclose his injury and work with any instructor to work around it, but isn’t that what Kenpo is about – adapting the techniques to one’s own body? Would that also include an injury like a surgically repaired back? Could the techniques be “adapted” to work around his particular situation?
Personally, I think his best bet may be Tai Chi and heÂ’s actively researching a local Tai Chi school that I think would work great fit for him, but again, am curious regarding Kenpo.
Thanks for your help in helping me understand.
Obviously, arts like Taekwondo, with its jumping and spinning kicks will cause him trouble, but I am curious about Kenpo. Based on your own experience, could Kenpo work here as well? He’s not motion restricted – he can bend, twist, push and pull – it’s just the repetitive jarring that eventually causes him pain/stiffness.
I realize this is a totally subjective question but being predominantly a self-defense based art, based on principals of motion and ergonomics, I would think Kenpo could be a good fit and am just looking for opinions. I stress “could” be since he’ll definitely need to disclose his injury and work with any instructor to work around it, but isn’t that what Kenpo is about – adapting the techniques to one’s own body? Would that also include an injury like a surgically repaired back? Could the techniques be “adapted” to work around his particular situation?
Personally, I think his best bet may be Tai Chi and heÂ’s actively researching a local Tai Chi school that I think would work great fit for him, but again, am curious regarding Kenpo.
Thanks for your help in helping me understand.